The role of watchmen in the Old Testament was well understood. They had to stand guard twenty-fours a day for a city. Cities are mentioned over 800 times in the Bible. Unlike today, when we have mega-cities across the world, in Old Testament times cities were sometimes quite small. What distinguished them from villages was the wall of protection built around them. Each city wall had watch-towers constructed as part of the wall. One sees this replicated today in some historic castles scattered across theBritish Isles.

Watchmen had to stand guard in shifts around the clock, watching for signs of danger.They would then inform the city elders, who would decide what action was appropriate. Isaiah 62.6, Jeremiah 6.17 and Ezekiel 3.17 (among others) speaks of the role of spiritual watchmen.

In many nations today, the church has taken this very seriously. Multiple "watches" in prayer centres and towers, churches, ministry centres - even prisons - have been established, involving many thousands of Christians in prayer on a regular basis. I believe God is calling again for such watches to be established. These are prayer watches, involving all ages. Some already are deliberately and regularly taking the night watches. African believers know that the hours of darkness are when most of the evil in the world takes place. "Men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil".

Certainly the urgency of the hour, the spread of wars, the economic uncertainty, the widening gap between rich and poor, the increasing intensity of enemy aggression against followers of Christ, the huge migrant crisis gripping Europe, creating population shifts, the terrorist threats posed by Islamist groups in many parts of the world - all this and more means that we as Christians need to be "watching and praying". Nothing is certain - everything is shifting.

How do we watch? Certainly in prayer for extended times. By keeping our eyes open to what the evil one is doing as well as to what God is doing, we will have fuel for prayer. By watching the news (but not getting fearful because of the news) can be a help, so long as we recognise that the news media can only present a perspective - not the whole truth. But we also need to see things from God's perspective as we pray. He knows everything we need to know for effective prayer. By being seated with Him in heavenly places (Ephesians 2.10), we can know that too.

We also need to watch and pray in unity. Watchmen on the walls were in touch with each other. We need to check what we are discerning with others, and then decide what to do next - in unity with both watchmen and the elders of the city. When I meet with prayer leaders in the South East region of the UK this is something we do. Where do we watch? We need to ask God what is the assignment he individually wishes us to take on. For some it will be their street, for others their village, town or city. Others know they are called to be watchmen for their nation. And some know that God has appointed them to be global watchmen. I was at a gathering of intercessory leaders in mid August, and around half of them knew they had been called to be global watchmen. I know God has called me to be one of these too.

The times we are in are serious. Satan knows that his time is short. So he is active on multiple fronts simultaneously. He works through a network of principalities and powers, and demonic systems of control. Most Christians in the West are not alert to these things (unlike our brothers and sisters in Africa and Asia, who are well aware of Satan's devices). But we need to be on our guard and alert!

Where are the watchmen? "Watch and pray", said Jesus lest you fall into diverse temptations.

Source:  Brian Mills, IPC Senior Advisor

Unite in Prayer

12 Oct 2015

The 10/40 Window is located from 10 degrees south to 40 degrees north of the equator. There are 69 nations across Northern Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia in the 10/40 Window.

More than 4 billion people live here, including 90 percent of the world's poorest of the poor.
The 10/40 Window is often called "The Resistant Belt" and includes the majority of the world's Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Communist Governments.
It is estimated that 1.6 billion of these people have never had the chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ - not even once!

From 1 – 31 October 2015 we will be Praying Through the Window – a worldwide prayer initiative, focused on the following global issues in the 69 nations:

  • Global Terrorism
  • World Religions
  • Corruption
  • Lawlessness
  • Persecution

Prayer points - global issues

Prayer points - the nations


uniteWhy don't you consider becoming a part of 

11:55 Un✝te in Prayer

and Pray through the Window

at 11:55 am every day through October?

Find out more



Source:  Global Prayer Resource Network

War in Yemen

12 Oct 2015

With the war in Syria, ISIS, and the current refugee crisis in Europe, it is easy to forget the war in Yemen which has left the country at the brink of famine according to the UN's World Food Programme (WFP). Of the 27 million people in Yemen, 21 million are in aid of humanitarian aid. There are massive food shortages, lack of fresh water, sanitation and low fuel stocks. This has created a humanitarian catastrophe for the Yemeni people, especially for the children. They are suffering from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhea, dengue fever, and a host of other diseases. In addition, 1.4 million have been forced from their homes. They are refugees in their own country. The total number of people who have been killed so far is 4500, 2000 of them being civilians.

Pray for the peace of Yemen. Pray for humanitarian aid to reach the people. One prayer request from a previous PTAP mailing was answered when a ship loaded with food and aid successfully arrived in the port city of Aden last month. Pray that Jesus and his people would proclaim the gospel of the kingdom and heal every disease and every affliction (Matthew 9:35). As Jesus was moved to compassion to become the shepherd for a harassed and helpless people, may the believers in Yemen rise up and serve their people as compassionate shepherds representing the King (Matthew 9:36).

