Displaying items by tag: Outreach

Friday, 23 June 2023 10:12

Bosnia: summer camp season

The Royal Rangers, a Christian scouting programme focusing on developing outdoor skills and a child’s relationship with God, begins the camp season on 26 June. Camps for children, teens, and adults will continue to the end of July. Pray for God’s Spirit to move in the hearts and minds of all who attend these camps. Pray for an anointing over the campgrounds, speakers, and workers. May these camp experiences expose campers to a new understanding of who God is and who they can be through Christ. Father, please reveal Yourself to each person as Your Spirit covers each camp and moves freely through Your spoken Word. We also ask you for spiritual and physical protection over every leader, teacher, facilitator, child and adult who attends these summer camps. May each one demonstrate and grow in your love. We ask that this camp season be a catalyst for revival and renewal in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 25 May 2023 23:28

Myanmar: cyclones, camps, and conversions

Cyclone Mocha tore through Myanmar last week with 175 mph winds, making it the strongest cyclone on record in the North Indian Ocean. It ripped trees and crushed homes, killing dozens and doing the most damage in fragile Rohingya refugee camps. Pray for the million displaced Rohingya people in these camps who are trying to rebuild their destroyed communities while suffocating in a cloud of fear of the ruling military junta and genocidal attacks. The dominant religions in these camps are Buddhism and Islam, but they both fail to provide lasting comfort for the fearful. Yet there is good news. The Church in Myanmar is growing, and the Gospel is spreading through faithful believers and Christian radio. 83.4% of the population are in unreached people groups.

Published in Worldwide

Zenica city in central Bosnia has a small growing community of believers among the 115,000 Bosniak Muslims. Zenica’s large iron factory provides work for thousands, and the university and other businesses attract people from the surrounding communities. Praise God for both foreign and national Christian workers, who are spreading the good news there. In a city known for iron works, we pray for God’s truth shared through believers to remain sharp as iron and penetrate the hearts of many. Some smaller villages are isolated with zero witness among them. Pray that as the community gathers in Zenica, those who are believers would be put into contact with those open and ready to hear the good news. Proverbs 27:17 says iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another. Father, we ask that believers sharpen one another in spirit and truth and are in such unity that Bosnians will know that it is by Your power they live, move, and find their being.

Published in Europe
Friday, 12 May 2023 10:13

60,000+ reached for Christ

A surprising surge of faith continues to spread among America's young people. It led to what some are calling the largest campus outreach event ever when 60,000+ students filled the University of Oklahoma's football stadium for worship and evangelism. The ‘Fill the Stadium’ event began when a graduating senior prayed a simple prayer: ‘God, what's next?’ The event sold out within days of its announcement. CBN News travelled to Oklahoma City to hear the sound of spiritual awakening rising in ‘The Cinderella City’. Students rallied for a time of worship with Kari Jobe and Chandler Moore, coupled with a concert from hip hop star Chance the Rapper. It won’t end here; this is the beginning. Many people are turning to Jesus and getting connected into small groups, campus ministries and churches. They will become disciples who multiply.

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 12 May 2023 09:52

Ukraine: hope amidst muddled messages

Whole towns flattened into fields of dirt, brick, and branches. People emerge from underground shelters to search for food and relief supplies. One country sent tanks. One country didn’t. Russia is winning. No, Ukraine is winning. Reports coming out of Ukraine are muddled. Different narratives spotlight different elements of the war. Yet the ones who feel forgotten are the Ukrainian families huddled in basements. The local churches are stepping up with aid to places where news cameras won’t go. The Holy Spirit is sending believers with the hope and help of Jesus Christ. Pray for more Christians to arise as messengers of His hope to the hopeless. Ask God to strengthen the Church as it becomes the hands and feet of Jesus, meeting physical and spiritual needs. Pray for increased opportunities for Ukrainians to discover and follow Christ.

Published in Europe
Thursday, 27 April 2023 22:23

‘Bibles For the World’ helps church planters

Bibles For The World president John Pudaite was asked for a million Gospels of John to equip church-planters for their ministry in India. He offered first to bring 80,000 copies to a conference organised for church-planting leaders. 800 people serving on the frontlines of Gospel outreach came to the conference. When the Scriptures arrived, just in time for the last night of the conference, they were met with an enthusiastic response. ‘It was just amazing. 80,000 Gospels of John, about 100 per church planter, and they were snatched up literally in minutes’, said Pudaite. ‘They were so excited to be equipped in that way. We are working hard now to fulfil their requests for a million Gospels of John before the end of 2023.’

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 13 April 2023 21:24

Pray for Muslims’ salvation

Most Muslims fall into one of two camps - Sunni or Shia. The term Sunni means laws and comes from the word ‘sunnah,’ which means ‘way of life’. This refers to the way of life of the Prophet Mohammad. 90% of Muslims around the world are Sunni. A movement of the Gospel among Sunni Muslims could impact nearly the entire Muslim world. Today, God is doing just that. He is drawing unprecedented numbers of Sunni Muslims to Himself in every region of the world. More Muslims have turned to follow Jesus in the past fifteen years than in the previous 1,400 years combined. But there are still 1.8 billion Muslims living without a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Ramadan ends on April 21. During Ramadan, Muslims have been intentionally seeking God through prayer and fasting. Pray for an incredible number of Muslims to encounter their Saviour Jesus.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 30 March 2023 23:27

From the desk of Franklin Graham

‘I recently returned from an incredibly fruitful trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, where God opened the door for me to preach the Gospel during the Spring Love Festival. It is very unusual for an evangelistic event to be held in Vietnam. What a blessing it was to watch thousands come forward at the invitation to repent of their sins and receive Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives. There is so much ministry under way right now, and none of it would be possible without prayerful support.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 10 February 2023 00:13

Brave Laos evangelists

A Christian Aid worker in Laos visited persecuted Christians in areas where no one would go. His activities challenged the authorities, and they arrested him for ‘illegal movement of religion’. In prison he feared he would die. Prisoners relieved themselves on the floor, and people died of starvation. But he kept praying and thinking about the ministry’s radio messages of encouragement. He was freed after two months. He was told to stop telling people about Christ, but his faith was irrepressible, and he boldly continued. A Laotian lady heard about Christ through the ministry’s radio broadcasts. Her husband and relatives threatened her constantly for converting, but eventually they all accepted Christ. Her home is now a house church for fifty Christians, and her husband is an elder of the church. Elsewhere police came to shut down a new house church which a pastor was dedicating. He continued the dedication despite their threats.

Published in Praise Reports
Thursday, 05 January 2023 20:24

Saudi Arabia: exploratory visit for future ministry

Forgotten Missionaries International (FMI) recently visited Saudi Arabia to explore potential for future ministry. Saudi Arabia has recently issued tourist visas to be open to the West. FMI expected to see more opulent wealth from Saudi petroleum dollars. But a third of the cars they saw had significant damage, indicating one of the reasons for opening up to the West is to develop tourism and business opportunities. The oil industry is drying up. FMI freely interacted with friendly Saudis. There were few women out and about , all wearing black veils. There are underground churches for foreign workers, each with 15 - 30 members as venues are small hotel apartments. The government forbids citizens to leave Islam. FMI hopes to visit more congregations on future trips and identify the key leaders of Saudi Christians.

Published in Worldwide