Displaying items by tag: Canada

Thursday, 25 October 2018 23:51

Canada: ‘bring youth to Christ, not church’

Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Dowd of Montreal is the sixth-youngest episcopal leader taking part in this month’s synod of bishops on young people. He insisted that observers will get the synod wrong if they conceive of its aim as bringing more young people into the Church. ‘Something we emphasised in my small group is that it’s about bringing young people to Christ. The new evangelisation is not the new ecclesialisation. If we can bring people in contact with the living Christ, and if we believe that he’s actually alive and still speaking to us through the Spirit, that’s what we want.’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 05 October 2018 02:05

Building Canada's prayer ministries

With the second largest land mass in the world and a sparse population, it is easy for a Canadian prayer ministry, house of prayer or city-wide worship ministry to feel isolated. Ears to Hear responded to this need with a prayer network connecting and uniting senior leaders of Christian ministries for mutual encouragement, support, growth, and much more. They have been active and growing for ten years.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 24 August 2018 10:37

Canada: Ears to Hear

All across the vast land, intercessors unite under the umbrella of ‘Ears to Hear’ as they pray for Canada via conference calls, skype and emails. We can join them as they intercede for the summer to bring an unprecedented spiritual harvest. Pray that the nation will grow deeply hungry for God, and that the Church will use every opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus boldly. Keep lifting up all the summer camps and outreaches. The Lord has been speaking to Canada’s Prophetic Council through a vision of a church bell being rung in these days. The vision represents what He desires to do with the prophetic. May the gift of prophecy ring out in new and freshly restored ways. Pray that it is clear, pure and centred on Jesus. Across Canada, the Lord has been strongly emphasising that it’s time for reconciliation. Pray that even long-estranged relationships will be restored. Pray for grace, humility and forgiveness to grow in the Body of Christ. Believe for miraculous reconciliations.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 04 May 2018 10:53

Canada: First Nation racism

In Ontario Paul is in the civic centre and his wife is on a dialysis machine in a small motel room. They have been separated from their First Nations community since sewers froze two months ago. He said, ‘We’re forgotten people.’ Anti-indigenous racism is still widespread in Canada. Last month Ontario’s chief human rights commissioner said racism against indigenous people in Timmins is pervasive and normalised. People are scrutinised in stores, hassled when using status cards, called ‘dirty Indians’ and yelled at by motorists to go back to their reserves. If their name sounds First Nations or they look like one, it impacts their ability to get housing. In British Columbia First Nations officials have spoken out for years against a trans-mountain pipeline that will cross their territory without their even being consulted. On 16 April President Trudeau said work will go ahead, regardless of their objections. See:

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 April 2018 20:51

Canada: ‘we’re not making fun of Jesus’

Christian satire website Babylon Bee was called ‘fake news’ by Facebook, but their comical take on Christian culture has a deeper purpose. They aim to make Bible believers think. ‘We want to make clear we’re not making fun of Christianity, per se, and we’re not making fun of Jesus or the Bible or the gospel,’ head writer Kyle Mann said on a podcast. ‘What we’re making fun of is a Christian culture that builds around those things and the biblical message.’ He and other members of the Bee team are looking to make a deeper point with their satire. ‘Good satire should really make you laugh,’ he said. ‘And then it should make you think.’ The goal is to help Christians think through whether they have created idols or erred in their handling of issues. They want Christians to recognise in their spirit that some Christian culture is unnecessary, but Jesus and the Bible are eternal foundations to build faith upon.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 16 February 2018 09:24

Canada: returning Islamists

Prime minister Justin Trudeau believes the IS combatants returning to Canada will be ‘a powerful voice for deradicalisation’. Many Canadians believe his desire to reintegrate IS fighters is unreasonable. Canada’s ‘Centre for Community Participation and De-radicalisation’ has no director or centre for de-radicalisation. It is not clear if Canadian law can force returning fighters to submit to such a programme. A similar programme in France failed. Trudeau said, ‘We know that someone who has turned away from that hateful ideology can be an extraordinarily powerful voice for preventing radicalisation in future generations.’ However observers do not think that Canadian mosques and Islamic schools will open their doors to anyone who previously engaged in terrorism. Trudeau’s assumptions seem to omit the prospect of justice for the victims of IS genocide and war crimes. See

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 08 December 2017 12:02

Canada: religious freedom denied

Canadian father Steve Tourloukis - who featured in television commercials for the Coalition for Marriage - has been fighting a legal battle since 2012 to protect his parental rights and religious freedom. The legal battle has just come to an end, but not in the favour of Mr Tourloukis - or Canadian religious freedom. He initially sent a letter to the school board asking that his children be opted out of the sexual education programme, since many of the messages in the class directly conflicted with his religious beliefs. He specifically mentioned that he was concerned about the ‘discussions or portrayals of homosexual/bisexual conduct and relationships and/or transgenderism as natural, healthy or acceptable’. When they refused his request, he took them to court, but Ontario’s appeal court has ruled against him, and against the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 18 August 2017 15:40

Networking Canada's prayer ministries

With the second largest landmass in the world and a very sparse population, it's easy for a Canadian prayer ministry, house of prayer or city-wide worship ministry to feel isolated. ‘Ears to Hear’ responded to this need with a network which for ten years has connected and united the senior leaders of these ministries for mutual encouragement and support. As a result, they have been able to move together when a national or regional need arises, help one another grow, and endeavour to support the emerging expressions of prayer in the nation. Their website says, ‘We’re in this for the Kingdom and for the prayer of Jesus - that they might be one - to be fulfilled in Canada.’ The network meets regularly in video conference calls, praying, discerning and learning from each other.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 28 July 2017 09:10

Canada: a call to prayer

Pray for Canadian young people to experience a true move of God, calling them to faith. Cry out for the new edition of Youth Alpha which will be launching this autumn; may the Lord use this tool and many like it to encounter a generation. Intercede also for businesses which are dedicated to kingdom purposes to have favour, breakthrough and supernatural activity. May they have divine strategies for wisdom and timing. It is vital that the Church becomes more Christ-centred. Pray for this summer to be a season of restoration, health, relationships, unity and faith. May whatever has been worn down over the past season receive supernatural restoration. It is time to see signs and wonders following and confirming gospel preaching. Cry out for these powerful, supernatural confirmations to be released from heaven. May healings be as common in the Canadian Church as they were in Jesus' day and the Book of Acts.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 21 July 2017 09:06

North America: thousands flee wildfires

Wildfires barrelled across the baking landscape of the western US and Canada, destroying homes, forcing thousands to flee and demolishing forests and farms. A combination of high temperatures and parched land has added to the difficulties of firefighters in California. On 19 July, in California, just one of the many fires that are currently forcing thousands to flee their homes doubled in size (48,000 acres, compared to 23,000 the day before). Over 2,000 firefighters have contained only 7% of the ‘Detwiler Fire’ which is approaching the town of Mariposa and communities in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains. These blazes are part of 37 active large fires spread across 12 western states, according to the National Interagency Fire Centre. Meanwhile in Canada firefighters are contending with over 200 fires burning in British Columbia. See also and item 1 in Europe section.

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