A Canadian intercessor writes, ‘On Monday, 19 October, Canada has a Federal Election which will determine who rules in Canada over the next five years. The three main parties are equally split and could result in a minority government or a coalition. The current PM is unpopular in the media. The Conservatives under Harper are the only party of substance that is not in favour of abortion, doctor-assisted suicide and the legalisation of marijuana. The Liberal leader will not permit a liberal candidate to be pro-life. Canada has been very supportive of Israel through Harper which  would change drastically with any other party. At the moment the most likely result would be a minority government, not the most effective as they can be voted down at any moment by the majority. But let God arise!! Please pray for God’s mercy on Canada. Thank you for your fellowship in prayer.’

Muslim extremists in Aceh province fulfilled a threat against Christians and burned down an Indonesian Christian church. Their pastor and congregation are greatly affected and asking people to support persecuted Christians there and to pray for this church.’ The arson followed a social media campaign by Muslim extremists and radical imams. The most dangerous time in the week for Christians is Friday afternoon after the mosque is vacated after prayers and extremists who have listened to messages preaching hate towards Christians, Jews and others come out fired up. Last month hundreds of extremists marched to the police and legislative offices demanding the closure of all churches. Every church member is guarding their own church right now. We are asked to pray that there won’t be more church demolitions.’

The Temple Mount has become a focus of friction between Israelis and Palestinians. Fear is dividing Jerusalem as Jews and Arabs lose their sense of security to a severe degree unseen since the second intifada. Violence is escalating, some are calling it another intifada. The last intifada damaged Jerusalem's economy and social structure to an extent from which some say the city has never recovered. A Christian in Jerusalem asks for the following prayers. –‘For God’s protection over every community; for the Palestinian press, reporting wildly exaggerated and untruthful stories; for the few politicians (on both sides) who are using the unrest for personal political purposes; that God will discredit leaders (religious, political and others) who advocate solving this conflict with violence; that the Israeli army and police will act with wisdom and Palestinian and Israeli officials will co-operate to bring an end to the tension.’ On a positive note, Prophecy Today UK reports, ‘Prime Minister Netanyahu is a convinced Bible believer and a survey reveals that 95% of Israelis have a Bible in their homes’. See: http://www.prophecytoday.uk/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=206:the-god-of-truth-is-active-in-the-middle-east&Itemid=150&Itemid=101

On 5 October a senior occupational therapist who was disciplined for giving a Christian book to a Muslim colleague was granted permission to appeal an Employment Tribunal ruling against her. The judge recognised the significance of Victoria Wasteney's case in raising points of law of public importance and said that the Employment Appeal Tribunal should consider whether the original ruling had applied the European Convention on Human Rights' strong protection of freedom of religion and expression properly. Andrea Williams, Chief Executive of the Christian Legal Centre which is supporting Miss Wasteney, said, ‘Victoria's case raises crucial questions about how the European Convention on Human Rights' strong protection of religious freedom applies in the UK and about the extent to which employers can censor freedom of expression.’ An appeal hearing is now expected next year.

The Archdeacon of the Gulf suggests that the British media outrage over a pensioner due to receive lashings in Saudi Arabia won't help advocacy work there. Karl Andree was sent to prison after breaking their laws and carrying homemade wine in his car. A further part of his punishment included 350 lashes. His family said he may not survive the lashes. His story hit the UK media and a spokeswoman for the Prime Minister said, ‘We have provided consular assistance to Mr Andree and his family and have raised the case repeatedly with the Saudis in recent weeks.’ Then the PM wrote to the Saudis to raise the case again on the back of the action that had already been taken by the Foreign Office. Fr Bill said, ‘One of the reasons we are not successful in advocacy in Saudi Arabia is that we cannot challenge them unless we get our facts correct. If we distort the facts or don't understand them then officials can dismiss our advocacy’.

Two former Archbishops have criticised the Government’s plans to reduce tax credits. Lord Carey and Lord Williams have called for a re-think of the policy, which they claim will hit the low-paid the hardest.
Lord Carey said that he himself relied on Government support while bringing up his four children and knows first-hand what damage the proposed changes to tax credits could cause. He said, ‘I support the aim of the Government to make work pay and put in place a reasonable cap on welfare pay. But I urge the Government to reconsider these cuts to working tax credits that will hit many hardworking families very hard.’ Lord Williams said, ‘They are inflicting heavy damage on hard-working families.It ought to be common sense and compassion.’

The UK Government has confirmed that abortion will be devolved to the Scottish Parliament. The decision has been welcomed by one of Scotland's leading Christian charities who have called for the issue to be debated for the first time in Holyrood. CARE for Scotland said, ‘It makes plain constitutional sense for this new power to be given to Holyrood so that the Parliament here has power over start of life issues as well. The transfer of such a major new power clearly merits a full parliamentary debate and MSPs should take advantage of this opportunity as soon as possible.’ Scottish Secretary David Mundell said that people felt very strongly about the issue and the Government understood that. ‘We will bring forward an amendment to the Scotland Bill so that abortion law can be devolved to the Scottish Parliament,’ he told the Scottish Affairs Committee in Westminster.

On Monday three men were arrested in Portadown regarding a drugs’ seizure and illegal entry into the UK. One was arrested for possession of criminal property and one was arrested for being concerned in the supply of Class B controlled drugs. The third man was arrested for importation of Class B drugs and illegal entry into the UK. Northern Ireland is the UK's back door for illegal immigrants and the number of illegal immigrants intercepted at Northern Ireland ports trying to reach other parts of the UK has risen significantly in the last three years. Home Office figures show 468 people were intercepted in 2014/15, including those who crossed the border with the Irish Republic. (up 71% on the 2012/13 total). This year's figures for interceptions in Northern Ireland include 30 convicted criminals who had previously been deported from the UK. See also: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-33728450