Displaying items by tag: Education

Friday, 19 July 2019 11:03

We cry over what children say

Over the past three years there has been a 50% increase of pupils aged 11 and under with mental health issues being referred to child health services. Some stay on waiting lists for years before being offered help. Three head teachers told the BBC of the lack of support for disturbed children in their schools where 4 and 5 year-olds self-harm (head-butt, punch walls, pull out chunks of their hair). Nationally, primary school head teachers are reporting a year on year increase of more and more seven and eight-year-old children with a variety of problems and they are finding it harder to manage the acute crisis. Four pupils have attempted to kill themselves on primary school grounds. Please pray for the teachers who are trained to teach, not engage in welfare work or embark on mental health counselling. Pray for the NHS to hear this cry from Educators and act now before the current support system breaks down. See also article in World section – Global Mental Health of the young and BBC report .

Published in British Isles

A Southend library is teaching primary pupils about modern views on gender identity in story-telling sessions. The free sessions are hosted by flamboyant drag king Joey Bambino who is ‘gender fluid’ and drag queen Saffron Slayter. They aim to show children as young as five that it's OK to be different. One of the LGBT stories is called When Kyla Was Kyle. The children also dressed up and played games at the ‘family’ council-backed Drag Story Time session. Opinions are split about the sessions. Some compared it to Shakespeare plays where men dress up as women, others said primary school children were ‘way too young for this sort of thing’ and it was ‘sad that so much is being pushed on to our young children these days’. A Southend Pride representative, said, ‘We’re delighted to be able to bring Joey and Saffron to the forum to host this fun-filled event for all the family.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 07 June 2019 05:47

Religious education given Ofsted boost

Campaigners for better RE say the new school inspection framework will put more pressure on schools to prioritise the subject. It is understood that two-day-long inspections will now put greater emphasis on the broad curriculum while a small number of subjects will also be chosen as a focus for examination. These subjects could include religious education. Ben Wood from the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education said, ‘Ofsted are really pushing the sense that they want a curriculum to be broad. And that means that while English, Maths and Science are important so is RE, history, geography, art, music, and PE. They are all important, they all have a role to play. It is very heartening to hear Ofsted saying that within the curriculum, RE has a crucial role to play.’ Schools must now ensure pupils can reflect their own religious beliefs as well as having knowledge and respect for others.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 02 May 2019 21:35

Bishop wants protection for rural schools

Following a summit held at Lambeth Palace with representatives from Ofsted, the National Farmers Union, the Prince’s Countryside Fund, and council and education leaders from across England, the CofE’s lead bishop for education, Stephen Conway, said that there needs to be a cross-governmental rural strategy. The delegates at the summit looked at ways to safeguard schools in the countryside. Bishop Stephen said, ‘We have been reassured that the Government has a presumption against the closure of rural schools, which is a positive foundation for the future.’ Last month, the Department of Education report on running rural primary schools efficiently suggested that primary schools should share headteachers. But this is difficult when some headteachers in small schools also do a lot of the teaching. Rural schools also have challenges with funding, and getting discounts on equipment.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 25 April 2019 23:13

Church support for new relationship education

This week, a new framework for the teaching of relationships and sex education (RSE) replaced a twenty-year-old version written before smartphones or social media. Despite steps in regulating the internet, primary school-aged children live in a world of rapid online interactions. This new legislation was formed over two years by the Government, with the Church of England among parties engaged in the consultation, to promote healthy resilient relationships set in the context of character and virtue development. It focuses on respecting others, including the beliefs and practices of people with a specific faith commitment, and the many different types of families that make up our cultural context. It makes explicit a shared duty of care between parents and schools, and what takes place in the classroom builds on what has been taught in the home. The new guidance asserts that ‘all schools must teach about faith perspectives on these questions’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 19 April 2019 16:07

Special needs children lose out on support

Government funding has not kept pace with the soaring demands of children with special educational needs (SEN). Councils, schools and colleges should work together to support SEN children, but the number of such children has risen by 33% since 2015, whereas central government funding for their support increased by only 7%. On 27 March 2019 councils were told, ‘Special educational needs support is an approach that all schools and colleges must adopt when it is clear that a child or young person needs additional support to learn and achieve.’ Local council elections are on 2 May. May God raise up men and women in the 248 local council elections who have a desire to meet the needs of the vulnerable in our schools and colleges and know how to apply for adequate funding. See

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 11 April 2019 23:14

Concerns about London boarding school

Barnet Council has applied to the High Court for an injunction to shut down Heathside Preparatory School, which charges between £9,000 and £18,000 a year and intends expanding to a new Hampstead site. The school is currently scattered across six buildings, including a church and a synagogue, and its attempt to take over a seventh premises has prompted furious backlash from locals. Parents and ex-staff are pursuing legal claims over a string of management failures, including 15 pupils having to leave because Heathside was offering GCSEs without DofE permission. There are allegations that a staff member took Year 9 students off school premises and returned drunk, and in 2018 the head-teacher tried to block the publication of a damning Ofsted report flagging multiple safeguarding issues. Since the start of this academic year, pupils and teachers have been leaving ‘in droves’.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 March 2019 23:44

Individual rights and (in)tolerance

Currently the draft Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Regulation is going through Parliament. Parents opposing the government’s proposals to impose RSE on children as young as four are now joined by Barnabas Fund and others to campaign and raise awareness of the proposals. The UK has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates and teenage abortion rates in Western Europe; epidemic teenage STI; frightening levels of child addiction to pornography; and diagnosable child mental illness. Historically, changes came with the availability of birth control followed by the 1967 Abortion Act. Free love ruled, with skyrocketing teenage pregnancies. The 1993 Education Act ruled that all State schools must include education on AIDs and sexually transmitted diseases. Teaching now emphasises the ‘sexual rights of children’ and tolerance for things that were previously branded perversion. Children are bombarded with information they have no way of processing or assessing for themselves. Please continue to pray into this situation. See https://vfjuk.org.uk/news-updates/individual-rights-and-intolerance/

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 March 2019 10:00

More Birmingham schools stop LGBT classes

Last week we prayed for sex education to be the responsibility of parents not schools. This week four more schools in Birmingham have stopped teaching about LGBT rights following complaints. The No Outsiders programme in Birmingham will now be suspended until an agreement with parents is reached. The debate began when Parkfield Community School suspended the lessons following parents’ protests. Campaigner Amir Ahmed said some Muslims felt ‘victimised’, but an LGBT group leader said No Outsiders helped pupils understand it is OK to be different. Leigh Trust said it was halting the lessons until after Ramadan, which finishes in June. Also, seven primary schools in Manchester, which have been contacted by parents unhappy over sex and relationships lessons that teach children about LGBT rights, have asked school management to discuss the inclusion of the lessons in the curriculum.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 March 2019 09:57

Pants rules for children

Children are taught about crossing the road safely. Talking to them about staying safe from sexual abuse is just as easy with the NSPCC’s new PANTS rules. With the help of a friendly dinosaur called Pantosaurus, talking PANTS is a simple way to teach a young child how to stay safe from abuse. The singing dinosaur video and fun activity pack can help parents teach the key messages without using any scary words. There are also PANTS teaching resources for schools and teachers that include lesson plans, class activities, and a catchy song ‘Not in My Pants’. It is not known exactly how many UK children experience abuse, because it is hidden from view. Adults may not recognise the signs, or the child may be too young, too scared or too ashamed to say what is happening. See

Published in British Isles