Displaying items by tag: prayer

Thursday, 04 April 2019 21:59

Praying for justice in England and Scotland

There are more slaves today in the world than at any other point in history. Right now, over forty million people are trapped and exploited in slavery. Over 25% of these are children. IJM invites you to join them, standing in the gap and going into deeper intercession for the survivors who have been rescued and crying out for those who are still trapped; praying for the teams going into the darkest corners of the world. Come in May to London or Glasgow,  prepared for a day of storytelling, inspired intercession, and worship. Join guest speaker Benson Shamala (IJM Kenya’s deputy director), Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, and singer-songwriter Lucy Grimble in London, or with 24-7 Prayer Scotland’s Crystal Cryer and worship group Ps & Gs Music in Glasgow. Pray for justice and courage to equip you to raise your voice against the strongholds of violence and be part of ending slavery for ever.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 March 2019 23:58

Church of Scotland’s Brexit prayer

The Church of Scotland has issued a new prayer in light of the ongoing uncertainty over Brexit as MPs appeared to remain in deadlock, despite Theresa May's offer to quit. The prayer reminds us that the date will arrive and will pass, and that time is in God’s hands. When we worry and feel paralysed by not knowing, we can ask Him to remind us that He is the God of all possibilities. We are to turn our eyes to look beyond 'us', to a world in which God’s love transcends every border and barrier. We pray that ‘in every place, in everyone, in everything, in every corner of Your creation, You are. For our times are in Your hand. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.’

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 March 2019 23:56

Archbishop’s Brexit tweets

Justin Welby has tweeted that it is easy to tell MPs how badly they are doing and abuse and threaten. Instead of that, he urged people to pray for them, because as they have to decide for us they deserve our respect. He said, ‘Let us pray for them, for a decision that has widespread support, and for a process that brings national agreement.’ He has told the House of Lords that ‘there is a requirement for national reconciliation’. He has also urged Remainers and Brexiteers to get together this weekend. The CofE wants to get people who disagree over membership of the bloc to ‘chat over a cup of tea and pray for our country and our future’.

Published in British Isles
Thursday, 28 March 2019 23:36

Israel: elections

Israelis will vote in national elections on 9 April. The campaign has been divisive, confusing and ugly, yet our prayers can declare the fundamental truth that our God reigns. The Friday prayer points sent by Intercessors for Israel can inspire our prayers for God’s chosen leader for His nation at this time. ‘Lord of all, rule over these elections so that the government of Your choice will be chosen. May Your will be done in Israel as it is already done in heaven. Raise up righteous men and women to lead this nation. Remove all confusion and bring clarity to Your people. Let there be light to guide Israelis as they decide who to vote for. Overrule any plans of the enemy that are trying to manipulation these elections for his demonic schemes. Protect all Israel from manipulation and witchcraft. Move the Arab-Israelis to vote against Arab politicians who are more concerned with the Palestinians that with their own constituents.’

Published in Worldwide
Friday, 22 March 2019 10:10

Intercessor Focus: prayer and politics

Many are asking, ‘How can we pray for an orderly solution to Brexit when the leaders of our nations appear to be tirelessly holding opposing forceful opinions?’ Now is the time to ask God to replace confusion with order and replace chaos with clarity. Pray that the outworking of every emotion and frustration among MPs and in the EU will facilitate the fulfilling of God's purposes. God is Lord of Heaven and earth, He is righteous, just and merciful; nothing is impossible for Him. In faith we can ask Him to bring boundaries, borders, and the sovereignty of the UK into His intention for the future. You are also reminded of the National Call to Prayer for the UK during the week of 24–30 March. May God revive us with fresh revelations of the depth of His love and authority that comes from Heaven when we pray.

Published in British Isles

The National Secular Society (NSS) claims that 12,000+ charities exist solely to promote religion, with some using public money to promote extremism and harmful practices, and calls for the advancement of religion to be removed from the list of charitable purposes. Although benefits provided by most of the charitable purposes relieve poverty, promote good health, save lives and protect the environment, the NSS said the benefit to the public by advancing a religion is far more contestable and based on the outdated presumption that religion is inherently a good thing. It believes religious fundamentalism has demonstrated that religion can exacerbate tension, division, segregation and conflict in Britain, and ’as such there is a clear need to consider whether religion should be regarded as an inherent public good deserving the status of a charitable purpose’. The NSS has written to the charities minister, calling for the removal of the advancement of religion as a charitable purpose.

Published in British Isles
Friday, 22 March 2019 09:43

Praying for Christian revival

It was recently said that Europe, in its diversity, has the commission of the Creator to seek unity, otherwise it breaks into an infinite number of dwarfs fighting each other. Wikipedia states that religion in Europe has been a major influence on today's society, art, culture, philosophy and law, and the largest religion in Europe is Christianity. But irreligion and practical secularisation are strong. In the 2011 census 96% of Kosovo residents and 58% of Albania residents were Muslim. Modern revival movements of other religions include Heathenism, Rodnovery, Romuva, Druidism, and Wicca. Smaller Indian religions linked to Buddhism are also found in their largest groups in Britain, France, and Kalmykia, Russia. Pray for the various Christian mission agencies commissioned by God to reach and revive faith in the one Almighty God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit. See

Published in Europe
Friday, 22 March 2019 08:58

Canada: Ears to Hear

The second largest country in the world is sparsely populated, so Ears to Hear unites intercessors across Canada. We can join them in praying for their Churches to experience a great move of God’s Spirit, manifested in prayer and heart-felt closeness to God. Pray that during Lent there will be a powerful time of encountering God! May the Spirit’s call to fasting, prayer and softened hearts bring the Church back to her first love (Revelation 2:4, 3:19,20). Pray also for the harvest fields. Contend that the Lord will bring hunger for God in the areas of the nation that seem most resistant to the gospel, and that the fields will be prepared to receive the gospel.

Published in Worldwide
Thursday, 07 March 2019 22:59

Indigenous Malays open to the Gospel

The indigenous Malaysian Church has tremendous potential for outreach to the Malays, but is fearful of authorities clamping down on them. Historically there is deep-seated resentment between the Chinese and Malays because of the favoured status of the Malays. However, many Chinese believers are now being trained in ministry to Muslims. Also, the kidnapping of Chinese pastor Raymond Koh two years ago has changed things. His whereabouts are unknown, but his ordeal has inspired the Church to intercede for him. While they pray for him, they also pray for the Gospel to grow in Malaysia. Now workers say that more Muslim Malays are receiving prayer for healing, and there is a cautious readiness to hear Christians talking about ‘Isa.’

Published in Praise Reports
Friday, 22 February 2019 10:02

China: elderly woman miraculously healed

Brother John and his friends met villagers playing music on a mountainside. John shared the hymn Amazing Grace with them and started talking about God’s grace, while a team member prayed silently. The team member said, ‘I think one of these older ladies has a painful knee’. One woman said, ‘Yes, I do, it’s terrible’, and her sister said, ‘Both my knees have problems.’ John said ‘The Creator God can heal those knees, can we touch them and ask Him to heal them? They agreed, and then John said, ‘In the name of Jesus, be well’. One elderly lady looked surprised and started doing deep knee bends. ‘What just happened? Is the pain gone?’ ‘Yes, the pain is gone!’ was the reply. The team prayed again and she was filled with the Spirit. Three ladies gave their lives to Jesus, received Bibles, and were taught how to study God’s word.

Published in Praise Reports