In particular, pray for one city in the country. Where there was once a bustling shopping mall, a hull of aluminum and concrete stands. Hotels and apartment buildings once full of life, now stand empty. A famous landmark of the 1800s is half gone. Pray for the people in a city torn by war. Pray that they will have courage and strength to rebuild their lives. Pray that they will hear the good news that God's deep love for them did not change even with the world around them did. Pray that those who love God will be able to reach out to the people in this city.

Here is a sobering slideshow of pictures from the current conflict. Let these images draw you into prayer for one of the most needy places on earth right now. Click here to view the slideshow.

A believer was recently imprisoned for 3 weeks. He was interrogated and released. Because of the war, religious matters are low on the radar of the security but they are still active and watching. Pray for the protection of the believers and that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit to speak the word of God with boldness (Acts 4:31).

This past weekend, a local pastor was targeted, shot and killed. Pray Rev 12:11 - that the believers would overcome Satan through persecution, the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony.


Source:  Praying through the Arabian Peninsula

The president of Pakistan’s Christian Congress has urged Western nations to open its doors to persecuted Pakistani Christians. According to the Daily Pakistan, Nazir Bhatti said Christians seeking asylum should be accommodated in the USA, the UK, and other European countries. Bhatti’s plea comes after the announcement that refugees from Syria will be welcomed by both the UK and Germany. Thousands of Pakistani Christian asylum-seekers are not economic immigrants but persecuted Christians who can’t afford to pay human traffickers to reach the shores of Europe, wrote Bhatti. Christian asylum-seekers in Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand and other Southeastern Asian countries have been waiting years for word on their immigration cases, without any support from the UNHCR, IRC or other international NGOs.

The parents of 43 missing college students have led a march of thousands of people in Mexico City, marking one year since the students’ disappearance. In January Mexico's government said the students had been handed over to a drug cartel by police and then killed and burned to ashes. Independent experts suggest they were killed because they unknowingly took control of a bus carrying illegal drugs and the government did nothing to protect them. Forensic teams said the government's conclusion is not supported by evidence. Protesters called the march ‘a day of indignation’, allowing people to show their anger over the handling of the students’ disappearance. They carried posters saying ‘No more disappearances and no more deaths’. ‘We came with a thirst for justice. Behind the 43 are thousands of disappeared’, student Sofia Rojas said. An anti-crime activist said the protest ‘sets an example for all Mexicans to wake up, and not be silent.’ See also:

After losing control of Kunduz to the Taliban on Monday, the government says it has now reclaimed most of the city. Shockwaves of the Taliban's sudden seizure of this strategic hub on the main trade-route between the Afghan capital and Tajikistan continue to reverberate. On Thursday insurgents were still in various parts of Kunduz, and the Taliban insisted they had not yet finished fighting in the city. Questions remain about Afghan ability to protect Kunduz in future. To help you visualise the terror of residents in the area, the following is part of an email which Prayer Alert received on Monday. ‘Mobile service has been cut off. Reports of fierce battles with security forces. T*lbn forces broken into main Kunduz prison, freeing hundreds -1 hour ago. More than half of Kunduz seized -12 minutes ago - now marching on airport. This would be a major disaster for Afghanistan and the first district main city falling back into the hands of the T*lbn.’

A Christian in Pakistan writes, ‘The greatest thing anyone can do for God and for man is to pray. It is not the only thing, but it is the chief thing.’ Some heavy flooding has taken place in the southern part of the Punjab as heavy monsoon rains have started again and India has let the water go in their own dams upriver. The government has helped many, but still hundreds of thousands are left desolate without homes, fields or livestock. PLEASE PRAY against Al-Qaeda as they have taken a new approach of offering help to people affected by the floods if the people will come and join them. A poor Pakistani without the money to go on Hajj can go to the central place of the ‘Prince of Death’, the central place of Al-Qaeda in Pakistan. They believe this will obtain the same merit; as many Pakistani people go to this stronghold as go to Mecca.

Religion supports astronomy and religious people should not be afraid of the scientific study of celestial objects, according to the Pope's astronomer, Guy Consolmagno, the new director of the Vatican Observatory and a Jesuit. He says, ‘Religious people need to know that astronomy is wonderful and that they shouldn't be afraid of it. John Paul II said of evolution that 'truth cannot contradict truth; if you think you already know everything about the world, you are not a good scientist, and if you think you know all there is to know about God, then your religious faith is at fault.’ Dr Consolmagno said the Vatican supports astronomy because it is an important part of being human. Meanwhile Richard Dawkins told the Wall Street Journal that 'ignorant Christians’ are holding back science, and it was a wonder ‘that America is the leading scientific nation despite having this incubus around its neck of an uncultured ignorant almost majority’. See: