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A challenging article ‘for these times’ written by Pastor Austen Ukachi – Co-ordinator of IPC West Africa and member of IPC’s Exec Team

It is obvious that COVID-19 will permanently alter the way we live, travel and do business and ministry. The economic downturn, the remote working lifestyle, the glaring social and economic needs have raised the stakes for changes in the way people live, travel and work. COVID-19 has ignited spiritual and physical hunger. Spiritual hunger borne out of the desire for God’s help to live; and physical hunger borne out of the dislocation of the global economic system. People’s needs have become much more pronounced due to the threat on our lives, the level of unemployment and the collapse of businesses. As the Guardian Editorial wrote, “Though coronavirus leaves no part of the world untouched, its impact will be harshest in places that were already suffering. Yet the problems it brings with it may prove more deadly than Covid-19 itself. Even in the richest countries, coronavirus has left families in hunger; for the poorest, it could mean starvation." Against this backdrop, the words of Proverbs 22:3 is very timely.

“A prudent person with insight foresees danger coming and prepares himself for it. But the senseless rush blindly forward and suffer the consequences.” (TPT).

COVID-19 caught many leaders and nations unprepared, but certainly not our God. He knows the end from the beginning. He knows how he would achieve the end-time harvest. When danger, misery, and suffering comes knocking; when the high and mighty face the spectre of an unseen virus, people tend to listen and respond to the gospel. When people see all they have worked for and amassed fall apart, their disposition towards the gospel inevitably changes. Because COVID-19 will introduce a level of suffering many have not seen before in the world, especially in Third World countries, we must begin now to think and prepare for post COVID-19 era and all the human challenges it would pose.

What preparations do we have to make as individuals and as a Church to position ourselves to the changes which COVID-19 will inevitably throw up? Our response must be practical and cover such areas as healthcare, food, water, housing, security, counselling for the emotionally traumatized, training on strategies for survival and adapting to changing trends and opportunities. The degree to which these strategies will be applied will vary from region to region and country to country. In Matthew 9:36-39, when Jesus looked at the multitude, he saw them as “confused”, “helpless” and ripe for the harvest, but laborers were lacking. His advice then was, “pray to the Lord of the harvest to send labourers.” We must pray for the people who are traumatized by COVID-19 and for laborers with compassion to minister to them.

The post COVID-era will impose on us the need to care for one another, care for the poor, the unemployed and care for the weak and elderly. The Church, in order to maximize the end-time harvest, must preach a wholistic gospel that addresses the need of the total man. “And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’ “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” (Matthew 25:33-40 NKJV).

The Church must proactively think of healthcare related ministries, ways of addressing the healthcare needs of the people, especially in the developing world. The poor, the helpless, the destitute, women and children must be on our agenda. Meeting the felt needs of people will require the attention of counsellors, pastors and social workers. As we think about these, we must pray for the first responders who are the frontier workers and for resources to minister to the felt needs of the people. We must pray for the women and children who are the most vulnerable at such times.

Mission leaders must begin to think through how to do the work of missions with all the innovations and limitations which COVID-19 may introduce. The rise in unemployment will create the challenge of supporting the work of missions. Travel restrictions will affect movement of mission workers.

Like Joseph in Egypt, Daniel in Babylon and Solomon in Israel, Christian leaders, more than ever, need the wisdom of God to be able to navigate their followers through the murky waters of the post COVID-19 era. This is the time to heed to Paul’s timely words, “So be very careful how you live, not being like those with no understanding, but live honorably with true wisdom, for we are living in evil times. Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for his purposes. And don’t live foolishly for then you will have discernment to fully understand God’s will” (Ephesians 5:15-17 TPT). 

We must pray for wisdom and a discerning heart to know how to bring the gospel in these times. Like the men of Issachar, we must ask God to give us an understanding of the times so that we shall know what the Church ought to do at this hour (1 Chro.12:32). COVID-19 imposes on us the necessitate for unceasing prayers not only for ourselves, but for the fulfilment of the work of the kingdom. Our Lord Jesus captures what our attitude should be at such a time as this when he said, “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”” (Luke 21:36 NKJV).

Pastor Austen Ukachi
IPC West Africa | IPC Leadership Team
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The secretariat of the Caribbean Prayer Summit were encouraged by the participation of delegates from across the region in their fourth summit, which took place online due to the pandemic. 

