"The Lord laughs at the wicked for he knows their day is coming." Ps 37:13


Pakistan is going through some hard times, first with extreme heat with thousands dying. Now the monsoons have hit and there is heavy flooding across much of the country.  Several years ago we had extremely heavy flooding.  In the last two years Tarbala and Mangla (two of the largest dams in the world) have been very low with not enough water for irrigation.  Both dams are now full to within a foot of the top. And the monsoons are not over yet. To let the water go means even more flooding in the lower plains.  There are more than a million people who have lost homes, cities, livestock.  Fields are being swept away.  Our tribal people who live on the edge of the desert and perhaps get 1/2 inch of rain a year say their mud homes are standing in water and collapsing.  For those of you from the west, think of this - people have no insurance, no help.  When they lose everything, they become destitute.


  Ø Pray for those who have lost everything and are destitute.

  Ø Pray against the misuse of aid.  Al Qaeda is taking foreign aid and distributing it as aid from themselves.

  Ø The right control of the distribution of flood water.  The pirs are blasting river dams on the wrong side to save their demonic strongholds and diverting water to where large populations of people live.

THE FALL OF EVIL LEADERS- God works miraculously.

Jehoshaphat prayed when the enemy was upon them, and then went out and found that God had gone before them and destroyed the enemy.  Several of the most dangerous leaders in the world have been removed.

The Taliban announced that Mullah Omar has died - in a Pakistani Hospital about 2 years ago. They tried to keep it secret so that there would not be disunity in the group. The top contender to replace him is Maulana Akhtar Mansoor. In Pakistan the leader of the largest Taliban group along the Afghan border died this week.  He has been replaced by his son.

In Pakistan, let's turn our attention to A.Q. that works throughout the world. Malik Ishaq Gullani was killed when some of his people tried to rescue him from a police escort.  He and two of his sons were killed along with 15 others of his group.   He was one of the most dangerous  A.Q. leaders,  a genius in strategy. He was in on the planning of September 11; he planned the Mumbai attack in India; the list is endless in Pakistan and around the world.  He was in on starting the training school in Pakistan that sends thousands of terrorists around the world.  He also trained over 200,000 suicide bombers.

God says, "The Lord laughs at the wicked for he knows their days are numbered "

Like Jehoshaphat who brought the people together and first prayed, we also must do the same.   "Pray and I will hear and answer." PRAISE God that these leaders in the T. and A.Q. have been removed by God. PRAY as there is tremendous infighting in these groups as to who will take their place. PRAY that like the enemies of Jehoshaphat they will fight amongst themselves and destroy each other.

Thank you for praying.  These are miraculous answers to prayer.

Continue to PRAY for four areas of the country we have been praying for- that prayer might be built up and that they might go into these strongholds and pray and see God bring them down with the terrorist leaders.

August 13, 2015 | 12:07 GMT

Chadian President Idriss Deby said Aug. 12 that Nigerian jihadist group Boko Haram, which now calls itself Wilayat al-Sudan al-Gharbi, has elected a new leader, heightening speculation that the previous chief, Abubakar Shekau, may have been killed, This Day Live reported Aug. 13. The new leader reportedly is Mahamat Daoud. Shekau has not been seen any of the group's videos for months. Chadian efforts to to combat Boko Haram have succeeded in decapitating the group, Deby said, and the campaign will be completed by the end of 2015. Small groups of Boko Haram members remain scattered throughout northeastern Nigeria, near the Cameroonian border, he said. Jihadist groups continue to function even after their leaders are killed.

Thank God that progress is being made in overcoming the Boko Haram terrorists. Pray that their new leader will be brought to justice along with all the BH members who have carried out so much destruction in West Africa. Pray for the return of all their captives and for the healing and restoration of the areas they have harmed.

American Christian Trust

46-E Peninsula Center, #423 s Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 s (310) 373-1775  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

            Thank you so much for your concern and dedication to pray for Israel.  Below is an alphabetical list of current news sources that you may use to keep up on current events regarding Israel.  We hope this will help you to pray appropriately.

One of the world’s largest Jewish educational organizations.

To provide a vehicle for the research, study, discussion and exchange of views concerning nonmilitary cooperation between the peoples and governments of the United States and Israel. 

Bridges for Peace is a Jerusalem based Bible believing Christian organization supporting Israel and building relationships between Christians and Jews worldwide through education and practical deeds expressing God’s love and mercy.

Christian Friends of Israel led by Ray and Sharon Sanders is a Jerusalem based ministry that exists to comfort and support the people of Israel through practical means. 

Christian Friends of Israeli Communities provides a much needed vehicle for Christians to become better informed about the Jewish communities in the heartland of Biblical Israel.

Christian Friends of Yad Vashem was established to raise awareness about the Holocaust and its universal lessons in Christian communities.

Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States.

The Embassy provides a variety of resources for up-to-date information directly from the Israeli government. 

The Emergency Volunteers Project’s mission is to recruit and train dedicated individuals and communities who will serve as a backup force of Emergency First Responders in Israel.

Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) is a Washington, DC based think tank and policy center with an unabashedly pro-America and pro-Israel stance. 

A Christian Initiative promoting European-Israeli cooperation

The ICEJ was formed in 1980 as an evangelical Christian response to the need to comfort Zion according to the command of scripture in Isaiah 40:1-2.  The ICEJ News Service provides timely balanced updates on the latest developments in the region.  You may subscribe to this free service on their home page.

The Fellowship was founded in 1983 by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein to promote understanding and cooperation between Jews and Christians and to build broad support for Israel and other shared concerns.

The Israel Allies Foundation works with Congress and parliaments around the world to mobilize political support for Israel based on Judeo-Christian values.

An official government website

Israel 21c hopes their feature articles on Israeli advancements in health, technology and democracy will create a greater awareness about the vibrant Israel, which exists beyond headlines of conflict.  Click on About Us on the website to sign up for e-mail updates.

Israel Vision provides you with the kinds of media tools that give you, your family, your church and your community a balanced view of unfolding events in the Middle East.  They provide historic facts as well as on-site investigative reports that often fill the information gap.

An independent institute for policy research headed by former U.N. Ambassador Dr. Dore Gold

To inform, educate and activate Christians and Jews to be pro-active instruments of God’s love and blessing for Israel and the Jewish people

Stan Goodenough is a Christian journalist who lives in Jerusalem and provided timely commentary on current events. 

JNF is a global leader in environmental issues having planted over 250 million trees and provided the infrastructure for over 1000 communities in Israel.

A Christian congregation located in Haifa on Mount Carmel.

The mission of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus is to build direct lines of communication, cooperation and coordination between the Knesset and Christian leaders around the world.

A non-denominational Christian congregation located in Jerusalem.

Unity Coalition for Israel is the largest worldwide coalition of Jewish and Christian organizations, with more than 200 groups representing millions of people dedicated to Israel.  Visit their website and click on Subscribe to “Today’s News Summaries” to receive all their latest information.

Abraham Lincoln once said, "I have been driven to my knees many times by the conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day".

Such was the case when key Christian leaders got together at the beginning of July 2015 and in desperation called for '21 Days of Prayer and Fasting for a 'Miracle for Marriage' from 20 July to Sunday 9 August 2015.

The good news is that things happen when people pray!

Below are nine miracles that the Canberra Declaration Team believes came about because of answered prayers. We know that much blood, sweat, and tears were involved in everything surrounding these wonderful outcomes, but as St Augustine said, "Without God, I can't. Without me, He won't." Soli deo Gloria! (To God be the glory!)

1. On Monday 10 August over 3,000 bouquets of flowers landed on the lawns of

Parliament House, Canberra, addressed to the Prime Minister, with thousands of Thank You's. The miracle is that although correct protocols were not met, the message still got through to the PM and parliamentarians.

2. A full page advert ran in The Australian on Monday 10 August which helped to influence a miracle vote in the Coalition Party Room. The miracle is the supply of God's provision to the wonderful team at the Marriage Forum who sponsored the advert.

3. The decisive and overwhelming majority vote in support of traditional marriage by the Coalition members in the marathon party room meeting. It started at 9AM and finished at 10.30PM (with some lengthy breaks throughout the day). The miracle is the massive margin of 33 votes, with 66 votes cast for retaining marriage as party policy to 33 against.

4. Katy Faust from USA and Millie Fontana from Melbourne, who have both experienced as children the challenges associated with same-sex parenting, shared their personal stories with parliamentarians from 11-13 August. The miracle is the open door invitation by parliamentarians who wanted to hear the truth for themselves about the injustices that the redefinition of marriage inflicts on children. Millie's story was quoted in the party room.

5. On Wednesday 12 August, Katy Faust appeared on Lateline and her interview became one of the most popular videos in the history of Lateline. The miracle is the eloquence of Katy Faust and the fact that Tony Jones and that the ABC, unashamed proponents of homosexual marriage, aired the interview.

6. On Thursday 13 August, the Uluru Bark Petition, in support of marriage, was launched at Parliament House, Canberra by over 70 Indigenous elders and leaders, from all over Australia. The miracle is the unity and sacrifice that brought them together at short notice.

7. On Friday 14 August, a tabloid size advert appeared in The Australian (page 4) advertising the full Uluru Bark Petition in both Pitjantjatjara and English to 492,000 influential Australians. The miracle is the supply of finance to create and run the advertisement.

8. On Monday 17 August, ABC Media Watch exposed the incredible bias against supporters of marriage between a man and a woman by the Australian media elite. The miracle is that the truth was told on ABC TV. Thank God for the Marriage Alliance.

9. On Monday 17 August the highly anti-family, pro-homosexual Q & A program, featured not one but two supporters of marriage between a man and a woman. Usually the odds are 5 to 1 against, but in this case the odds were only 4 to 2 against; Tony Jones also being an avid supporter of homosexual marriage. The miracle is that Brendan O'Neill, a Marxist atheist and Katy Faust bravely hit the ball right out of the ball park. See the full show here.

