Mainly Christian islands are at the heart of the three-fold disaster of earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption that have killed hundreds and displaced thousands in Indonesia this week. A 7.7 magnitude undersea earthquake triggered the three-metre…
A Christian pastor in Iran is sceduled for execution this weekend. Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani was convicted of apostasy, a crime that carries the death sentence in the Islamic state of Iran, while his wife was sentenced…
Myanmar’s (Burma's) first election in 20 years is on November 7th and Christians in ethnic minority states fear that afterwards the military regime will try to ‘cleanse’ the areas of Christianity. The Myanmar junta is showing…
The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) is published annually by Transparency International. Surveys and assessments are used to compile an index of the most corrupt countries, asking questions relating to bribery of public officials, kickbacks in public…
A Christian from Thailand writes: ‘At a conference 2 weeks ago the Lord said we will experience great shaking, natural disasters, political upheavals. Is the church ready to act? We are experiencing natural disasters now as…
Israel is facing a water shortage. Although abundant rainfall in February brought the Lake Kinneret back over its ‘red line’ (the point at which water levels are dangerously low) the country is still recovering from five…