The theme was “A United Caribbean Church …a Regional Revival”.

The session recordings can be viewed online now at our website at www.caribbeanprayersummit.org

We will be circulating a report containing current prayer needs from the Caribbean nations shortly.  Please contact us by email for further information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Any gifts towards the overheads of the event can be made using the info online at: https://caribbeanprayersummit.org/give/

Sharon Hermitt/Secretary (for)

Rev. Maria Harbajan

CPS Convener/Member, CPS Secretariat

Member, International Prayer Council

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Friday, 29 May 2020 14:39

UPRising Europe ONLINE 30 June - 2 July

The United Prayer Rising Europe team are planning an inspirational and epic programme of worship, prayer and teaching across three days – 30th June and 1st and 2nd July.  We believe God is going to release something special as we gather online together - in unity this summer.  Prayer is key to any move of God, and we believe our prayers will shake the continent for Jesus once again.

Our vision this year is based on the theme of ‘An Open Door’.  We aim to invite people across nations, generations and denominations - to open the door for a great move of God across Europe. We are expectant of tens of thousands of people being reached and taking part through the online UPRising Europe 2020 livestreams. 

More info is at www.uprisingeurope.org  and on social media at @uprisingeurope

Do join us!

JJ Waters - Event Director

UPRising Europe

Friday, 29 May 2020 14:31

IPC June 2020 Calendar

2020 a year of evangelism across the UK

Passover to Pentecost - to 31st May

Sound from Heaven 21-31 May

10 days in the Upper Room - 21st May-31st May

Million Voices for Life  29-30 May 2020

Charismatic Catholic ONLINE vigil for Pentecost - 30 May 10pm Rome

GO2020 Celebration and Declaration - 31st May


International Watchmen Call
1st June 4am PDT

Global Outreach Day – 30th May 2020

One God - One Day - One Africa – 31st May 2020

90 Days of HOPE - 1 June - 31 August 2020

Global Day of HOPE – 29 August 2020

National Prayer Assembly (USA), Washington, D.C., October 14-15

Movement for African National Initiatives – Abidjan, Ivory Coast, 8-12 March 2021

UPRising Events Calendar

14bUPRISING EUROPE (Battle, UK) – June 30 - July 2, 2020
FB: Uprising Europe
IG: @uprisingeurope

UPRISING Chile – November 2020 (Date TBA)

GLOBAL UPRISING Manila, Philippines, Nov 2021
www.unitedprayerrising.com UPRISING MINDANAO (Mindanao, Philippines)-- dates TBA
- UPRISING BUKIDNON (Northern Mindanao)
- UPRISING CARAGA (Butuan, Bislig, and Surigao)
- UPRISING DIGOS (Davao Del Sur)

- UPRISING CENTRAL MINDANAO (South Cotabato, Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, and General Santos)
FB: United Prayer Rising Mindanao
FB: United Prayer Rising North Mindanao
IG: @uprisingmindanao

CoVid-19 is proving a disruptive, distressing, and divisive force throughout the world. How do mission-minded Christians respond? What happens to the Great Commission when the world is on lockdown? In this short e-book, Jason Mandryk, the author of Operation World, takes readers through a sweeping overview of the implications of the coronavirus for the global Church, and specifically, its impact on global mission.

Jason Mandryk is a member of IPC’s Council and Exec Team.

In compiling this analysis, the Operation World team interacted with ministry and mission leaders in every region of the world, getting input on how to pray for different nations afflicted by CoVid-19 as well as strategic considerations from a wide array of missiological contexts.

Download the eBook

Download PDF (930kb) http://covid-19.operationworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Global-Transmission-Global-Mission.pdf  Browsers, most readers and devices.

Download Epub (172kb)  http://covid-19.operationworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/GTGM-epub-1.zip

Apple iBooks, Nook, Kobo

Download Mobi (380kb)  http://covid-19.operationworld.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/GTGM-mobi-1.zip

Amazon Kindle

More info: http://covid-19.operationworld.org/global-transmission-global-mission/

What Happens When Ordinary People Pray to An Extraordinary God

“God, don’t take my little girl. Please don’t take her. Please, God!”