The miracles continued this week with Brendan O'Neill's article in The Australian called the 'Perfectly Normal are branded as Bigots' and the brilliant article in the Courier Mail by Jane Fynes-Clinton, exposing the intolerance of those who want to redefine marriage.

The team at the Canberra Declaration are in awe of the combined effect of all these separate miracles to create one big 'Miracle for Marriage'.

God has truly answered our prayers. To Him be all the glory.

We ask you to do two things:

1. Give thanks to God and pray for the breakthrough to continue.

2. Sign the Uluru Bark Petition in support of marriage between a man and a woman and tell all your friends to do the same. Together we can make a difference. Soli deo Gloria.

Yours for more Marriage Miracles

Warwick Marsh and Ben Pratt

Stratfor.com          August 22, 2015 | 18:23 GMT

Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced Aug. 22 that Pakistan will not attend the planned national security advisor talks citing "preconditions" set by India earlier in the day, the Express Tribune reported. The Pakistani government specifically mentioned that it could not accept India's conditions to limit the talks to ways of ending terrorism and maintaining tranquility on the Line of Control. Representatives of the Indian government denied that they had set preconditions. Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj said earlier that talks could be delayed if Pakistani National Security Advisor Sartaj Aziz insisted on meeting with Kashmiri separatist leaders.

Let’s pray for the soon rescheduling of these security talks. The border between India and Pakistan is probably the most dangerous one on earth since both nations have nuclear weapons. May their be a thaw in the relationship of these South Asian enemies!

I want to encourage you to register to receive an early invitation to participate in a highly strategic gathering of leaders October 24-28, 2016, in New York City: Movement Day Global Cities. Since 2010, New York has hosted Movement Day, a cutting-edge consultation for leaders growing collaborative city movements. Under the leadership of Dr. Mac Pier and the New York City Leadership Center, I am serving as the Coordinator of the Global Cities Leadership Community, a rapidly growing network of kingdom leaders engaged with city movements that are already existing, or emerging.

Our aim is to extend an early invitation to leaders of global city movements with motivation and capacity to bring a team of at least 5 colleagues to New York in 2016. These could be pastors, leaders of non-profits, leaders engaged in the marketplace, prayer mobilizers, church planters, etc, with a common passion to reach their cities through increased collaboration.

While inspiring and valuable, we fully realize that large international gatherings can be inspiring, but have a "short shelf life."  Yes, we will have superb, relevant Bible exposition from the likes of Tim Keller, Bill Hybels and other international speakers. Select global cities will present functional models of spiritual and societal transformation. Afternoon sessions will be dedicated to a range of specific affinity tracks. There will be multiple value-added exposures in the New York area. But what I feel is most valuable will be the sustainable learning opportunities that follow-on from New York, such as regional internet meetings, city movement consultations in geographic "hubs" around the world (e.g., the 2 day City Advance consultation/learning community I designed and offered before Movement Day since 2010).

If you register below, this simply gives you the opportunity to receive an early invitation. Simply go the site below:


And check out the initial version of our site:  movementday.com" href="http:// http://2016 . movementday.com">http:// http://2016 . movementday.com

Thanks for "listening" and considering participation.

Tom White


GCLC Coordinator

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We wanted to bring to your attention the upcoming '21 Days For Global Harvest' prayer campaign and to especially request your kind support and assistance as a friend of SVM2 and a stakeholder in passing on the information and promoting this global prayer campaign among your IPC networks around the world..

Here are a few ways we suggest you could possibly do this:

1. Send out email notices or include information about the '21 Days for Global Harvest' in your regular/periodic email communications across your network.

2. If your organization runs any any publications online/digital or in printed form, you could place or embed our graphic promotionals in those publications or alternatively embed the promo in your website or blog.

3. Send us the contacts of specific people across your network that we could get in touch with directly to promote and create awareness for this prayer campaign.

Please see attachment for a graphic ad for the 21 Days For Global Harvest. More information is available on the 21 Days of Prayer website here: http://21daysofprayer.net. A promotional video is available too. I'm also ready to be of assistance in any other way you might consider more convenient for promoting this campaign and spreading the word.

As a very well connected and respected leader, we believe your help with getting the word out will not only add credibility but also to a very great extent, enhance the participation of more individuals and ministries as believers unite all over the world for 21 days of covenant praying for the nations.

For His Glory

Joel M Iyorwa

SVM2 / International Alliance Coordinator


Hajj Prayer is a 3-day effort to pray for people going on the Hajj (Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca) from 21–23 September, 2015. All the Hajj Prayer 2015 information can be found at the Praying Through the Arabian Peninsula website: http://www.pray-ap.info/hajj. There is a Hajj video and also a three-day prayer guide. The day when Muslims are on Mount Arafat, seeking forgiveness of sins is Yom Kippur, the day Jews are also seeking forgiveness of sins—their calendars are aligning to make this happen. We encourage everyone to pray for one-fifth of the world during these days.