Displaying items by tag: United Kingdom

Friday, 30 November 2018 00:12

Post-Brexit doubts

President Trump publicly doubted Theresa May's Brexit plan: ‘I think we have to take a look seriously whether or not the UK is allowed to trade with us’. The British parliament will vote on the withdrawal agreement on 11 December. Jean-Claude Juncker warned MPs planning to send May back to Brussels by voting down her Brexit deal that it would take the EU just ‘seconds’ to crush their hopes. President Macron said that the UK will be trapped in a customs union after Brexit, unless Downing Street offers European fishermen full access to British waters during the trade negotiations. However, Iceland’s foreign minister said, ‘The British could learn from Iceland when it comes to creating a new fisheries policy after Brexit’ (see). We can pray for God to ignite political wisdom and accurate insights in all politicians and media commentators. Pray also for inspired visions and purposes to be birthed in captains of commerce and industry.

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 30 November 2018 00:00

Ukraine - prayer request

The Baptist Union is asking churches everywhere to pray for Ukraine, where martial law was imposed following a clash with Russia on 25 November in the Kerch Strait (a body of water separating the Black and Azov Seas). Ukraine’s navy reported three vessels being seized and sailors injured during the attack. The Ukraine parliament and the UN Security Council agreed to impose martial law, which will affect daily life drastically. At the time of writing President Poroshenko is urging NATO to send ships to the Sea of Azov, ‘to assist Ukraine and provide security’. Coincidentally, the UK defence secretary committed troops and the deployment of a Royal Navy ship to the Ukraine two days before this incident. He said it was a direct response to Russian aggression, adding, ‘As long as Ukraine faces Russian hostilities, it will find a steadfast partner in the UK’. See 

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 23 November 2018 00:26

Founder of the ‘debt saviours’

In October 2018, BBC2 showed a documentary, The Debt Saviours, about the work of Christians Against Poverty (CAP), which aims to help those who have piled up debts and do not know how to cope. When CAP’s founder John Kirkby was himself in that situation back in the 1990’s, his world falling apart, a Christian couple took a real interest in him and introduced him to Jesus. His life changed dramatically. He writes: ‘This became the model of how CAP works today too: we partner qualified debt counsellors with the love of the church. It’s an equal partnership, with both sides determined to see someone become debt-free and know they are loved. Love is what the church does best, and it’s an underrated and powerful resource in the UK. All of those who go through CAP’s debt relief are given money management principles that will stay with them long after they are debt free. Contrary to popular belief, people in debt do want to pay their debts off, if they can. However, as many of them are on a very low income with little to spare, it would take them decades to achieve and insolvency can be the sensible option. This is why our head office building is called Jubilee Mill, mirroring the Old Testament’s Year of Jubilee when debts were wiped.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 23 November 2018 00:24

PM to return to Brussels, still under pressure

Theresa May will make an unscheduled return visit to Brussels for Brexit talks on 24 November, as the UK and EU strive to do a deal in time for the summit of European leaders the next day. After a two-hour meeting with EU officials on 21 November, the PM said progress was being made on the future shape of EU-UK relations. The EU is now in a race against time to complete the text of an accompanying declaration on its future relations with the UK, covering trade, security and other issues, amid concerns from several member states. Before her first trip to Brussels, Mrs May had come under fire from every imaginable Brexit faction in the House of Commons, but reiterated that her deal delivered on the promises of Brexit and ensured a continued close trading relationship with the EU.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 November 2018 00:21

Prisons minister speaks out about hope

Over 500 people gathered at Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) church in London on 19 November to hear from ex-offenders, prison chaplains, and judges. HTB's pastor Nicky Gumbel also interviewed Rory Stewart, the prisons minister, who stated in August 2018 that if he couldn't reduce violence and drugs use in prisons in 12 months he would resign. With nine months to go on that commitment, Stewart said he still believes it's possible. He added, ‘I think Christians do have a very important and special role in dealing with prisoners - that's partly because of the centrality of prisoners in the Bible. We have to remember that St Paul was a prisoner, that many of the people that we admire most in our church, many of the early martyrs and saints, were prisoners; and that continues to be true today.’ The former diplomat finished by praising the work of community chaplains, who welcome ex-offenders into their church and society. He also said of his own faith, ‘I find it the most wonderful cornerstone of my life’.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 November 2018 00:18

Gambling by children ‘a generational scandal’

An audit by the Gambling Commission issued on 21 November has shown the quadrupling of child problem gamblers to more than 50,000 in two years. It also found 70,000 youngsters were at risk, and 450,000 children bet regularly - the equivalent of one in seven children aged 11 to 16. Alan Smith, the Bishop of St Albans, branded the figures as a ‘generational scandal’, and warned that the UK needs to take the dangers of gambling seriously. The audit also showed that children were being inundated with gambling adverts, with two-thirds saying they had ‘seen it on TV’, and nearly a million young people had been exposed to gambling through ‘loot boxes’ in video games or on smartphone apps. See also our recent article on FOBTs: https://www.prayer-alert.net/praise-reports-pa-site/item/11186-uk-government-backs-down-over-gambling-machines

Published in British Isles

Alice Roberts, a professor at Birmingham University who presents BBC documentaries, has been criticised by her own mother for fronting an ‘antagonistic’ campaign by Humanists UK to end state funding of faith schools. Her mother Wendy, who taught for many years in faith schools, took the highly unusual step of writing to the Sunday Times to say that such schools ‘have been and still are a most benign benefit’, and she was embarrassed and upset by her daughter’s decision. Meanwhile, in a list of 500 top primary schools issued by the Sunday Times, nearly half are faith-based (mostly Catholic or CofE), vying with top fee-paying private schools. The news comes as ministers press ahead with plans to create many new Catholic-only schools in 2019, despite protests from critics. See https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/best-uk-schools-guide-church-schools-challenge-top-fee-paying-preps-9vdj725tn

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 November 2018 00:13

School took all children to a gay pride event

A Christian parent is challenging a London school which took all its children to a gay pride event in June 2018. Heavers Farm Primary School allegedly said the visit did not come under sexual education, and so opt-outs were not granted. Headteacher Susan Papas said at the time: ‘We believe that it is important to teach children about diversity and acceptance, and we stand by our decision.’ Fourteen parents complained, and on 20 November Izoduwa Adhedo and her husband, with a Christian Legal Centre representative, met the school governors. Mrs Adhedo said, ‘After I complained about my young child being forced to take part in an event that goes against our Christian beliefs, the school's attitude towards me changed completely.’ She feels that senior staff misled her with incorrect statements of law and failed to follow proper procedures. Her son no longer attends the school, because they were 'bullied out of it'.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 November 2018 00:10

TV reality show participants pray together

Participants in ITV's I'm a Celebrity have been seen praying together. On 19 November, viewers saw quiz supremo Anne Hegerty offer to spend time in silent prayer for actress Emily Atack, who had been voted by the public to take part in a challenge which would see her locked in a box with more than fifty snakes. Hegerty said, ‘Shall I spend twenty minutes silently saying a rosary that everything will go OK?’ Atack replied, ‘I would love that’, and then gave the sign of the cross before sitting down to pray. Singer Fluer East also joined in. Speaking to the camera, she said: ‘I was praying, please keep Emily safe. I think she needed that - a bit of calm.’ Atack successfully completed her ordeal, winning nine meals for her fellow campmates.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 23 November 2018 00:08

Call for ban on alcohol advertising in winter

Dr Peter McCann, an alcohol and drug rehabilitation expert, has called for a ban on alcohol advertising in winter and stricter laws on alcohol pricing. He says that new research has established a definite link between the climate and rates of binge drinking and liver disease, and added, ‘This weather-related alcohol consumption is directly linked to our chances of developing the most dangerous form of liver disease - cirrhosis - which can ultimately end in liver failure and death.' On the same day, health experts at a WHO summit in Edinburgh heard how minimum pricing introduced in Russia in 2010 has significantly reduced alcohol-related harm. It is still too early to gauge the impact of similar measures rolled out in Scotland recently.

Published in British Isles