As Brian Alarid cried out on a hospital floor for his daughter’s life in May of 2016, he had no idea God was about to use him to ignite an international prayer movement.

Today, America Prays has mobilized 24/7 prayer in 1,200 churches in 17 states while World Prays has mobilized 24/7 prayer in 10 nations, in addition to tens of thousands of believers, families, businesses, and ministries, all partnered together in 24/7 prayer for global spiritual awakening.

Join Brian on a journey through the depths of despair to the mountain tops of prayer, where the hard and painful questions are asked, and be inspired to pray and encounter Jesus like never before.

Order When People Pray on Amazon

On Friday 22 May & Saturday 23 May, the International Prayer Council’s regional representatives based in Jamaica will host their fourth Caribbean Prayer Summit Online.

It will consist of two days of prayer, worship and intercession led by representatives from across the region.

IPC family from around the world are invited to join the event online at which our Executive Coordinator, Dr Jason Hubbard will be taking part.

It will be streaming on the event’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/caribbeanprayersummit/?__tn__=%2Cd%3C-R&eid=ARCCQNZKmxgm1ruB4jE1NyFELAwqN5hwcxYPI1oR0bUlPX4-imuppJ4AkXyKRbeYohiss24BVXNJViUo and from YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCii3zUjurcDyE8jfMgknlw

Kindly note that the Summit is free of cost, and is open to anyone who shares a burden for their country, and wants to join us in petitioning the Lord.  Gifts can be sowed in here. https://caribbeanprayersummit.org/give/

Visit the website for full details at https://caribbeanprayersummit.org/ or contact Maria Harbajan, the Convener on 876-398-2299 if you have any queries.

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Saturday, 04 April 2020 14:03

IPC Connections April 2020 Intro

Download as a Read & Print PDF

We are pleased to bring you IPC Connections for April 2020.

These are unprecedented times. All but 18 nations of the world are currently confronting the covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. At the time of writing, there are over a million recorded cases and nearly 60,000 deaths. It is having massive health, social, economic and political impact.  The virus does not discriminate.  We are seeing some healthy younger people taken seriously ill and succumbing to the virus as well as a significant proportion of older and more vulnerable patients. 

The pandemic is affecting the Christian Church globally but we are heartened to observe that it is responding positively in lots of ways. It is continuing to share the message of hope that we all have in Jesus that overcomes fear.  As well as making a strong humanitarian response in many countries, the Church is adapting the way it meets - with many gathering online.  Our friend and colleague, Bennie Mostert from Jericho Walls, South Africa was just this week sharing with fellow ministry leaders about organised and spontaneous prayer mushrooming across South Africa with believers of all ages coming together and meeting online.  We are aware that this is happening in many other nations across Africa and the world too.  

Many Christian conferences and events that had to be cancelled have moved online to great effect!  The Watchmen Conference led by David Demian in South Korea met this last week with over 150,000 people from many nations clicking onto the online zoom meeting.  Watch it HERE.   We are invited to join a follow-up meeting entitled ‘Passover – Holy Alignment’ on 7th April.  Details HERE and more info below.

We are pleased to confirm that GO 2020 is still taking place in May 2020. Many hundreds of thousands of people around the world will share Christ amid the crisis. The principle remains the same: Every Believer is a Witness! But we will focus on online and media Gospel sharing.  Visit the Go2020 website for more and See the article below.

Watch the GO 2020 Video  |  Download the Brochure  |  Download the April Prayer Guide

A number of you were unable to join the IPC’s ‘GO2020 & Coronavirus’ Global Prayer Call this last week (Sun 29 March), due to a few technical hitches.  It was a good gathering with intercessors of all ages praying from every continent! We have edited the video of the meeting so you can watch what happened HERE.

In this edition of IPC Connections, we are bringing a number of important and perhaps sobering articles to pray into.  But we open with three editorial articles from IPC Colleagues which we trust will build you up and encourage you. 

Firstly, a video from Dr Jason Hubbard, our Executive Coordinator entitled 'Our Response to the Coronavirus pandemic' in which he shares a message of hope and assurance as he encourages us to faithfully pray in agreement and unity in the Lord's name and to expect great things.  May God's Kingdom be advanced amidst the challenges of this season that we are in. 

Let's individually and corporately renew our commitment to repentance and 'extraordinary prayer'. Please do take time to watch and listen to this powerful twenty minute message.

