According to Wikileaks revelations, ‘an al-Qaeda militant accused of carrying out a bombing campaign across Pakistan in 2002 was a British agent. Also files indicate at least 35 terrorists confined at Guantanamo Bay went to fight against the West after being radicalised by extremist preachers in the UK.’ According to the New York Times the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks commanded a Maryland resident to kill Pakistan's former president Pervez Musharraf. See: Arabic Newspaper, Gulf News reported yesterday, ‘There is a danger that al-Qaeda may emerge more radical and united under the banner of Bin Laden's 'martyrdom.' Strategic prayer is needed at this time into the roots, command structure and the next generation of al-Qaeda. Please click the 'info' button below for al-Qaeda Insights to aid informed intercession.

Pray: for God to cause al-Qaeda to be foiled at every attempted act of retribution. (Ps.74:14)


The Asia Evangelical Alliance has condemned Taliban's slaying of ten aid workers in Afghanistan. See:  The bodies of a Briton, six Americans, a German, and two Afghan interpreters were discovered in northern Afghanistan. Media reported that the aid workers were associated with the International Assistance Mission (IAM), a non-profit Christian NGO working in Afghanistan since 1966. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the killings saying the medical workers were ‘foreign spies’ and were spreading Christianity. Executive Director of IAM spoke of the ‘senseless killing of people who have done nothing but serve the poor.’ This week’s INSIGHT ARTICLE comes from a Christian NGO in Afghanistan.

Pray: for humanitarian workers protection in Afghanistan and other countries under Taliban influence. (Dt.5:32-33)


Kenya’s President appealed for peace as Kenyans vote this weekend on a draft constitution intended to limit the powers of the president and set up a commission to settle land disputes that fuelled past violence. Pastor D.S.W. writes, ‘Put our nation Kenya in the hands of God. The leadership is not united. There is much tension towards the referendum and much frustration among tribes receiving letters telling them to leave where they are staying just because of land. This happened during the 2007 election and stirred fighting which resulted in many people being killed. Please pray for us. Spiritually as Christians we are praying and serving God as he called us to be His ambassadors among the nations.’ President Mwai Kibaki and former President Daniel Arap Moi, who opposes the draft, have delivered hate speech during the campaign. This INSIGHT article gives some background information to assist prayers.

Pray: for God to drench Kenya with joyful passions and positive anticipation; and for the Kenyan Church to become a symbol of unity. (Ps.131)




The Canadian Prime Minister has extended invitations to Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Colombia, Jamaica and Haiti to attend a special session at the G-8 Summit in Huntsville, Ontario, from June 25-26. ‘The G-8 has a long tradition of developing credible solutions to global challenges in partnership with Africa and others in the international community,’ said the Prime Minister. See: As the leaders of the world’s most powerful nations gather June 25-27th in Canada for the G8/G20 Summits there is an opportunity for this summit to influence healing for the nations. Canada’s Prime Minister put forward an agenda for maternal health, in the spirit of caring for widows and orphans, and we can cover this and other influential proposals in prayer for a global move towards righteousness and justice; and for Jesus to bring healing to the nations. Click the 'Iinfo' button for prayer helps for the summit.

Pray: for solutions that will positively affect the poor in our world. (Ps.12:5)







Stadiums full, hundreds of thousands from all denominations, countries and generations gathering, millions tuning in – this was the biggest prayer meeting the world had ever seen. So, three weeks after the World Prayer Assembly in Indonesia the question is ‘What happens now?’ A founding visionary behind the first International Prayer Gathering in Seoul, South Korea in 1984 said that if history is anything to go by ‘What happens now could change ‘mission’ as we know it. ’At the 1984 Assembly there were 7,000 delegates from 70 countries with almost 300,000 Koreans in the large prayer gatherings. It was life-changing and birthed what we know as the modern prayer movement. The Korean church came alive to missions and out of it they began to pray and 10,000 missionaries were sent out over the next 20 years all over the world. You will not find a nation on earth today where there’s not a Korean missionary.’ So - what happens now?

Pray: for many to partner with them in prayer as they move forward in the momentum of the World Prayer Assembly. (Hab.2:14)



The World Prayer Assembly 2012 will be a ‘new wave’ to strategically connect and empower global prayer and mission movements. 5000-6000 Christian leaders from up to 220 nations will join with the Lord and each other through united prayer, leading to Spirit-inspired action to transform our world. The World Prayer Assembly, taking place in the largest Muslim country in the world, is being arranged and co-hosted by leaders of the Indonesian and Korean prayer movements, two of the most powerful prayer forces in the world. The event is being held with the support of international prayer networks such as the International Prayer Council and the Global Day of Prayer. The ultimate goal of the World Prayer Assembly is two-fold: to see the knowledge of the glory of the Lord filling the earth as the waters cover the sea and to experience the fulfilment of Jesus’ prayer that His followers would become one so that the world will know He is its Creator and Saviour (John 17:21).

Pray: for all the delegates that God will speak clearly into their lives with His prophetic word for the Church of today. (Hab.2:14)



Three villages lie in the path of a tsunami should Mount Hobalt experience a major eruption after rumbling into life on Tuesday. Officials said the area has frequently been hit by tsunamis and the warning level for the volcano was at two on the scale of four. Tuesday’s eruption is the latest in a string of increased volcanic activity in the region following eruptions from Mount Rokatenda that killed five on August 10th. Volcanic earthquakes were also recorded from Mount Werong on Tuesday with 81 shallow tremors in the space of an hour and a half. More than 800 people have been forced to flee their homes since August 7th. They join 2,750 living in temporary shelters in three camps since an eruption last year. Many in the camps are suffering from illnesses and complain, ‘the government has not provided enough assistance’

Pray: for the homeless, the frail and elderly to receive appropriate government attention to their plight, and for God to cause agencies to send appropriate aid.



The Indonesian government has sent hundreds of security personnel to the eastern city of Ambon following sectarian clashes that left five people dead and 80 injured. The violence was sparked by rumours a Muslim motorcycle taxi driver - who police said died in a traffic accident - had been killed by Christians. It erupted on Sunday, when rival groups clashed at the man's funeral. Houses, cars and motorbikes were set on fire during the violence. Ambon - the provincial capital of the Molucca islands - has been hit by sectarian violence in the past. Conflicts between Christians and Muslims between 1999 and 2002 left more than 5,000 dead and half a million people displaced.

Pray: for peace to reign in Ambon and the Molucca islands and cessation of the violence. (Ps.7:9)
