House church leaders fear an increased wave of persecution following a speech by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who warned against the ‘network of house churches’ that ‘threaten Islamic faith and deceive young Muslims’. His…
Health officials say the cholera bacteria now raging through Haiti is a very virulent strain matching those commonly found in South Asia, so rioting Haitians believe the cause of the Cholera epidemic in Haiti originated from…
The only authorised Bible-printing company in China marked the printing of its eighty-millionth Bible on Monday, the government’s official press agency announced. Amity Printing Co, located in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing, says it now…
As winter approaches, floods and frosty relations between Seoul and Pyongyang are putting the lives of millions of North Koreans at risk because of local food shortages. Representatives of the Catholic Apostolate Council of Korea met…
A series of bombings and mortar attacks targeting six districts with strong Christian majorities in Baghdad injured at least 24 people. The attacks come days after more than 40 people died when Islamist militants seized a…
Speaking at a two-day conference on anti-Semitism on Parliament Hill during Holocaust Education Week, Prime Minister Harper said he is prepared to suffer any political backlash that comes his way for speaking out against anti-Israel rhetoric,…