Secondly, Dr Leslie Keegel, global chairman of the Foursquare Church movement and a senior leader in the IPC, shares a prophetic word for the time that we are in entitled 'Just Stay Calm'. Let's take time to reflect and be encouraged by this dramatic vision that brings a fresh perspective on our current global situation that is prophetically pointing to a time of great harvest.  

The third editorial article is from our IPC colleague and West Africa Coordinator, Austen Ukachi on the theme of ‘Faith in Times of Adversity’. He writes as someone who knows the challenges of Africa intimately. Let's lock shields with our fellow believers, some of whom are facing unimaginable situations and stand against the powers of darkness and the covid-19 virus (Eph 6: 16-18).  Our God is an awesome God - Amen!

May we express grateful thanks to Andy Page and the IPC Editorial Team who put this email together each month.

Wishing you His continued blessings,

Jason Hubbard - Executive Coordinator
John D Robb – Chairman - International Prayer Connect

International Prayer Connections is produced and distributed freely each month to inform God's praying people around the world. We are grateful to those who have given generously to enable this to happen and continue to need such support for this and our other transformational prayer initiatives.

If you can make a gift towards our costs by giving to our funding arm, the Transformation Prayer Foundation, we would appreciate it. Please click here.

In the first of our three special Editorial features, Dr Jason Hubbard, IPC's Executive Coordinator shares a message of hope and assurance as he encourages us to faithfully pray in agreement and unity in the Lord's name. 

‘May the Lamb who was slain receive the due reward for His suffering!’

As we meditate on the Lamb of Glory, Let's individually and corporately renew our commitment to repentance and 'extraordinary prayer'.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIyEidHUDK4&t=909s  (20 Minutes)

Saturday, 04 April 2020 10:19

'Just Stay Calm' – Dr Leslie Keegel

I am sharing with you the Word of Encouragement the Lord gave me.

Exodus 14: 5 - 18 

Just Stay Calm

The children of Israel had just experienced the great deliverance from the enslaving arm of Pharaoh. As they were about to cross the Red Sea 600 chariots of Pharaoh’s army overtook them. The Israelites panicked and complained against Moses - “why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren’t there enough graves for us in Egypt? It's better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness." But Moses told the people, “don’t be afraid, just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm."

The covid-19 we are presently fighting against is like the armies of Egypt. Pharaoh’s armies overtook the children of Israel right at the brink of them crossing the Red Sea. The Israelites response to this major attack of intimidation was complaining against the man of God.

As we face death at the hands of our enemy, we stand hopeless and absolutely incapable of providing a resistance strong enough to defeat covid-19, I hear the Lord, say to us, "Don’t be afraid, Just stand still and watch me rescue you today. I will fight for you, just stay calm”

Just as the Lord admonished Moses to pick his staff and raise his hand over the Red Sea and commanded the Israelites “to get moving".  Moses exerted his authority against the Red Sea, the Lord gave victory over Pharaoh’s army. Let’s rise up in our God given authority and claim our victory over covid-19.

Along with the word the Lord gave me a vivid Vision last night; I saw a storm of locusts coming down in the skies to cripple everything which had life, human life, animal life, the fauna and the flora. The sight was very depressing, nothing refreshing remained in the air or atmosphere. These locusts were coming down in terrible devastating intention to destroy life and everything which represented life.

As I kept watching this horrible sight helplessly, breathing prayers of life and refreshing, I saw a beautiful cloud of angels surround the skies. The cloud of angels are the armies of the Lord. They began to push back the deadly locusts out of our skies and tormented atmosphere. I saw the dark sight of locusts disintegrate with great urgency. As soon as the locusts disappeared the angels covered our skies and atmosphere with a beautiful white refreshing sheet,  it indeed was a huge net. The net kept the devastating locusts from entering the human domain. I saw certain parts of the net having holes, which the angels quickly patched beautifully. The present devastation will soon be gone and the fields will be prepared for the great harvest.

What we are experiencing presently are the hot winds blowing on the fields. The hot winds are preparing the harvest to ripen. The harvest will soon be gathered in.

The harvesting angels are ready to gather in the harvest.

Dr Leslie Keegel
Four Square Church | IPC Senior Advisor