Displaying items by tag: Education

Friday, 15 March 2019 10:38

Birmingham demonstrations

The ASCL, the second-largest head teachers’ union, has 18,500+ members, most of whom are in favour of relationship and sex education (RSE). Education secretary Damian Hinds will speak at their annual conference in Birmingham (15 to 16 March). In February he published new guidelines which state that parents will have no right to take their children out of RSE lessons. LGBT activist Andrew Moffat has been developing gay programmes while working as a teacher in Birmingham schools. Most recently he has piloted a programme called ‘No Outsiders’ at Parkfield School. Parents are currently protesting at Parkfield and calling for Moffat to go (see). Ofsted chief inspector Amanda Spielman will also address the conference. She has condemned the parental protests and called for ‘sane, rational discussion’. Concerned Christians will be demonstrating outside the venue on both days, and ask for our prayers.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 15 March 2019 10:22

MoD-funded psychological research

The Ministry of Defence is looking for a contractor for its new psychological research, which will allegedly boost troops’ performance and well-being. The ministry’s agency is seeking contributions from specialists in the fields of psychiatry, neuroscience and social sciences to help shape future strategies and policies. The University of Cambridge was shortlisted to take part in an almost £70 million research programme. Initially the university’s participation was approved by the board which scrutinises funding for ethical and reputational risks. Now over forty academics have expressed ‘deep concern’ over the university’s involvement in secretive military programmes without consulting staff and students.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:45

Holocaust memorial in Westminster under threat

Plans for a new Holocaust memorial and learning centre in Westminster are currently being strongly opposed. The plans, first announced by David Cameron in 2016, have the backing of every major UK Jewish organisation and 170+ politicians from all political parties. A growing number of people in this country, especially the younger generation, know nothing or very little about the Holocaust, so a vital education centre for that generation risks being lost. The memorial will use 7% of the park, with the education centre underground. Whilst many genuinely oppose the construction without discriminatory motives, there is evidence of anti-Semitism from some opponents. A petition to save the memorial has been posted online, because it ‘could be stopped if we fail to act before the end of March.’

Published in British Isles
Friday, 08 February 2019 00:28

Parkfield School: controversy over curriculum

Birmingham Mail recently reported clashes between parents and Parkfield Community School over a pilot curriculum challenging homophobia in primary schools. The deputy head of Parkfield, Andrew Moffat, who is openly gay, created the programme. The parents’ objection was not his sexuality, but the curriculum, called ‘No Outsiders’. They feel it goes against their religious beliefs regarding homosexual relationships. The school is mainly attended by Muslim children. Moffat has a lot of support in local government, and was given an MBE for services to education equality and diversity. Tristan Chatfield, the cabinet member for social inclusion, has suggested the parents are simply misinformed about what the school is trying to do. On 7 February dozens of parents gathered outside the school gates to object to transsexualism being taught to primary-age children. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 30 November 2018 00:32

Trans guidance for Scottish schools ‘harmful’

Rev David Robertson, former Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland, said new guidance on transgenderism sent to Scottish schools is 'harmful and totalitarian'. The document, 'Supporting Transgender Young People', was partly funded by the Scottish government and created in partnership with LGBT Youth Scotland and the Scottish Trans Alliance. It says that teachers should not inform parents of a child's desire to change gender unless the child agrees, and allow children to use whichever toilet and changing room facilities they prefer, adding, ‘If parents voice concerns about their child sharing toilets and/or changing rooms with a trans learner, they should be reminded of the school's ethos of inclusion, equality and respect'. The guidance also recommends gender-neutral dress code options and allowing students to compete in sports according to their gender identity.

Published in British Isles

Alice Roberts, a professor at Birmingham University who presents BBC documentaries, has been criticised by her own mother for fronting an ‘antagonistic’ campaign by Humanists UK to end state funding of faith schools. Her mother Wendy, who taught for many years in faith schools, took the highly unusual step of writing to the Sunday Times to say that such schools ‘have been and still are a most benign benefit’, and she was embarrassed and upset by her daughter’s decision. Meanwhile, in a list of 500 top primary schools issued by the Sunday Times, nearly half are faith-based (mostly Catholic or CofE), vying with top fee-paying private schools. The news comes as ministers press ahead with plans to create many new Catholic-only schools in 2019, despite protests from critics. See https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/best-uk-schools-guide-church-schools-challenge-top-fee-paying-preps-9vdj725tn

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 November 2018 00:13

School took all children to a gay pride event

A Christian parent is challenging a London school which took all its children to a gay pride event in June 2018. Heavers Farm Primary School allegedly said the visit did not come under sexual education, and so opt-outs were not granted. Headteacher Susan Papas said at the time: ‘We believe that it is important to teach children about diversity and acceptance, and we stand by our decision.’ Fourteen parents complained, and on 20 November Izoduwa Adhedo and her husband, with a Christian Legal Centre representative, met the school governors. Mrs Adhedo said, ‘After I complained about my young child being forced to take part in an event that goes against our Christian beliefs, the school's attitude towards me changed completely.’ She feels that senior staff misled her with incorrect statements of law and failed to follow proper procedures. Her son no longer attends the school, because they were 'bullied out of it'.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 02 November 2018 00:14

Education spending

Children from richer families used to benefit much more from public spending on education than those from poorer backgrounds. However, a report from the Institute of Fiscal Studies, based on research in state-funded schools between 2003 and 2010, notes a substantial shift in this pattern. Due to new policies such as ‘pupil premium’, which aims to help disadvantaged pupils of all abilities in publicly-funded schools to perform better, education spending is now more likely to be skewed towards poorer pupils. Also, the socio-economic gaps in higher education have narrowed. The report concludes, ‘The realistic evidence suggests that focusing more education spending on poorer pupils should lead to substantial improvements in their life chances’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 14 September 2018 09:23

Response on religious education

Responding to the final report by the Commission on Religious Education, the CofE’s education officer said, ‘This report calls for a new vision for religious education, which is vital if we are to equip children for life in the modern world where religion and belief play such important roles. It is also timely, given the falling numbers of students taking RE at GCSE and A level since the introduction of the English Baccalaureat.’ The CofE’s education vision is deeply Christian, with Jesus' promise of 'life in all its fullness' at its heart. It was good to see the commission endorsing an approach already being used in church schools. However, further work is needed to ensure children develop religious and theological literacy as part of their understanding. The Secular Society’s response was that they were in broad agreement with the suggestions, but wanted the last say to be from educationalists, not the pre-existing religious education community. See

Published in British Isles
Friday, 14 September 2018 09:21

Response to draft sex education guidance

Guidance for teaching about relationships and sex in schools is being drafted, and will soon be put before Parliament. It is an important time in the development of sex and relationships resources. Sex education is intended to influence attitudes and behaviours and improve sexual health. Whether or not improvements occur depends on the curriculum. It is currently driven by STIs concerns, the adequacy of consent, and teenage pregnancy (the UK has the highest rate in Western Europe). Advice given by leading campaigners is devoid of references to morality, marriage, or family life. It talks about sex as a normal and pleasurable fact of life for youngsters, stressing contraception as most important. It has nothing to say about the moral context in which sex is to be enjoyed; no reference to fidelity and exclusivity. For the full report from the Christian Medical Fellowship, click the ‘More’ button.

Published in British Isles