The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Protestant Christian denomination that observes Saturday, the original seventh day of the Judeo-Christian week, and accentuates the imminent second coming (advent) of Jesus Christ. For more than 40 years efforts were made to establish the first Seventh-day Adventist Church in Principat d’Andorra, a very small country in the middle of the Pyrenean mountains. The prayer and work of a few dedicated families living in Andorra and Spain have produced the establishment of Associació Cristiana Adventista d’Andorra. The government of Andorra has existed with a peculiar arrangement since 1269 AD, as decreed in the Pareatge Agreements. The country has two heads of state or co-princes; one prince is the president of France, and the other is the Bishop of Urgell (Catalonia, Spain). The Andorran Constitution warrants non-discrimination for religious reasons, and freedom of cult and religion, but there is a specific mention that grants protection and preeminence to the traditional church of the nation. These laws explain why the nation's first Adventist Church has had to be registered as an ‘association.’


17 Jul 2015

Albania is bracing itself for the risk that turmoil in Greece, its southern neighbour, will force tens of thousands of migrant Albanian workers to return home, cutting off remittances to hard-pressed families in one of post-communist eastern Europe’s poorest states. Government ministers in Tirana express confidence that Albania’s financial system can ride out the storm, even though three banks in Albania are Greek-owned and control almost 16 per cent of all assets in the Albanian banking sector. The concerns about the possible return of migrants underline that Albania and other Balkan states, rather than Greece’s Eurozone partners, could be the first to feel the economic and social ripple effects of the crisis in Athens. About 12 per cent of Albania’s 3.2m people live below the World Bank-defined poverty line of $2 a day. Albanian migrant workers have been going to Greece since the early 1990s.

September 13 - 27, 2015

Joel 2:28 is being fulfilled at the end-time. God is pouring out the Holy Spirit to three generations - parents, youngsters and children. Psalms 8:3: "Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger."

Children are being raised to have intimacy with God, who love to worship God, pray and listen to God's voice. They become instruments of God and as the transformation agents for their family, church, city, country and nations. After the World Prayer Assembly in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2012. Jerusalem House of Prayer of All Nations Convocation Jerusalem and Watchman Tour of Israel began a children's prayer track where they are trained to have intimacy with God 24 hours per day and become watchmen with Harp and Bowl.

At this year's Jerusalem House of Prayer of All Nations Convocation, the Children in Prayer Track will be served by an Indonesian team to be led by Ps. Tety Irwan. They will meet every day for 6 hours from the 13th Sept - 27th September with a morning session (9:00-12:00 am) and an afternoon session (2:00 - 5:00 pm).

Date: September 13 - September 27, 2015

Place: Jerusalem - Israel

Theme: Arise and Shine The Glory of The King is Rising Upon You, isaiah 60:1-2

Children Track Program is as follows:

* Devotion time

* Workshop training about prayer: intimacy with God, hearing God's voice, praise and worship, powerful prayer, prayer fasting, harp and bowl, prayer walking, equipping, prayer for your country, praying for the nation and many others.

* Lesson on Prophetic Dance.

* Children will do prayer walking in Kibbutz

* Harp and Bowl in Prayer tower 24/7 hours

* Praying for nations

* Hearing the voice of God

* Puppet show

* Concert of Prayer

* Fellowship and fun time (playing & swimming)

* Games

* Snack time

Attached is an invitation letter from Ps. Tom Hess for the event CHILDREN PRAYER TRACK JHOPFAN September 13 - September 27, 2015 and also Registration Form

Criteria for children are :

1 . Age 7-14 years ( can be accompanied by a parent or adult )

2 . Children who are confident, polite and of good character

3 . Able to communicate in English

For those who are interested and wanted to send their children and teenagers to participate in the Children's Prayer Track, Please fill out the registration form and send it to Nelli ( Children Track Staff ) email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and cc to me : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ps . Tety Irwan ( Indonesia )

Children in Prayer ( CIP ) International

Children Prayer Track Leaders : Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations Convocation and Watchman Tour of Israel September 13 - September 27, 2015

Dear Children of the world,

We bring you warm greetings from Jerusalem, the City of the Great King!

For the last 4 years Tety Irwan has done an awesome job in coordinating the children's track from all nations and continents at our annual convocation and Watchmen's tour of Israel. Each year more children attend. We hope this year you could send at least a few children to represent your nation at the All Nations Convocation Jerusalem and Watchmen's tour of Israel. The lives of the children that are going to be here will never be the same.

Join with Tety and all of us this year in Jerusalem for an awesome download from heaven and life-changing experience together in the land of Jesus. 

Hope to see you this year in Jerusalem.

