We are asking you to mark your prayer calendars and share the following information with your prayer teams & groups. Four groups are partnering in collaboration with "The Persecution Watch" and are committed to being fully engaged in this prayer initiative. For that to happen we need others to plan to be fully engaged with us for this special 12 hour Prayer Call.

1. We are asking you to SHARE this information

2. Pray, ask God if you can fully engage in an hour slot

3. Send an email w/hour of commitment, to Blaine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We are asking God for at least one prayer leader on the call each hour from each of our groups. Note the times are GMT-5 (EDT). Believe with us for a mighty outpouring of intercessors who will stand in the gap for the persecuted church.

2 Thessalonians 3:1-3 - Prayer is desired and required for persecuted believers - "1 Finally, brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified, just as it did also with you; 2 and that we will be rescued from perverse and evil men; for not all have faith. 3 But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one."
Please plan to be involved in the following 12 hour Prayer Call
Sunday 13 Nov 2011

Prayer Conference Call for IDOP
8 am - 8 pm (EDT)

Dial: 712.432.0031
Access is 452614#

See “Shared Docs” file for the flyer & prayer guide.
Hosted by: The Persecution Watch IDOP Official Website: http://www.persecutedchurch.org/ Join this National Prayer Conference Call for the IDOP for the Persecuted Church.

Please keep praying for the WPA! Your prayer support will be all-important to the planning of this event which is intended to be a “new paradigm” for an international congress—carried out Acts 13-style—incorporating listening to God, united prayer, and strategic implementation of world-impacting action that proceeds out of that encounter with the Lord and one another.

Several hundred South Korean church leaders, along with international intercessors and prayer leaders, will gather near the DMZ, the border between North and South Korea, to pray for the Lord’s deliverance and transformation of North Korea, probably the most oppressive and evil situation on earth. It has been called a vast prison camp in which the most awful suffering is being experienced by the great majority of the population. Government officials like Kim Jong Il live the luxurious life while millions starve.
Please pray with us for His anointing, guidance and unity in the Spirit for this crucial initiative. May we will all have His heart for North Korea and pray out His prayers together for breakthrough.
New Prayer Documentary Video on North Korea a “Must See”!
Here is the link for the just completed prayer video on North Korea that we are using in conjunction with PINK, Prayer Initiative for North Korea, Sept. 18-22, that will happen in South Korea shortly. This hard-hitting, heart-stirring video was produced by Ken An and SohMyoung Lee, Korean film producers with the Pan Pacific Film Festival in Los Angeles. Please see it, let your heart be broken, and pray fervently with us for the liberation of North Korea and reintegration with its southern sister of South Korea. Share the video with intercessors and prayer leaders you are in touch with. We want to use it to build united prayer throughout the world for a change in NK.

If you are a ministry or marketplace leader, a youth or child leader, you are invited to be a part of the World Prayer Assembly, May 14-18, in Jakarta, Indonesia. You can register to participate at www.wpa2012.org.

In a series of Jakarta meetings with the Indonesian national committee August 18-22, colleagues and I heard encouraging reports about the progress being made by the youth, children, and marketplace tracks as well as about the significant mobilization effort for the WPA happening within their country. There is no doubt in our minds that the WPA is a real “God-thing”. His hand is so obviously upon the planning process, and He is bringing so many diverse leaders, networks and movements together to make it happen, not just in Indonesia but from throughout the world. We believe it will be not only a historic convergence of the prayer, mission and marketplace movements, but also a history-changing encounter with the Lord and one another that will rock our world.

Youth and children will be a central part of the Assembly. Youth and children’s track leaders announced that they are now making arrangements for 40,000 youth and children to take part in the May 17 national stadium meeting that will occur during the WPA. That evening, 100,000 will gather in the stadium to pray together for Indonesia and our world. It will be carried live on national TV to an estimated 5 million other participants in 200 cities of Indonesia where there will be similar gatherings. Through satellite TV, the broadcast should reach around the world to tens of millions more in what will be one of the largest, perhaps the largest, prayer gathering in history.

Please continue to pray for:

1)    His guidance and help for the international planning team with our various task forces

2)    the Indonesian national committee working on all the logistics

3)    those whom God is calling to come from every nation, even the small island nations

4)    His provision of the financial needs of participants, speakers and facilitators as well as for the extra costs to arrange the WPA (about $2 million still needed)

5)    His protection from radical elements that would try to oppose and hinder and for the goodwill and support of the authorities.

Thanks so much for your vital support!

New Video on the Children’s Track of the World Prayer Assembly

You can receive the just released WPA children’s movie with English subtitles when you connect to


When you enter this address, there are 2 options: left side (premium – you must pay) and right side (regular download for free). Allow a few seconds for the regular download to load so you can click it. You can then choose the regular download for free. It will take approximately 13 – 15 minutes for the download (9.2 MB), depending on your internet speed.

Enjoy the video and please pray that the children God is calling from within Indonesia and around the world will be able to take part in the WPA.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy…Your young men will see visions. – Joel 2:28 NKJV

The first two Global Summits in New York were built mostly around vision casting and providing a venue for networking. The third 4/14 Global Summit in Singapore will serve as a platform for 10 Global Tracks to significantly expand their reach in advocating for the 4/14 Window movement through their track forces.

