Boko Haram members come to Jesus
15 Jul 2015Boko Haram is not driving Christians away. Evangelists have expanded church planting in
Nigeria's northeast by meeting the needs of displaced people. Their courage has seen
members of Boko Haram repenting and putting their faith in Christ. Boko Haram is killing
people, but this indigenous ministry is discreetly working in villages and in camps for
the internally displaced. They are offering humanitarian assistance and proclaiming
Christ at a time when few are bold enough to do so. ‘There are 70,000+ people in the
camps, so it is a mission field for us,’ said the director of the indigenous ministry.
‘We used to reach them with the gospel in their villages, but now we reach them with the
gospel, food, medicine and Bibles.’ Former Boko Haram members are being discipled in
safe-havens and have shown a strong interest in learning the Bible, ridding themselves of
anything grievous to God and becoming spiritually grounded so they can reach other
The unwavering faith of a young Iraqi girl who was forced to flee her homeland in the
Middle East together with her family has stood out among the many horror stories on the
IS terror campaign. In a recent media interview that went viral, 11-year-old refugee
Maryam Behnam said that, despite all the transgressions committed by the IS, including
the brutal killing and abduction of thousands of people, she said she has forgiven the
jihadists. She also said that her words come from the Holy Spirit. When asked ‘What are
your feelings towards those who drove you out of your home and caused you hardships?’ She
replied, ‘I won't do anything to them, I will only ask God to forgive them.’ She also
said, ‘In the Bible Jesus said, 'Don't be afraid, I am with you,' and also, He said
‘forgive others no matter who is hating you. You have to forgive them.’
On Saturday 4th July, 2000 people joined together in prayer and worship to ‘blow the trumpet’ in the ‘heart of the nation’. Christians from different cultures, denominations and ages descended on the International Convention Centre in Birmingham as World Prayer Centre hosted a national day of worship and prayer in response to God asking them to blow a trumpet in the land.
It was an awesome day of declaration, prayer and worship and there were powerful times of prayer for nations represented at the event- Greece, South Korea, Germany, and others. Prayer stations were created around the hall and people were encouraged to pray for the pillars of society – health, sport, education, business, religion, finance and the arts, media and entertainment.
A trumpet is blown to announce change and mobilise the Body of Christ. This is the time for rivers in the desert, for a dramatic and fresh move of God. It is time for God’s Word and Spirit to raise our faith, draw us closer to Jesus and fill us with a deep desire for His presence. He is calling his whole church to pray and prepare for an unparalleled spiritual harvest. These will be turbulent times – but Jesus reigns over every situation – and His love and grace will prevail.
Feel free to use the trumpet call declaration (below) used at TRUMPET CALL 2015 to mobilise people locally. You may wish to use this in a small group, prayer meeting, and church meeting or declare it over your village, town, neighbourhood or city. You may not have an actual trumpet – but making this declaration is a call for God’s people to be ready for action. There are four elements to the declaration.
- It is an announcement by faith of God’s heart and purpose.
- It will release prayer – determined, ongoing prayer to see His Kingdom come.
- It raises our expectation – God is moving in new ways in our land by His spirit.
- It positions us in a new place – with a passion for the presence of Jesus and a heart to bless.
The Supremacy of Christ
We declare that Jesus is the Creator and sustainer of all things, He is the Saviour of the world, He is the Head of the church, He is the Lord of our lives, He is the Hope for the world, and He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Hallelujah!
The Salvation of Christ
We declare the Gospel of Christ, His life, death, resurrection and ascension is God’s plan for the redemption of all mankind. We declare Christ and Him crucified; that Calvary is a place of forgiveness, cleansing, healing and victory over death. We declare it’s time for harvest; a mighty move of God touching every part of this nation and our continent.
The Unity of God’s Church
We declare that our strong desire is to fulfil the prayer of Jesus that we be one, believing the Scripture that, “When brothers and sisters dwell together in unity, there God bestows His blessing even life for ever more.”