Shalom in Messiah's Love and Joy,

Tom Hess

Monday, 31 August thru Friday, 4 September 2015

Over recent years trumpets have been blown in many parts of our Continent as an act of obedience to the Lord. In the UK it started in Birmingham in response to the reading of the scriptures in Numbers 10 v9 which says, “When you go into battle in your own land against an enemy that is oppressing you, sound a blast on the trumpets. Then you will be remembered by the Lord your God and rescued from your enemies.” From that and other scriptures we see that the sounding of trumpets were for gathering the people, moving the people, calling the people to war and celebrating the feasts and all that God had done. As many of you know our brother Werner Woiwode from Switzerland, has not only blown the trumpet across Europe but in many other places around the world. In June 2014 we gathered in Macedonia and the Trumpet Call there encouraged our brothers and sisters across the Balkan nations and southern Europe.

Following recent Skype calls and a gathering of prayer leaders in Brussels, we believe it is right to go to Timisoara, Romania and blow the trumpet for the whole of our Continent. This invitation is to you, your church, your prayer ministry, your mission agency to come and join us in sounding the trumpet again over the Continent of Europe.

Here is the website where you can get more information and register to take part

Our friends at The Christian Centre Timisoara/Agape Church have kindly made the church available for the week. We shall gather from 31 August early evening through to 4 September where for four days we shall have continuous prayer, worship, reading of scripture and declaration of the truth of God’s word and the frequent sounding of the trumpets.

There is accommodation nearby where you can stay. The lulius shopping Mall is very near the church with restaurants and coffee shops. There will be a charge of 10 Euros per person to go towards Trumpet Call Timisoara expenses. There will be full details and booking facilities on a Trumpet Call website soon but we were keen for you to get these dates in your diary.

To help in your planning suggest you visit the web site of the International Airport of Timisoara at from here it is only a short ride to the Christian Centre.

We would appreciate your help in making this known across your networks; we would love to see as many nations represented as possible. This will be an unique time since friends from the Ends of the World will join us to welcome the King of Glory in our continent.

May God continue to bless you in all He does through you

On behalf of European Trumpet Call Team

Ioan Peia: Romania

Ian Cole: UK

Representing International Prayer Council Europe

Ortwin Schweitzer: Germany

Ian & Jill Jeal: France

Representing European Union of Prayer

Werner Woiwode: Switzerland, Abraham Ministries, Trumpets over Europe

Henning Schikora: France/Norway, Operation Capitals of Europe, YWAM

Lee Saville: England/Romania, Balkan Prayer Network

Berthold Becker: Germany, Intercession movement

Levi Graudins: Latvia, Latvia House of Prayer for All Peoples

George E Markakis: Greece, Shalom Center Athens

Andy Page: United Kingdom, Prayer Alert Net

Claudius Samartinean: Romania, IHOP Timisoara, Agape Church Timisoara

Daniel Matei: Romania, Christian Centre Timisoara

Vanco Nakov: Macedonia, Balkan Prayer Network

John Robb: USA, International Prayer Council

Brian Mills: United Kingdom, International Prayer Council

Sheena Tranter: International Prayer Council

Jussi Valkonen: Finland, The Finnish prayer network

Michael Maeliau: Solomon Islands

Milo Siilata: New Zeeland

Elijah Titus: Papua New Guinea

Geoff Armitage: Australia

Timothy Map: Papua New Guinea

Hezekiah Loloi: Vanuatu

Representing All People Prayer Assembly

Please pray for the organizers and that the right people will be called to come from across Europe and other nations. May this event be anointed and mightily used of the Lord to bring about a new atmosphere for His Church and for this crucially important continent that needs so much to see a new era of spiritual revival and social transformation!

UK Trumpet Call National Day of Prayer, July 4- Ian Cole reported that over 2000 from every area of Britain took part and it was a time of great blessing and encouragement as they focused on His supremacy, the Cross of Christ with prayer leaders from other parts of Europe as well. These prayer leaders also had a very positive time planning the European Trumpet Call event that will happen in Romania, Aug 31-Sept 4. There are huge issues now like fear of terrorist attacks, financial uncertainty with the Greece and Eurozone, migrants pouring in from North Africa and the Middle East, etc. In spite of this, some of us believe that the Lord is going to send revival on this region as He did in the 1600s and 1700s. May it be so!

Please pray for the outpouring of the Spirit upon the UK and Europe and for new movements of revival to arise among the younger generation especially.

International Children's Intercessors Conference (Royal Kids), August 6-9, Chennai, India- some difficulties have been caused by local people so the event will be limited in size with not as many internationals taking part.

The Kumba Mela, starting July 15 for two months. It is expected to draw up to 65 million Hindus. The intercessors prayed at the spot in Nasik near Mumbai for 100 hours. Pray that it will be a breakthrough for the Lord and His mission among them and for those who are seeking to reach the pilgrims with the Gospel.

