They dedicate their lives to saving others, but as Ebola spreads worldwide, healthcare workers must also focus on saving themselves. At least 416 health care workers have contracted Ebola and at least 233 have died. Doctors…
Many Chinese Christians are saying that China is facing its worst persecution since the Cultural Revolution. However, Pastor Huang Yizi of Wenzhou, Zhejiang province said he is ‘grateful’ for the opportunity to go to jail; ‘Prison…
As the Islamic State continues to push into the majority Kurdish town of Kobane in northern Syria, broad regional battles start to surface, it seems that geopolitics will prevent international assistance beyond limited airstrikes by coalition…

USA: Racism

17 Oct 2014
The UN committee on racism slammed the USA over police brutality after Michael Brown was killed and now calls for a review of 'Stand Your Ground' laws. The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination concluded…
Hundreds of Iraqi Yezidi men, women and children are in IS detention facilities in Iraq and Syria. Young women and teenage girls are separated from their families and some have been forced to marry (or be…
People were killed in demonstrations across Turkey as Kurds demanded that the government do more to protect the town of Kobane from terrorist fighters. On Tuesday night police fired tear gas and water cannon to disperse…