Gay cake appeal postponed

Written by David Fletcher 05 Feb 2016
Gay cake appeal postponed

There is a potential conflict between Northern Ireland and European law on discrimination as the attorney general has halted a gay cake appeal hearing. The appeal was made by Ashers Baking Company, a Christian-run bakery who refused to bake a cake embellished with a pro-gay marriage slogan. But it was adjourned on Wednesday, following an intervention by Northern Ireland’s attorney general, John Larkin QC, raising legal issues regarding discrimination and equality legislation. He made a last-minute request to make representations in the case about any potential conflict between Northern Ireland’s strict equality legislation and European human rights laws. The case has been rescheduled for 9 May and will involve arguments about whether or not the local attorney general can become involved in the case, and also about the compatibility of the regulations with European human rights law.

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