Global Issachar Group, South Asia Region, August 11-14, Colombo, Sri Lanka- about 35 leaders are registered to take part from the region and outside. The focus of the consultation will be on understanding and overcoming spiritual darkness in the region. Please pray for this gathering and the participants for His guidance, protection and anointing as we meet and that our findings will result in breakthroughs for the Gospel in South Asia.

National and International Security Prayer Initiative during the coming 18 months and for prayer network leaders, October 18-20, Colorado Springs, USA -increasing numbers of intercessors in the USA feel disquiet about national security so there are national conference calls scheduled (see above article). This gathering for prayer network leaders will be to seek God's strategy for national spiritual preparedness. We hope to include Mexican and Canadian leaders also. Pray with us for the national and international security of our world and for clarity as to how the prayer movement should best respond.

UPrising: World Youth Prayer Assembly youth planning team with IPC Children in Prayer team, November 2-6/7, Manila, Philippines- Good progress is being made and you can see the new website and videos at Please pray for Jerome Ocampo, the convener, and the youth planning team as they continue to make arrangements. Pray also for the major financial provision that will be needed.

6 Remarkable development and opportunity for prayer ministry in North Korea this September- pray for those who will be leading a large team to bring His blessing to this troubled and oppressed land and people.

Thank  you  so  much  for  the  prayer- backing  during  the  time  in  Iraq. As  I  shared  with  some  of  you,  the  bomb blasts  and  suicide  bombings in Baghdad have  been  reduced  from   20 to 30 per day  in  2014   to  3 to 5  a  month now. In Erbil,  there have been no  reports  of  explosions  since  a  long  time.

The prayer initiative meetings  finished  well  with  an  amazing  prophetic  time  on  the 16th  morning  and  repentance  and spiritual warfare  on  the  16th  night. One  evening  a  phone call  came  from  10  young  Kurds  who  had an  encounter  with  Jesus  and  believed  in  HIM. The  reports  from  participants  about  the  harvest  that  has  started  among internally displaced people  and  Muslim - IDPs   as  well  as  Syrian  refugees  have  been  amazing. A  team  from  MHOP   has  gone   regularly  to  a  camp  of  Muslim  refugees and  found  so  many  people  who  had  a  vision  of  Jesus. Those  from  Catholic / Chaldean / Syrian / Orthodox / Armenian / Assyrian  background IDPs  are  totally  open  as  well  to  the  Gospel  and  are  coming  to  faith. It's  an  ocean  of  people  in  endless  refugee - camps  who  are  just  waiting  for someone  to  bring  them  Jesus  in  the  midst  of  their  sufferings.

During  a  meeting  of  Muslim background believers,  leaders  came  to  the  conclusion  that  there  are  more  MBBs   now  in the  Middle  East / North Africa  than  all  other  believers  together. We  had  to  acknowledge  that  ISIS  has  driven  the  multitudes  into  the  arms  of  Christ.

The sad part:  from  approximately  12  churches   in  Erbil  there  are  no  reports  of  any  unity, even  between  two  churches  and  extremely  little  prayer. In  Baghdad  as  well,  very  sad  to  find a   total  lack  of  revelation  about  the  need  of  unity  and  very  little  prayer. The  good  thing  is  that  Muslim background leaders  are  in  unity!!!!

So  God's  own  arm  is  bringing  Him  victory!   Isa.  59: 16

(From a Colleague in the prayer movement who facilitated times of prayer training for the believers in Iraq earlier this month)


Please pray for His unity among all who follow Christ in Iraq, that their hearts, especially of pastors and leaders would be softened and that they would begin to stand together in prayer for their nation and the driving out of ISIS. Pray too for those who were trained that they will put it into effect in their lives and that they will be used of the Lord to train and encourage others so that a strong, united prayer movement can arise in this much besieged and divided nation. Also, pray that these vast millions of Iraqi and Syrian refugees will be able to hear the Gospel with many of them coming to know the Lord who cares for them.

Videos discussing use of fetal tissue in research stir antiabortion activists' hopes of ban on federal funding for organization

Wall Street Journal, July 23, 2015 

"Videos of Planned Parenthood staffers discussing how they gather fetal tissue during abortions for use in medical research are stirring antiabortion activists' hopes of converting the controversy into a ban on federal funding for the organization. Cutting off federal funds for Planned Parenthood has emerged as one of the short-term moves that activists believe is most achievable in the wake of the release of two videos in the past two weeks. 

Some lawmakers preparing to debate appropriations bills cite the videos as a reason to cut off the approximately $500 million a year in federal funds Planned Parenthood gets for providing care to Medicaid beneficiaries, contraception through family planning programs and for helping people sign up for insurance under the 2010 federal health law. Long-standing restrictions bar the federal government from paying for abortions in most cases.

