This year, the Global Day of Prayer Broadcast by God TV is very special. Not only will God TV once again broadcast a full 4 hours on 27 May but also as part of the World Prayer Assembly from Jakarta National Stadium, Indonesia, on 17 May with Graham Power and Rory Alec in the studio. This is very significant as it is also the day that kicks off the 10 Days of Prayer preceding the Global Day of Prayer. More information will follow shortly.

New Developments in the Balkans

In October 2008, I had the privilege to be with prayer leaders from most of the nations in the Balkan region. During this meeting, the Balkan Prayer Network was formed. It was one of the most amazing experiences when leaders from nations, who have been fighting bloody tribal and ethnic wars over the centuries, united in prayer and repentance. Well, that group is reuniting again on May 1-3 in Skopje, Macedonia. Every indication is that the prayer movement in the Balkan nations is growing and about to really take off.

Please Pray for This Strategic Gathering!

Another exciting development is the release of the website The idea is really what the name implies, for people and networks in the Balkan region to connect, share vision, and stand together for the Kingdom of God to come. We hope that the website can serve as a gathering point for initiatives, stories, and information about what God is saying and doing in the region.

A date for a Balkan Wide Prayer Day has also been set for the 2nd of September 2012. The organizers are asking everyone to stand in unity and join one another in praying for the Balkan region. There won't be a central gathering; everyone will be encouraged to pray where they are. Visit the website for more information and to sign up for the day.

To pray effectively for the nations of the Balkans, please click on the country:

Pray for the Horn of Africa

God is calling 1 million people to pray for 100 million people who live in the Horn of Africa. Why don't you join today and pray for the Horn of Africa?

Somalia currently has little or no Christian witness among its people. In Eritrea, believers are cruelly persecuted in an effort to stamp out any vital expression of faith. Numerous people groups with no access to the gospel in their heart language live in Ethiopia & Northern Kenya. Islam remains the stronghold for the peoples of Djibouti.

To pray effectively for the nations, please click on the country on the GDOP website:

Bombs are exploding as war continues to escalate between Sudan and South Sudan. Sudan's president declared war against the south last week.

Peter Howard with Food for the Hungry ( reports that the heightened tensions have affected their programs. "The government of South Sudan told their communities - communities in which FH is working - (to have) their people dig fox holes so that when the bombings come, they can go in to those fox holes to get cover; but also the conflict gets too much, so people actually start fleeing or moving." "As conflict increases, food prices increase, and food becomes more scarce. So right now, the big concern is malnutrition.... There are concerns that malnutrition could increase by 50% in the coming weeks because of the challenge of getting food in and out of Sudan right now.”

But Howard says the Gospel is making a difference. "We feel that being there and sharing the message -- the Gospel of peace -- is critically important. Our hope is that people not only will sense it physically and feel real peace, but also know the peace of Christ." Prayer is most important, says Howard.

Read the full article.

•    Pray that God will end the conflict and bring many to Christ as a result.
•    Pray for the innocent who are suffering
•    Pray for the hungry for nourishment and shelter
•    Pray for workers in the field - for their safety and personal needs

Sudanese President Omar Hassan Bashir has practically declared war against South Sudan, the world's newest country, by stating that his main goal is now to "liberate" the southern people from their rulers, following recent border fighting.

The Heglig oil field, which is recognised by the international community as part of Sudan and was seized by the southerners this month, "will not be the end. The end will be in Juba," Bashir told a rally on Wednesday. He told the crowd that his message to South Sudan was: "Either we end up in Juba and take everything or you end up in Khartoum and take everything."

That clearly means, if Bashir acts accordingly, that it will be an open war between the Khartoum government in the north and the southern authorities based in Juba.

It is the peak of tensions between Khartoum and Juba since South Sudan became an independent state last July, after decades of a bitter civil war which killed two million people.

The Juba government says that it was forced to seize Heglig because the northerners had been using it as a base to launch attacks on South Sudan, which is ruled by the former rebel Sudan People's Liberation Movement.

