Sunday June 12 2011 will be a global day of prayer. Read more information here.

When believers really pray together, humbling our hearts before the Lord, listening to Him and one another, we taste something of His glorious companionship through the uniting work of His Spirit.

Planning report for the World Prayer Assembly in Indonesia from 14-18th May, 2012.

Two years ago God told me this. "Everything that can be shaken will be shaken." Little did I know at the time how this would be fulfilled! Read more of Brian Mills' message....

This morning I awoke and was so frustrated about all of the stuff that I'm dealing with in trying to get this studio open. I was about to open my mouth and start complaining when I remembered something that happened to me about a year ago.

Throughout the last decade, as intercessors and facilitators, we have experienced that transformational prayer brings the manifest presence of God, and we have witnessed the power of that glorious presence to transform certain societies.

The ‘Deep Sea Canoe Vision’ was given to me in early 1986, in my nation of Solomon Islands. It was during a normal Elder’s prayer meeting on which the agenda was the opening up of a new congregation in a suburb of Honiara city. I began to receive this powerful impression on my mind.