Displaying items by tag: Global

Friday, 06 July 2018 04:45

Global: Wildfires this week

In North America 70 wildfires are consuming 630,000 acres across Alaska, California, Colorado and other western states. Meteorologists warn of more blazes due to strong winds, dry conditions and low humidity. A huge fire in Canada’s British Columbia has been burning since 21 June at Comstock Lake. Another 12-hectare forest fire is being fought in Kawarthas near Toronto, Ontario.  In England a major incident was declared as moor fires converged in Lancashire. The Northern Ireland fire service has had to deal with 600 gorse fires this week and in Ireland Slieve Bloom mountains are alight with an uncontrolled fast-growing blaze. Nine out of ten wildfires are carelessly (or deliberately) started by people. A wildfire destroys ALL vegetation, causes erosion which degrades stream water quality and wildlife are burned, dehydrated and malnourished. The larger animals like deer can escape but squirrels, foxes and snakes are not always able to. Birds can fly away, but nests and eggs are destroyed. See also

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Thursday, 21 June 2018 23:52

Globally: remember those in prison

Citizens are not usually incarcerated for their beliefs or peaceful activity in the West. Elsewhere Christian prisoners of conscience are threatened, not merely by criminals, but by an environment of unsanitary conditions, infectious diseases, untreated illness and extreme tortures at the hands of the authorities. These human rights abuses are enabled by a worldview that diminishes and even negates the Christian's value as a human being. Thousands of Christians are in prison for their faith, while others are held captive by jihadists. Pray for human rights lawyers like Gao Zhisheng (China), humble labourers like Aasia Bibi (Pakistan) and foreign nationals like Andrew Brunson (an American pastor in Turkey), Sister Gloria Narvaez (a missionary in Mali), and Dr Ken Elliot (an Australian missionary doctor in Burkina Faso). Pray for all prisoners and captives suffering physically, emotionally, and spiritually, exhausted and confused. Pray for those heartbroken by separation from family and friends.

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Thursday, 07 June 2018 23:05

India: beating plastic pollution

Nestled in the Himalayas in north-eastern India, Sikkim has been leading a green revolution. Despite being small and isolated, with its people living in extremely tough mountainous terrain, it became the first Indian state to ban disposable plastic bags (1998) and is among the first to target single-use plastic bottles. In 2016 Sikkim banned packaged drinking water in government offices and events, and banned the use of disposable plates and cutlery to cut down toxic plastic and refuse problems. Pray for more governments to be active in promoting environmental programmes that end the global use of single-use plastic. Pray for more research and development into alternative materials to be used to manufacture food packaging, carrier bags, plastic pipes, electrical cable insulation, and artificial limbs. Pray for more innovative recycling and composting programmes, and thank God for the work of Christian environmental organisations such as A Rocha.

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Thursday, 07 June 2018 23:00

Action plan on physical activity

The WHO has launched a global action plan on physical activity and health. Worldwide, one in five adults and four out of five adolescents do not do enough physical activity. Girls, women, older adults, poorer people, people with disabilities and chronic diseases, marginalised populations, and indigenous people have fewer opportunities to be active. Regular physical activity is key to preventing and treating non-communicable diseases (NCDs) - such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and breast and colon cancer - which are responsible for 71% of all deaths globally. The action plan calls for training health-care workers and other professionals, stronger data systems, and the use of digital technologies. On 27 September world leaders will meet to take action on physical inactivity and mental disorders at the third UN General Assembly high-level meeting on NCDs in New York.

