The little town of Bethlehem has seen the highest number of Christmas pilgrims in a decade, according to the Israeli military. More than 100,000 people from around the world gathered in the birthplace of Jesus this Christmas, up from 50,000 the previous year. The increase in tourists is most likely down to a decrease in violence between Palestinians and Israel in recent years. Included among the pilgrims are about 500 Christians from Gaza Strip who were granted a rare holiday entry permit by Israel. There are about 3,500 Christians among Gaza’s 1.5 million population. Palestinian officials said all 24 of Bethlehem’s hotels were fully booked. The Middle East’s senior Catholic cleric Fuad Twal travelled to Bethlehem from Jerusalem and held a midnight mass at St Catherine’s Church, next to the Church of the Nativity. Twal called for peace and reconciliation between Israel and Palestinians.

Praise: God for this increased number of pilgrims gathering to worship at the stable. (Lk.2:15)



The election result of a coalition government has produced a better balance on Christian conscience issues. 63 MPs with poor voting records and only 10 with good voting records stepped down. Thirty two MP’s made the Westminster pledge to 'respect, uphold and protect the right of Christians to hold and express Christian beliefs and act according to Christian conscience'. Thirty eight were ‘supportive' of the pledge, twenty four new MPs are Christians including nine members of the Conservative Christian Fellowship and one from the Christian Socialist movement.

Praise: God for mercifully watching over nations - and ask him to carry us deeper into a Christian inheritance. (Ps.22:4)


Scotland's first full time community Christian radio station - Revival Radio - broadcasting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 100.8 FM across west central Scotland or across the world online. We trust and pray you will be blessed, encouraged, inspired or perhaps even challenged by our music and ministry. Pray for wisdom and clarity for Anne McIntyre, (Prayer for Scotland), as she broadcasts live from 10.30 - 11.00 a.m. every Monday morning, with presenter, Andrew Polson, when the Scottish Parliament is in session.  

Praise: God for the impact that Revival Radio makes in the community and worldwide. (Ps.33:12)


Two pro-life protesters are celebrating after hearing that they will not be facing a criminal prosecution for a silent vigil outside an abortion clinic. The two Christian protesters, Andy Stephenson, 35, and Katherine Sloane, 19, were arrested twice by police in Brighton this summer for standing outside the BPAS clinic in silent protest with a banner showing an early aborted child. The police asked them to take down their banner but on both occasions they were arrested after they refused. Mr Stephenson tried to explain to the police that they had a lawful right to protest. On the second occasion they were held for fourteen hours at Brighton police station and questioned under caution. Today they heard that the threatened criminal prosecution against them had been dropped. Mr Stephenson said: ‘We are very pleased that the right decision has been made. We have to ask why we were held in a police station for fourteen hours and why our banners were confiscated. We will continue to campaign to highlight the dangers of abortion and the killings that happen at these clinics.’

Praise: God and ask Him to show His people many other peaceful ways to demonstrate against ungodly laws. (Ps.139:13)


This September saw the numbers entering English seminaries to become Catholic priests at their highest level in a decade. Fifty-six men began the journey towards priesthood this year. ‘The number of people responding to the call of Christ to be priests has been rising slowly but surely, and may rise further as people respond to the visit of Pope Benedict.’ said the Chairman of the Vocations Directors of England and Wales. Many dioceses and religious orders now run discernment groups for young men and women where all vocations are discussed. Such groups encourage lay, religious and priestly vocations. The director of the National Office of Vocation said, ‘When everybody in the Church takes seriously Newman’s insight that ‘God has created me to do him some definite service,’ then a greater number discover their call to the priesthood and religious life.’

Praise: God for all those who hear Christ's calling to join His church and follow His paths for their lives. (Mt.4:19)


An audience of 120 doctors from 50 countries sat in stunned silence as a renowned heart doctor produced evidence of how, after he had prayed for a patient who had died and was being prepared for the morgue, was brought back to life after prayer. Dr. Chauncey W. Crandall, who serves at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic, Florida, made his dramatic presentation which stunned his audience of fellow medical professionals. In his powerful testimony he produced dramatic evidence that was shown on the screen and since made publicly available. ‘We had a fifty-three year old man who came to the emergency room with a massive heart attack and his heart had stopped,’ he said. ‘The medical people had worked on him for over forty minutes in the emergency room and then declared him dead’. Dr Crandall was called to evaluate the patient. The Holy Spirit told him to ‘turn around and pray for that man.' When the Holy Spirit talks to you, you have to respond.

Praise: God for this demonstration of the Spirit’s power. (1Cor.2:4)


Elyse knew she needed to do something. Her world was turned upside down by a DVD she watched on human trafficking. Together with two Operation Mobilisation team mates, she jumped into the car and headed to a brothel 10 minutes away. ‘Our plan that night was just to go out and pray,’ explains Elyse. ‘But we soon realized it was more serious than we knew and we decided to come back every single night.’ Thus began a month of prayer, with a small group posted across the street from the brothel each night, praying for those inside. A month after praying began, the signs were removed, a notice was put on the door and the brothel was shut down. The team couldn’t believe it at first; they continued to pray another night before actually reading the sign on the door that confirmed it.

Praise: God for how He speaks to us and teaches us how to pray. (1Pet.4:11)



‘Prayer Spaces In Schools’ are enabling children to explore faith and spirituality in a safe, creative and interactive way. In the UK, prayer spaces are spreading fast. Schools and youth workers say these creative, prayer/reflective spaces provide simple effective ways to communicate and to welcome young people into experiences of Christian faith. Teachers say prayer spaces fit well with different curriculum areas - R.E. and Citizenship being the most obvious but not the only ones. There were 6 prayer spaces in 2008, 12 in 2009, 48 in 2010 and 92 in 2011. There are others known about but not officially recorded. A Conference in London promoting Prayer Spaces in Schools attracted 110 teachers, schools and youth workers; and there were training events in Aberdeen and Belfast that helped speed up the spread of prayer spaces in Scotland and Ireland.

Praise: God for the growing number of prayer spaces being hosted in schools, and may He continue to anoint organisers as they develop new resources in 20212 (Ps.8:2)