During the 4/14 Window Global Summit III, Christian leaders from around the world will dialogue to determine the strategic opportunities before us and will develop specific strategies to rally the Body of Christ worldwide to prioritize the 4/14 Generation as our missional focus.

For more information, see http://4to14window.com/

Please pray for His anointing and guidance for those gathering in Singapore that there will be effective outcomes to raise up the children and youth of our world as agents for His Kingdom!

“Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry to him day and night? I tell you, he will see that they get justice and that, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:7-8)

Here are some reports from our friends at BridgeBuilders Int’l who faithfully report on the situation in the drug war and the U.S. – Mexico border:

In the last two weeks, two drug tunnels were discovered along the Arizona border. Agents in the Border Patrol’s Tucson sector, which covers most of Arizona’s border with Mexico, discovered eight tunnels through the end of July of this fiscal year. That is three more than the same period last year, said Mario Escalante, a Border Patrol spokesman in Tucson. Those eight do not include the two tunnels discovered in the past two weeks.

Arrests were made of several Sinaloa Drug Cartel bosses on Wednesday. The takedown was part of an 18-month investigation that yielded more than 30 arrests in Utah, California and Nevada, said Sue Thomas, a spokeswoman for the Drug Enforcement Administration.


Let’s pray:
For the remaining drug cartel leaders to be brought to justice quickly and for President Felipe Calderon and his government to be wise and effective in winning the drug war. He told a group of Christian leaders that “only through prayer” to God could this battle be won.

Holy Death Sect

The Holy Death sect is gaining followers in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico’s murder capital, where rival drug cartels have been battling for every inch of turf, according to Fox News’ Latino News.

Three Holy Death churches have opened in the past two years in the border city, drawing hundreds of people to pray and make offerings to the “White Girl,” a skeletal image dressed in women’s clothing. She is called Santa Muerte or “Holy Death.” A federal marshal says the shrines to the skeletal “Holy Death” are a growing presence, not just along the U.S.-Mexico border but throughout the United States. “Based on my experience, it appears she is the most popular icon being used by the drug traffickers, criminals not just in Mexico and not just along the Southwest border area but throughout the entire United States, “ said U.S. Marshal Robert R. Almonte of El Paso.

Priestess Yolanda Salazar said, “Someone who lives in danger, like the federal police officers, or really any person who lives here in Ciudad Juarez, needs greater protection. And if there is someone who can save you from a tragic death, it’s the Holy Death”. Drug traffickers and even residents of some sections of the border city battered by drug-related violence ask the Holy Death for protection, sometimes putting up chapels where alms, tequila, cigars, candy and other offerings can be left.

The church, which is open 24 hours a day, tends to fill up on Sundays, when a service takes place. ‘It is a protective entity, benevolent, just and equitable. God put the world in her hands since she is dedicated to gathering souls when the flame of life is extinguished,’ the priestess said.”

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. BridgeBuilders Int'l Leadership Network

Pray for those in the cartels and those under the influence of false gods and spirits like Santa Muerte (Holy Death) to be set free and to come to Christ.

Prayer and ministry leaders from Canada, Mexico and the USA will gather near Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA) to pray for our three nations and continent for the sixth time we have been together. This occasion, we will also be blessed by having brothers from other parts of the world to share their hearts with us: Anton Cruz (Royal Kids, India), Peter Sekhonyane (South Africa transformation prayer movement), Brian Mills (Interprayer and IPC) and Matteo Calisi (Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Reconciliation).

Please pray with us for a magnificent time of encountering the Lord together and praying out His heart for North America. May many new things be birthed through the Spirit’s work among us!

“Currently we know of eight Iranian Christians still imprisoned for their faith. Six have spent several months in jail: Farshid Fathi, Vahik Abrahamian, Abrahim Firouzi, Masoud Delijani, Noorollah Ghabitzadeh and Yousef Naderkhani – who was sentenced to death.

There has been very little news of the well-being of the prisoners, though there are unconfirmed reports of ill-health, solitary confinement and continued mistreatment. This silence increases the stress on the family and supporters of the imprisoned.

Two Azeri Christians, Vahid Rofegar and Reza Khanamoei, were arrested on July 15th near the city of Kalibar and are now in prison. These arrests might be linked to complaints about the spread of Christianity in Azerbaijan.

The majority of the nearly 300 believers arrested over the last year have been released, either on bail or with severe warnings and threats against any further Christian activity.

Please pray for news from the prisons, for families of the persecuted, and wisdom for those advocating for the persecuted.

Though there is silence from the prisons, the cries of the people of Iran ring loud and clear as the message of the Gospel continues to have an impact across the nation…Despite the increase in persecution, we have seen a growing thirst for the Word of God in 2011. The more we have distributed the New Testament, the more popular it seems to have become. The more programs we produce for TV, the greater the response, and the more people we train for ministry, the faster the church grows.

Please pray that the cries of the people of Iran will be heard, and that the Holy Spirit will touch every broken life.”