Christians in north-eastern Nigeria are mourning an evangelical pastor and at least 150 others. Attacks began on July 14 when Boko Haram attacked Dille village, killing Pastor Taiwo Dokun of the Redeemed Christian Church of God…
Marzia grew up under the Taliban and was not allowed to go to school. She was a carpet weaver. Her husband, also an illiterate weaver, joined the army but was killed in 2010. They had two…
A Middle East analyst suggests that Hamas’s military wing calculates that world opinion and mounting Israeli frustration will ultimately work to their advantage. Even though Hamas underestimated the resilience of the Israel home front, military capabilities…
Two years after a revolt that ousted and killed Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, Libya’s weak government is struggling to control its borders, stop the smuggling of weapons and manage regional militias that have refused to disarm. The…
Pope Francis called for urgent action to protect and care for the tens of thousands of unaccompanied children migrating from Central America and Mexico to the United States. In a letter read by the Vatican envoy…
Unaccompanied children migrants jump onto trains in Mexico to cross the border - as many as 90,000 may have entered the US from Central America this year alone. This week Aljazeera reported that 458 children, including…