110 Cities Prayer

Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room

Prayer Covenant for Children Mobile App

April 30

May 1-31

Holy Convocation, UK
May 4-6
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Isaiah 62 Fast
May 7-28

Gideon 300
May 7-28

Uk Coronation Prayer
May 5

G7 Prayer Summit
May 20

One Miracle Night
April 17

Exalt Jesus
April 27-May 18

10 Days - Pentecost
May 18-28

May 27

Pentecost 2023
May 28

Amsterdam 2023
June 21-24

Global Day of Hope
August 26

World Prayer Assembly - Perth
Oct 3-6

Our vision is to see the 110 most unreached cities in the world reached with the Gospel, praying for thousands of Christ-exalting churches to be planted among them!

We believe prayer is key! To this end we are reaching out in faith to cover this outreach with the powerful prayers of 110 million believers - for breakthrough, praying around the throne, around the clock and around the globe!


Watch the video invitation to pray with 110 million people for 110 strategic cities! (Psalm 110:3)

Here’s 3 ways you can get involved with 110 Cities!

  1. Pray once a day!                       
  2. Join our 4 Days of Prayer 
  3. Pray the interactive Map   

The 110cities.com website is chock full of resources to use in whatever way suits you... browse the 110 Cities and their prayer points along with the 24-7 worship and prayers of our Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room or stream the International House of Prayer Kansas City worship and intercessions.

Join us now at: https://www.110cities.com/

Come to the Table is a collaboration of worldwide prayer & missions networks & movements, uniting in global prayer, communion & mission in 2023.

The 40+ leaders gather monthly to hear from the Lord and each other, and to pray.  We are excited to be experiencing a growing unity that is bound by our common vision to see all peoples reached with the message of the Gospel. (Luke 10:2) 

We agree that prayer and mission together is the key!

The listing on the website contains just some of the many joint worldwide events that are taking place this year.

We invite you to bookmark the page and to visit us regularly for updates!


Ian Cole, Senior Advisor to IPC and founder of the World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK has written an Easter to Pentecost Declaration to declare the truths of God from Easter through to Pentecost.  Read / pray it below!

Download and Print


I declare today the greatness and love of God the Father.

The supremacy of His Son Jesus the Christ, and the power and eternal work of the Holy Spirit.

FATHER GOD. I declare You are perfect in all your ways; in love, justice, goodness, wisdom mercy and grace.

Your love for the world You created and all its people never ends.

Father God, I declare you are my Rock, my Deliverer and my Sustainer.

I declare your love for me, my family, my friends and my community, never ends.

JESUS. Today I declare that you lived, died, rose and ascended to the right hand of your Father, there to intercede for me.

By the grace of God, I declare you are my Saviour, Redeemer, Healer and coming King.

I declare that through your blood Jesus, I am ransomed, healed, restored and forgiven.

I am a child of God!

Today, I declare that in your name Jesus, through your victory at the cross,

I will silence the lies of satan and nullify his schemes.

HOLY SPIRIT. Thank you Holy Spirit for inspiring people to write my bible reading today.

I declare that this same Holy Spirit, who raised Christ from the dead, is dwelling in me.

Holy Spirit, “It is your breath that enables me to live, serve, worship,

praise and represent Jesus to those I meet today.”

I declare that the same courage and boldness you gave the early Christians

at Pentecost is available for me to use every day.

My prayer today

Thank you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I live every moment with your presence, promises and power surrounding me, because you promised never to leave or forsake me. Hallelujah!

Thank you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit that your answers far outweigh

the problems and challenges I am facing. Hallelujah!

Thank you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the plans You have for me,

supersede satan’s schemes and attacks. Hallelujah!

Thank you, Father Son and Holy Spirit that I can join with all of heaven and with millions of brothers and sisters around the world in praise, thanksgiving and worship this Easter to Pentecost season.


2023 © World Prayer Centre. The declaration can be copied and distributed freely acknowledging World Prayer Centre


Ian has also written “A Gift of Hope”.   The new e-book contains the Trilogy of Hope articles written by Ian Cole and the Daily Declaration.  

May the Gift of Hope bring you joy at Christmas! If you would like to purchase the Gift of Hope e-book, you can purchase and download here.

He has also written a Daily Declaration. Let us declare faith, hope, and truth for us and our families.
Download a PDF of the declaration

Prayer Global is an interesting new prayer tool that enables you to strategically pray for specific places and peoples in the world!

The site has a method for integrating a community together to pray for 4,770 provinces/counties (1 "lap around the world") - "300 people, each praying 16 minutes, can pray for every place in the world --1 lap-- in one week."

Very easy to use and engaging!  Prayer.Global is available on iPhone/iPad and Android platforms.

Check out this 10-minute video describing it

Bibles For The World president John Pudaite was asked for a million Gospels of John to equip church-planters for their ministry in India. He offered first to bring 80,000 copies to a conference organised for church-planting leaders. 800 people serving on the frontlines of Gospel outreach came to the conference. When the Scriptures arrived, just in time for the last night of the conference, they were met with an enthusiastic response. ‘It was just amazing. 80,000 Gospels of John, about 100 per church planter, and they were snatched up literally in minutes’, said Pudaite. ‘They were so excited to be equipped in that way. We are working hard now to fulfil their requests for a million Gospels of John before the end of 2023.’

Jewish and Christian leaders representing fifteen nations gathered at Israel's parliament, the Knesset, to discuss how scripture says the law of the Lord will come out of Jerusalem. Micah 4:2 says, ‘For out of Zion the law shall go forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.’ Knesset members from the Netanyahu coalition and the opposition addressed the gathering. Ohad from the Religious Zionist Party said, ‘The Bible is the core of the base and the core of our identity and of all Western civilisations. We all need to strengthen and deepen our relation, connection and knowledge of the Bible.’ Michael from the opposition National Unity Party thanked others for their commitment to the state of Israel. Dr Ruth Plummer added, ‘Today was such an important time for the Knesset members, the rabbis and Christian leaders to study the word of God together in the capital, Jerusalem. It was just beautiful.’

On 27 April, 536 British nationals were evacuated from Sudan during a truce, but foreign secretary James Cleverly warned there is no guarantee flights will continue if the fragile truce ends at midnight. Diplomatic efforts are ongoing to extend the ceasefire, Sudan's army is willing, but the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have not responded. Despite the ceasefire, fighting continues in parts of Sudan. The Foreign Office warned that an end to the ceasefire could result in a humanitarian catastrophe in Sudan, saying, ‘It is essential that a ceasefire is maintained and a political process is secured. If not, the humanitarian consequences will be incalculable. The UK will continue to work tirelessly to help bring an end to the violence and provide humanitarian relief’. James Cleverly cannot guarantee evacuations. Only British passport holders and their immediate families with existing UK entry clearance are eligible, and even that might be impossible if the truce ends.