Security forces patrolled Baga market on Tuesday after an assault by Islamist sect Boko Haram killed 30 people when gunmen stormed the fish section spraying stallholders and vendors with bullets and setting off bombs. It appeared…
February 2nd official results from the Democratic Republic of Congo’s elections were disputed by international and local observers saying the election was flawed when President Joseph Kabila and his allies gained an outright parliamentary majority. These…
The remains of burnt Korans were found by local labourers at a US airbase, enraging locals and by Wednesday four people had been killed and 20 injured as protests spread, in spite of US apologies. Taliban…
A new television commercial airing Presidents Day weekend reminds Americans how God and religion are foundational to the country. The minute-long spot highlights quotes from Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Kennedy and Reagan – each focused…
Leila Mohammadi a Christian convert from Islam was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment by a revolutionary court in Iran after spending 5 months in the infamous Evin prison, according to Iranian news services. She was first…
Anglican leaders from across the continent of Africa have made an emotional appeal to Muslim faith leaders to stand with them in opposition to ‘tragic violence that is destroying our communities’. The appeal was issued at…