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Thursday, 07 June 2018 22:57

Trade tariffs and G7 8-9 June

The G7 leaders will discuss many things, including trade tariffs. France says tariffs are illegal. Macron will not shy away from telling Trump what he thinks. Merkel may try to calm down her EU counterparts to avoid a full-scale trade war. Italy’s new prime minister is a political novice who said Italy is ‘second to no-one,’ and shares some of Trump’s views about ‘putting national needs ahead of global ones’. Japan is not expected to support Trump's tariff decisions. Some believe Theresa May could look for concessions to calm the waters ahead of Trump’s UK visit in mid-July. On 3 June US treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin faced sharp criticism from the angry finance ministers of all the G7 nations over America's imposition of steel and aluminium tariffs. See

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Friday, 04 May 2018 10:40

Ramadan: 31 days - 1.8 billion people

During Ramadan (15 May to 14 June), 1.8 billion Muslims across the nations will be seeking Allah through prayer and fasting. Christian intercessors are being invited to join the ‘Ramadan Challenge’ and strategically pray every day for 31 days for them to have powerful encounters with Jesus as Saviour. Prayercast have provided a video with a featured topic each day to aid intercession and opportunities to sign up to receive daily reminders: see Also a booklet, 30 Days of Prayer, can be downloaded; it has prayers and information to help people understand the Muslim world, the month of Ramadan, and how to pray more effectively. See  Click the ‘More’ button for the stories of five Muslim men from five different countries who all saw Jesus Christ in a dream or a vision and their lives changed for ever.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 19 April 2018 20:34

Global: praying for the persecuted

Since Jesus laid down His life, tens of millions of Christians have become martyrs. When mission agencies and the media tell us about Christian persecution, we can become overwhelmed and not know where to start or what to pray. The New Testament was written to persecuted believers, and is filled with examples of how to pray for Christians under attack. Here are examples from Ephesians to inspire our prayers: - may believers know the hope God gives (1:18); - for the Holy Spirit’s strengthening (3:16); - may persecuted believers know how much God loves them (3:17); - may they would know how to share the gospel (6:19) and fearlessly tell others about Jesus (6:20). We can also pray that believers have access to a Bible, and for God’s anointing and inspiration for mission agencies and translators who produce and distribute the Bible in different languages. See also Open Doors resource on prayer by clicking the ‘More’ button.

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Friday, 06 April 2018 10:30

Global witness of the Church

Christians are to stop putting politics ahead of the Gospel as they advance racial reconciliation, according to comments at an event held in memory of Martin Luther King Jr. While focusing on racial tension in the USA, the dean for intercultural student development at Calvin College Michigan said there had been ‘significant consequences’ of Donald Trump’s win. ‘For those of us who wept as a result of it, we didn't weep because we're big fans of the Democrats. We wept because we knew not just the national but the global witness of the Church was at stake’, she said. A senior pastor from Austin, Texas called on churches to focus on ‘the politics of heaven’ over ‘the politics of this earth.’

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Friday, 30 March 2018 00:22

Reflection on the cross

The cross reminds us of the point in history when the world was changed. Two thousand years ago, a cross was an ancient instrument of torture and death for criminals. Christ the accused criminal king, wearing a crown of thorns, was nailed to a wooden cross. Nails that should have pierced my hands and feet held him there. A crown of pain rested on his brow, not mine. A spear that should have penetrated my side stabbed him. The cross, the misery, the mystery - all reduced in 2018 to a piece of jewellery, a t-shirt logo, or perhaps a bumper sticker on a car. Pray for a recovery of Christian faith across our nations; for faith and an unwavering belief that Christ saved us through his death and resurrection. Pray for the relevance of the cross to impact today’s culture once again.

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Friday, 30 March 2018 00:17

Global: small churches aren’t broken

The following ideas are found in the Small Church Essentials book: *The lack of a powerful worship band doesn’t mean settling for passionless worship. *Small churches thrive if they prioritise culture, relationships, and history. *If you’re doing the Great Commandment and Great Commission, you have a great church, no matter the size, denomination, or liturgy. *Small congregations may be Christianity’s most overlooked, underutilised asset; but they’re multiplying and driving global church growth. *Healthy churches continually assess and clear space in their agenda, then they are ready to add something fresh and new. *Reaching the next generation will be done through ministry from the church in the community, not just in the church.

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