Displaying items by tag: Afghanistan

Friday, 26 May 2017 11:29

Afghanistan: warlord joins the government

A missionary writes, ‘Thank you for praying for our recent International Board meeting (see ). Board members and country directors are freshly united in our vision to see unreached people groups reached with the Good News. We ask for further prayers for an increasingly dangerous situation. The Taliban now control 50% of Afghanistan, and the former Hisbi-i-Islami leader Gulbadin Hekmatyar is ‘working with’ the Afghan government. He is nicknamed the Butcher of Kabul, for killing thousands of Afghans. At a rally in Kabul he asked his Taliban ‘brothers’ to join the peace process while outside the stadium Afghans demonstrated against him. This sad decision by parts of the government has caused further division in the government and the people.’ The inclusion of Hekmatyar in the volatile political powderkeg of Afghan politics is a gamble. He has never been a team player, and has never worked for anyone else. The influence of the Taliban, their allies and IS needs to be completely broken.

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On Friday the 21th of April  a group of Taliban attacked a large Afghan Army base close to the Northern Afghan city of Mazar-e-Sharif. The Taliban were dressed as soldiers and then killed more than 140 Afghan soldiers and wounded many others. Today is a national day of mourning in the country.

Just on 8th of March Islamic State gunmen dressed as medics attacked a Kabul military hospital in one of the safest areas of the city. About 50 people are said to have died as militants armed with guns, grenades and knives targeted patients and staff at the 400 bed hospital. It looks like the Taliban and IS terrorists can hit any place they chose. This attacks have shown how bad the security is in Afghanistan and the increasing strength of the Taliban and IS.

Please continue to pray that these terror organisations would be stopped and finally defeated. These are huge blows against the Afghan Army that has suffered already heavy causalities in the last year.  Pray for wisdom and courage for the Afghan government and Army. God has to step in and rescue this country from its cruel enemies!
Pray for the Christian humanitarian organizations serving the Afghan people at this great time of need. Pray for their protection and favor in the eyes of the government. Pray that they make bear effective witness and that many will be drawn to Christ through their loving efforts.

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Friday, 17 March 2017 09:26

Afghanistan: a spiritually barren land

The Afghan government does not recognise any of its citizens as Christians, nor is anyone permitted to convert to Christianity. However, there are no laws forbidding proselytism, although the practice is contrary to Muslim beliefs. There is only one legally recognised church - the Catholic chapel at the Italian Embassy - but it is not open to local nationals. There are also Christian religious facilities at foreign military bases, such as an Eastern Orthodox church at the Romanian base in Kandahar. Items and articles belonging to religions other than Islam, such as Bibles, are prohibited. Muslims who change their faith to Christianity are subject to societal and official pressure, which may lead to death. However, many sources claim there is a secret underground church of Afghans. The US state department estimates that the size of this group is between 500 and 8,000 individuals. The complete Bible is available online in Dari, and the New Testament is available in Pashto.

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Friday, 10 February 2017 10:31

Afghanistan: six workers 'killed by IS’

Officials say that six Afghan Red Cross workers have been killed by suspected IS group gunmen in the province of Jowzjan. Two others are unaccounted for, feared abducted by the gunmen. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) confirmed the deaths, but said it did not know who was to blame. The ICRC said it is putting its work in Afghanistan on temporary hold. ‘We need to understand more clearly what happened; this is one of the most critical humanitarian contexts, and we will definitely do everything to continue our operations there,’ said ICRC director of operations Dominik Stillhart. IS has been operating in Afghanistan since 2015, claiming responsibility for attacks in Kabul and the east. But there has been no immediate claim for the attack in Jowzjan.

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Friday, 13 January 2017 07:09

Afghanistan: many victims of bombings

Up to thirty people were killed and 80 wounded in twin bombings near the parliament in the capital, Kabul. Blasts at the governor's guesthouse in Kandahar killed at least 11 and injured 14, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE) ambassador. Earlier, in Helmand province a Taliban suicide bomber targeted a guesthouse used by an intelligence official, killing at least seven people. Reports speak of a suicide bomber striking first outside the entrance to parliament, followed by a car bomb. President Ashraf Ghani vowed that all those behind the ‘criminal attacks’ would be caught. ‘The Taliban shamelessly claim credit for the attack on civilians and they're proud of it’, he said in a statement. Afghan sources said a district head of the National Directorate of Security - Afghanistan's main intelligence agency - was among the dead. The UAE foreign ministry called it a ‘heinous terrorist attack’.

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