Forces of the north and south have been fighting in several areas since South Sudan seceded from Sudan following a referendum held last year. The feud is essentially a creation of the British colonial power, which gave little regard to the sharp disparity between the Arab Muslim-dominated north and the mostly African south when it ended its rule of the area in the 1960s. The north-south conflict had been simmering since then, but it burst out into an open civil war in the mid-1980s. An internationally brokered agreement ended the fighting in 2005 and led to the 2011 referendum and creation of South Sudan.

However, Khartoum and Juba failed to agree on several key issues. These include transit fees Juba should pay Khartoum to use its oil pipeline, demarcation of the border, division of national debt, conflicting claims to the oil-producing area of Abyei in the south and the rights of citizens who after separation found themselves in a foreign country. It is estimated that there are 500,000 southerners in Sudan and 80,000 northerners in South Sudan. The two sides accuse each other of supporting rebel groups.

There is no longer any pretence of peace and any understanding between Bashir and South Sudan President Salva Kiir. Both sides are said to be building up their forces, including voluntary fighters, for a major clash in which Khartoum hopes to retake Heglig, which the southerners call Panthou.

There is an Israeli involvement in the conflict. Israel has been supplying weapons to the southerners since the start of their uprising, as admitted by Joseph Lagu, former leader of the rebel forces. Tel Aviv maintains close relations with South Sudan. Kiir paid a visit to Israel last year to cement the relationship.

An all-out war will be disastrous to both sides. Their oil-dependent economies cannot withstand a conflict. The Juba government had earlier shut off the oil wells that financed both governments. A few more weeks of closure of the northern pipeline, will wreck the south's only oil export route beyond salvation.

The currencies of both sides have all but collapsed. The two stand to suffer from hyperinflation and massive food deficits if they spend any large amount on war. The peoples of Sudan, both north and south, suffered enough but could face a worse situation.

Nobody seems to know how to go about finding a peaceful solution to the conflict.

(The writer is a prominent columnist. The article was published in Jordan Times on April 20, 2012.) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We know Someone who can bring true peace and healing of this worsening conflict. Please pray for the powers of division and darkness to be bound and overthrown so that the two next door neighbor nations can be reconciled and get along with each other.

reports the follow:

Ethnic Tuareg rebels have seized control of three main provinces in northern Mali. The National Movement for the Liberation of the Azawad (NMLA), which led the rebellion, claims to be secular. However, they have been aided by jihadists fighting specifically for an Islamic state in which Sharia (Islamic law) is enforced.

Once the NMLA achieved its goal, its ally, a jihadist faction known as Ansar Dine, seized control, hoisted the black flag of al-Qaeda, and announced the imposition of Sharia. Sources say there are now four flags flying in Gao province--those of the NMLA, Boko Haram, Ansar Dine, and al-Qaeda.

The rebellion has resulted in widespread violence. Rapes have been reported and massive destruction and looting have crippled the humanitarian aid sector. In addition, Christian charities and churches have been destroyed. Virtually the entire Christian population of northern Mali has been forced to flee.

Sources: Assist News Service and Religious Liberty Monitoring

•    Please pray for the comfort, provision and protection of Mali Christians who have been victimized and displaced.
•    Pray that God will thwart the plans of the wicked and prevent Mali from becoming a sanctuary for Islamic extremists.
•    Pray for revival and that many in Mali will turn to the Lord

Edenfest Gen 1:1 'In the Beginning God Created'

Edenfest is an Ecumenical (Combined Churches) Arts Festival to created to reveal the Beauty of God in the Arts and is designed to engage over 500,000 people to participate across Australia, New Zealand and Fiji.