Release for our Children and Young People
We declare and prophesy a Jesus Generation of boys and girls, young men and women who will walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, knowing God’s protection, mercy and blessing as they take the Gospel to their families, friends, communities and the nations.
We declare the Grace and Mercy of God over each other and from this place the Trumpet Sound to reverberate in every village, town, city and nation, “That the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Amen and Amen.
If you were at TRUMPET CALL 2015 and have a testimony to share, please contact World Prayer Centre on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Nigeria: Another bomb blast kills 25
09 Jul 2015A suspected suicide bomber targeted civil servants at a government building in Zaria city, killing 25 and wounding 32. Boko Haram, which often targets northern Nigeria, has stepped up attacks since President Buhari took office in May. The group has not yet commented on the latest attack, which came a day after police chief Solomon Arase announced new measures to curb the rise in bombings. The measures include banning street trading and hawking in Abuja, and strengthening security at all mosques and churches countrywide. Witnesses in Zaria said people including primary school teachers had been queuing up seeking employment under Mr Buhari's administration when the bomb was detonated. Kaduna state governor Nasir El-Rufa'i said citizens were to be vigilant and avoid crowded places like markets, mosques, churches and motor parks in the next few weeks.
The persecution of religious minorities is now official Vietnamese state policy after Human Rights Watch released a June report revealing that Vietnam’s government intends to persecute any ethnic Montagnards who follow ‘unauthorised’ Christianity (Montagnards are the indigenous peoples of the Central Highlands of Vietnam - the term Montagnard means ‘mountain people’). This latest threat to Montagnards is causing many to flee into Cambodia where they hope to worship Christ freely; but many are deported back to Vietnam. Last year Cambodia returned 54 Montagnards without allowing them opportunity to seek refugee status. Formerly animists, ethnic Montagnards began converting to Christianity in the 1950s and are now a Christian group. In addition to being persecuted for their Christianity they are being targeted by the Vietnamese government because of their past allegiance to the US during its war in Vietnam.
Canada: Action on climate change
09 Jul 2015Gregor Robertson, the mayor of Vancouver, says he plans to encourage the Pope to ramp up pressure on national governments across the globe to take action on climate change when he meets with the Catholic leader later this month. Mr Robertson will be the only Canadian to join 30 representatives of cities in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas for a two-day visit with Pope Francis in Vatican City on 21 July. Meanwhile on Wednesday and Thursday this week hundreds of delegates have attended a two-day Climate Summit of the Americas in Toronto. Former Mexican president Felipe Calderon, former US vice-president Al Gore and California Governor Jerry Brown were among the delegates. The summit emphasised the role that provinces, states and other sub-national governments can play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. World leaders will also meet later this year in Paris for the UN Climate Change Conference. See
China: Confusion in finances
09 Jul 2015The turmoil in China’s stock market is so bad that 700 companies have halted trading to ‘self-preserve’, thus preventing investors from selling their shares. That means about a quarter of the companies listed on China’s two big exchanges are no longer trading. The government has taken extraordinary steps to try to prevent further damage and over 20 of China’s top brokerage firms publicly pledged to buy back stocks and funds in an effort to slow the downfall. It did not work and investors aren’t convinced. By Wednesday 8 July China’s stock markets had lost $3.25 trillion (that’s more than the size of France’s stock market and twice the size of India’s). Those in the know are saying China’s $28 trillion debt is a threat to the global economy. See also
Pakistan: Front-line workers
09 Jul 2015The group of Pakistani Christian men knew the risks when they entered an Islamic festival where fanatical Muslim leaders preached jihad and attendees renewed their religious zeal. Quietly, they initiated conversations about Jesus, who is considered a holy prophet in Islam. By the end of the evening, they had distributed several hundred flyers telling about Jesus Christ and had exchanged phone numbers with people who wanted to learn more. These men are a few of the more than 30,000 front-line workers supported by Voice Of the Martyrs. They are sharing the gospel in hostile and restricted nations at great risk. As they minister in these difficult places, they need our prayers. Will you commit to stand with them in prayer as they share Christ? See