A new surreptitiously recorded video released by activists this week shows a Planned Parenthood official bluntly describing abortion procedures, and whether they could be adapted to preserve tissue that could be provided to researchers...

Kristan Hawkins, president of the Students for Life of America antiabortion group, said younger activists began In Planned Parenthood's most recent annual report covering the 12 months through June 30, 2014, federal and state grants and reimbursements of around $528.4 million were the organization's single largest source of income, totaling 41% of its revenue.The majority of its funds came from a combination of other payments for services, along with private contributions and bequests.

Ten states have barred state funding of Planned Parenthood clinics for family planning services, including Texas while GOP presidential contender Rick Perry was governor and Wisconsin under rival GOP contender and current Gov. Scott Walker.

In its annual report, Planned Parenthood said its affiliates performed 327,653 abortions. In recent years, about one million abortions have been carried out annually in the U.S.

Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton defended Planned Parenthood on Thursday, saying that the organization had apologized for one employee's "insensitivity," and that its work is important...

 "Listen, I've seen these two videos. They're gruesome and I think they're awful," Mr. Boehner told reporters. "That's why the Energy and Commerce Committee and Judiciary Committee are doing an investigation. I expect that we will have hearings, and the more we learn, the more it will educate our decisions in the future."

Planned Parenthood also reported providing 4,470,597 tests for sexually transmitted diseases, 3,577,348 appointments to provide contraception, including emergency contraception, and 935,573 appointments for cancer screening including pap tests, HPV vaccinations and breast exams.

Bans on taxpayer funding for abortion enjoy widespread support from voters, even among some of those who believe abortion should be legal in at least some circumstances. But lawmakers have had limited success in previous efforts to curb funds to Planned Parenthood for other services.

In 2011, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives wanted to disqualify Planned Parenthood affiliates from receiving any federal funds for family planning or as Medicaid reimbursements. A face-off with the then-Democratic-controlled Senate and White House nearly shut down the government, but ended with the House trimming funds for family planning and allowing Planned Parenthood to remain a participant in Medicaid.

Pray for a cut-off of government funding for Planned Parenthood which exists mainly to abort children and seeks to profit from selling their body parts. This is Nazi-like behavior that is being sanitized with the rationale that it is "for the benefit of medical science". May this cause a great outrage across the USA. Please pray also for the shutting down of this corrupt and deceitful organization that trafficks in the death of precious human beings God has knit together in their mother's womb.

The African Union Mission in Somalia, better known as AMISOM, has launched a renewed offensive against al Shabaab. Despite achieving major successes with the liberation of Mogadishu in August 2011 and Kismayo in September 2012, the

Somali military and AMISOM failed to eradicate the jihadist militant organization. Sustained ground operations and the targeted killings of its leaders by U.S. airstrikes damaged the group, but al Shabaab is still dangerous. As well as conducting direct attacks, the group routinely interdicts the movement and supply lines of African Union forces with guerrilla-style operations. The African Union is drawing on new resources and capabilities in an attempt to defeat al Shabaab, or at least render the organization ineffective.

The fight will not be easy, however. AMISOM forces have suffered setbacks in the past, being forced to conduct tactical withdrawals from untenable positions in the face of al Shabaab attempts to dislodge them. A June 26 attack on an African Union base in the village of Lego inflicted a notable defeat on AMISOM forces, highlighting a major problem facing African Union forces as they expand their area of operations. While typically able to defeat al Shabaab in conventional head-on battles, AMISOM forces become overstretched as they project into the expansive reaches of southern Somalia. They lack the necessary resources to secure lines of communication over land and, as a result, frequently have to withdraw from newly liberated areas to protect their own personnel.

The nature of AMISOM's limitations is not lost on military commanders. In an attempt to prevent further embarrassments, major efforts to stabilize the situation are underway. The most immediate is the launch of a major offensive against known al Shabaab strongholds. Known as "Operation Jubba Corridor," separate maneuver elements converged on the city of Baardheere on July 22, successfully routing its militant defenders. Baardheere had been under al Shabaab control for six years and has served as a refuge in the fertile valley region.

Even though the Baardheere offensive was successful, it will not necessarily prevent continued al Shabaab operations. The militant group has already been forced to stop depending on territorial control; its guerrilla and terrorist attacks have become its most potent tool against African Union forces. Denying al Shabaab refuge in the Juba valley will contribute to the gradual decline of the militants' capabilities. The more territory AMISOM forces liberate, however, the more resources they will require to patrol and secure those areas. That said a weakened al Shabaab poses less of a threat to extended positions than before.

Please pray for the African Union forces to prevail over the Islamic terrorist al Shabaab group that has caused so much destruction and death in East Africa. Pray for wise strategy, determination and the resources the AU needs to finish this campaign and clear the region of this scourge.