The heart of Edenfest is to bring genuine unity and mission to reveal the Beauty of God in the Arts across youth, families and communities. The success of this vision has only been possible through God's hand of providence and His strategies revealed in prayer. At present, Edenfest has:

•    17 Heads and Leaders of Churches [representing 12 different denominations signed up as members of the Edenfest Board of Reference (BOR)]
•    Catholic Bishop Putney is the Chairperson and has engaged the Catholic Churches to sign on as a whole denomination - a world first - which from the last Australian census represents 8M Australians.
•    God has also given us favour in Parliament House with the Senator of NSW agreeing to host the launch of Edenfest in our Nations Capital in August.
•    Sponsorship traction with a major sponsor 80% secured to fund $3M in-kind and three more Major Business Brands in the process.

Edenfest is a vision which brings the churches, Government and Community together to enhance a stronger Christian presence in our communities. Urgent prayer is needed at present for:

•    2nd May Meeting - Leaders & Heads of Churches coming together to plan Edenfest Parliamentary Launch for wisdom as they represent us in the Parliament House in August.
•    David Jenkins AM - Chairperson for our Board of Directors - has been hit quite hard with illness throughout his family whilst standing solid on this vision, please pray for covering and surgery on 7th May.
•    Edenfest Team - Made up of volunteers and paid workers who have had continual equipment breakdown and major health issues.

Major Prayer Alert

•    Christian Unity Blockage - Australia as a country is currently debating "The Marriage Equality Amendment Bill" which if passed will legalise same sex marriages and undermine the unity that is forming within the Churches of Australia and would be the breakdown of Edenfest as this is critical to our vision being based in genuine unity.

Thank you for your partnership in prayer.


Last week we noted the creative ways in which the border patrol and others are getting the word out regarding the dangers of crossing the borders illegally. Equally as creative are the drug cartels working to get drugs from Mexico to the United States.

The cartels are placing ads in the classified sections of Mexican newspapers, offering work in the United States - an invitation that only people who can cross the border legally need apply - with a phone number and sometimes a location to apply in person. New hires are told to drive company cars across the border, typically to a fast-food restaurant or shopping center. When they arrive, they are often told there will be no work after all on that day, and they must leave the car and walk back to Mexico after being paid a small amount. The drivers are typically paid $50 to $200 a trip - much less than the $1,500 to $5,000 that seasoned smugglers are typically paid for such trips.

There have been 39 arrests since February 2011 at San Diego's two border crossings tied to the ads for seemingly legitimate jobs, according to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), which hadn't seen such significant numbers before. Those arrests have yielded 3,400 pounds of marijuana, 75 pounds of cocaine and 100 pounds of methamphetamine - a tiny fraction of total seizures but enough to convince U.S. authorities that smugglers are increasingly turning to the recruitment technique. The cases can be challenging for prosecutors because drivers may not know they are smuggling drugs.

Authorities are also checking into a scheme by some Delta Airline TSA workers who are accused of trafficking drugs. They would find a checked bag after it had been screened and put drugs or cash inside. A passenger would then pick it up at baggage claim like any other bag. A federal investigation has already found that hundreds of thousands of pounds of methamphetamine was smuggled between the two states over the past two years.

•    Ask the Lord to continue to reveal the schemes of the cartels so that the authorities can properly deal with them. For those watching at the gates to be alert to suspicious activity.
•    For those who are being caught in the web of cartel deceit to be as shrewd as snakes (Matt 10:16) in understanding what they are involving themselves with.
•    For participants on both sides of the borders, who willingly involve themselves in illegal activity, to be captured and held accountable for their actions.

Though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed. ~Psalm 21:11

Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel remains at large, free to wreak havoc on the lives of people all over the world. Until he is captured, we continue to pray!

Thanks to your intercession, Pastor Isauro and son Caleb were liberated this morning!!! The pastor was beaten by the captors though the son was treated well. The family had to pay a ransom for their liberation.

The Syrian regime appears to be sinking to new lows with reports of security forces executing Syrians who speak to UN observers. The military also reportedly is halting violence against towns for visits by UN observers but then resuming attacks as soon as UN personnel depart. Syrians have become so frustrated at the inability of the UN observers to stop the violence that activist videos have surfaced mocking them as useless.