Iraq: 30 died in car bomb attacks against Shia Muslims celebrating Ashura in Baghdad and Hilla. The attacks follow violence against Christian shops and properties in the Kurdistan region. Also in Dahuk three shops and a…
50,000 children work on the streets of Afghanistan’s capital. Some are orphans, others work to support their families selling chewing gum, magazines, or trinkets others polish shoes, wash cars or dispense good luck from a can…
Arif Ferguson is in hiding after death threats from the Taliban because he shared his faith with Muslims and expressed views against the blasphemy law in a local newspaper. Release International said, ‘This latest death threat…
Kashmir region’s grand mufti used a video from YouTube showing Rev Khanna baptising seven young Muslim men and women to have the Reverend arrested. The video was linked by other online platforms provoking an avalanche of…
Egyptian Christians request our prayers for Parliamentary elections within the current context of protest, violence and lack of security. Christians are concerned that the pattern of protest and violent response is nurturing an environment of indifference…
Muslim herdsmen and soldiers killed at least 45 ethnic Berom Christians in Plateau state in the past week. Smaller attacks beginning on Nov. 20th over allegations by Fulani Muslims of cattle theft preceded an attack on…