Nigeria: Christians barbarically murdered
13 Jul 202390% of all Christians killed worldwide are in Nigeria. Christians live in a constant state of terror, fearing abduction, torture, and murder by radical Islamic jihadists. Boko Haram and Nigeria’s arm of IS slaughter innocent Christians and burn down Christian churches. One survivor stated, ‘I saw bodies in the street: children and women, some were crying for help.’ Some attackers even pose as preachers to slaughter Christian congregants and kidnap Christian children. Fulani herdsmen are also increasing their barbaric persecution of Nigerian Christians. They have slaughtered thousands: it's genocide. The American Centre for Law and Justice is launching a multi-pronged legal advocacy campaign, urging the UN, USA, and world leaders to take urgent action. Its global offices are expanding their most extensive campaign for the persecuted Church ever undertaken, filing lawsuits, advocacy letters, and legal submissions to the UN - saying, ‘Together we can protect Christians in Nigeria from the growing scourge of jihadist persecution’.
Indonesia: Java
13 Jul 2023Java is not the largest island in Indonesia, but it has the largest population. Praise God that the Church on Java continues to grow. Nearly 50% of Chinese-descent Indonesians and 5% of Javanese are Christian. The many religions of Java historically tolerated each other. But this has changed. Persecution now comes in the form of laws that prevent Christians from building, which sometimes results in the destruction of churches and Christian property. Christians of many traditions now draw together for prayer, worship, and mutual support: and the love among them attracts many Muslims to Christ, despite the persecution. Christian love for the needy and most vulnerable people in society has a powerful effect. Pray for the unreached people groups, including the 34 million Sunda who profess Islam but have underlying animism and traditional beliefs. They are one of the largest unevangelised groups in the world.
Landmark ruling ignites prayer
07 Jul 2023Lorie Smith, who runs a design agency, took Colorado state to court so that she could refuse working on anything promoting gay marriage without being prosecuted. She won her case against an act that includes sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes. We can praise God for the First Amendment that gives everyone the freedom to think and speak as they wish without coercion. The Supreme Court ruling was disappointing for LGBTQ people - but for those who’ve left the LGBTQ lifestyle to follow Jesus, it was marked by a night of worship and prayer hosted by a Spirit-filled church in Georgia. The service was livestreamed across the nation as people humbly cried out to God for the salvation and transformation of 100,000 men and women out of LGBTQ lifestyles and into Christ’s purposes for their lives.
Three family members ordained together
07 Jul 2023In a historic event, three members of the same family were ordained during the same service at Exeter Cathedral. Mother Julie Wheeler, son Charles Wheeler, and daughter-in-law Miriam Brandon-Wheeler are now deacons. Charles took part in the Church of England’s Ministry Experience scheme before joining a monastic community, where he met his wife. He said, ‘To be preparing with Miriam and to have the opportunity to serve the people of Tiverton together as part of the same church community is particularly special. I am glad too that I prepared with my mother, who has encouraged me as I have encouraged her.’
Digital exclusion
07 Jul 2023The government is allowing millions of citizens to fall behind due to digital exclusion, the House of Lords has warned. As services move online at an unprecedented rate, the report by the Lords communications and digital committee found significant numbers lacking the means and skills needed to get online. The cost of living crisis has exacerbated affordability issues, with up to 1 million people cutting off their broadband due to their finances, while half of people over 75 lacked basic digital skills. Some young people are doing homework at church youth groups because they can’t access the internet at home. The House of Lords is urging the Prime Minister to take urgent action to tackle digital exclusion as 2.4 million people cannot complete a single digital task and five million will be digitally under-skilled by 2030. Pray that the disabled, aged, and socio-economically challenged may have the help they need.
M&S money off clothes swap
07 Jul 2023Last week we prayed about school uniform costs. This week we can be grateful that Marks and Spencer are offering families money off children’s clothes if they donate school uniform hand-me-downs to help parents struggling amid the cost of living crisis. The second-hand uniforms will be sold via Oxfam’s high street chain and a new ‘back-to-school’ eBay shop.
Government needs prayer
07 Jul 2023Conversations about up-and-coming by-elections aren't popular with Conservative MPs just now. Inflation is not coming down as quickly as hoped. Homeowners are struggling with higher mortgage rates. Small boat crossings reached a new June record this year. Rishi Sunak’s five targets are growing more challenging. Pessimism is not the ideal backdrop for a governing party going into a set of by-elections, which will be an indicator of the political mood in the country. Father God, we hold the nation before you. You are the God who reigns over governments; bring justice where injustice rules. Give strength to the struggling and hope to the hopeless. Grant vision and insight to those with authority to change things for the better. Father God, heal what is hurting and restore what has been broken. You sovereignly place every leader and have marked their days of service. Give them more of Your wisdom for the tasks ahead.
ALIVE 2023
07 Jul 2023Thousands of Coventry school children took part in a huge worship event organised by the Diocese of Coventry. Pupils from 76 schools across the diocese were invited to join four worship concerts led by iSingPOP Praise, Chip Kendall, and Shell Perris as part of ALIVE 2023. The diocese wanted the children to experience worship in a large setting having gone through the pandemic when they were unable to visit churches or have external groups visit schools. The event at Stoneleigh Park saw 9,000 children and parents attend. ALIVE 2023 gave thousands of children a chance to sing and dance, listen, laugh and learn, to be loud and be silent, and discover the fullness of life that comes from being world changers - people who have caught the vision of the sort of world of peace, kindness and justice that Jesus saw, and who decide to work with God for a better world for all.