A Christian convert whom security authorities arrested in her home was sentenced to two years in prison by the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, reports Iranian Christian news agency, Mohabat News. According to reports sent by reporters of Iranian Christian news agency, Mohabat News, Ms. Leila Mohammadi, a Christian convert who resided east of Tehran, was sentenced to two years of imprisonment after enduring 5 months of uncertainty in notorious Evin prison. Her trial was held on 18 January in Revolutionary Court in Moalem street where she was charged with "collaboration with foreign-dependent groups, broad anti-Islamic propaganda, deceiving citizens by formation of what is called a house church, Insulting sacred figures and action against national security." However she was acquitted of collaboration with foreign-dependent groups because the judge believed she had done that unintentionally. For the other charges she was sentenced to two years in prison and the ruling was delivered to her.
Pray: for God to give Leila courage and strength and to watch over her during her imprisonment. (Dt.31:6)
Iran: Youcef Nadarkhani’s imprisonment ignored
07 Sep 2012Last week a Jewish advocacy group, the American Jewish Committee (AJC), urged Iran's Non-Alignment Movement summit to address the plight of Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who has been imprisoned for over 1,000 days due to his Christian faith. The summit served as a platform for Iran to gain international support during tough sanctions levied against it by many western countries and bolster its relationships with North Korea, Afghanistan, Venezuela, and Sudan. AJC implored United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to ‘emphatically speak out in support of Pastor Nadarkhani's freedom’ arguing that Iran is violating its own constitution, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, by holding Nadarkhani for more than 1,000 days on charges of apostasy and attempting to evangelize Muslims.
Pray: against Iran’s harassment of Christians, religious minorities, human rights advocates and for the release of all prisoners of conscience. (Is.61:1b)
More: http://www.christianpost.com/news/youcef-nadarkhanis-imprisonment-ignored-at-irans-nam-summit-80740/
Iran: Warns those who remain defiant
22 Feb 2011On Wednesday Iran said it is planning to take action against opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, who reject the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and who had called for a demonstration on Monday which turned deadly. MPs are demanding they be executed for their defiance by initiating public protests. Mohseni Ejeie said, ‘The heads of seditions are the people who should be punished for their criminal acts and God willing actions in this regard are being taken.’ Iranian officials accuse USA, Britain and Israel of influencing the thousands of anti-government protesters in the streets and the clashes with riot-police. The protest, initially held in solidarity with Arab uprisings, were the first anti-government demonstration since February 2010 when similar agitation was crushed by security forces and militiamen. Karroubi said in a website statement he was ready to 'pay any price.’
Pray: for Iranian leaders to listen to the voice of the people. (Pr.11:2)
More: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110216/wl_mideast_afp/iranpoliticsunrest_20110216110101
Iran: US to open joint chamber of commerce
06 Dec 2013‘Iran-US chamber of commerce will be launched in less than one month,’ Abolfazl Hejazi, a member of Iran's Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture, told the English-language Iran Daily. In the wake of the recent historic accord between Tehran and major powers on Iran's controversial nuclear programme, Hejazi also said his country was ready to start direct flights to the United States. After the 1979 revolution in Iran, Washington severed diplomatic relations with Tehran following the seizure of its embassy in Tehran, during which Islamist students held 52 US diplomats hostage for 444 days. According to Hejazi, the project which he said had already been registered in the United States would allow the two countries to work towards restoring ties, Iran’s government has authorized the private sector to launch joint activities for Iran to establish direct flights to the United States.
Pray: these negotiations and arrangements would enable mission agencies and the hundreds of thousands of Iranians living in the US to freely travel in and out of Iran. (2Ch.15:5)
Iran: US spy plane shot down over nuclear site
21 Jul 2011
Iran has shot down an unmanned U.S. spy plane over its Fordu nuclear site by the Revolutionary Guards’ air defence units, a state-run website reported Wednesday, a day after it confirmed it was installing a new generation of advanced uranium enrichment centrifuges. The Fordu site was secretly built inside a mountain bunker near the holy city of Qom and was acknowledged by Iran after Western intelligence identified it in 2009. Iranian Foreign Ministry confirmed Iran was installing two more advanced models of the centrifuges used to refine uranium for large-scale testing at a research site. In January Iran announced it had shot down two unmanned western reconnaissance drone aircraft in the Gulf. Iran is at odds with major powers over its nuclear work. The United States and Israel, Iran's arch foes, have not ruled out military action if diplomacy fails to end the nuclear row. Pray: for Almighty God to bring Iran into his purposes and heritage amongst the nations. (Is.32:16 & Is.45:22) More: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/20/us-iran-usa-plane-idUSTRE76J1WP20110720
Iran: Update
11 Jan 2013On 3rd December we requested further prayer for pastor Yousef. Recall that in mid-December he was ordered to report to prison, initially on a daily basis, but when he reported on Christmas Day he was detained. (See last week's PA) We are pleased to report that he was released from Lakan prison on 7th January. We regret to report that two other members from the same church network, Behzad and Mohammed-Reza, were arrested in raids on their homes in Rasht on 31st December. They are currently in a Ministry of Intelligence and Security detention facility and are expected to be transferred to Lakan prison shortly facing charges of action against national security, and Behzad is also charged with insulting Islamic sanctities. No trial date has been set. Behzad is single, whilst Mohammad-Reza has a wife and two daughters.
Pray: that Yousef's liberty will be maintained and his wife, their sons. That Behzad and Mohammed-Reza will know the peace, presence and protection of Jesus each day. May officials involved learn about Jesus and choose to follow Him. (2Cor.3:17)
Esfahan: Iranian security authorities had promised to release Enayat Jafari in one week if the media were not informed about this incident! However although the media promised, two weeks have now passed and still no precise information is available on this Christian detainee's situation. According to reporters of Iranian Christian news agency, Mohabat News, this is the first time that his name is being published as a detainee who was recently arrested in Esfahanon 22 February, 2012, at 7:00 a.m. Intelligence officers of Esfahan introduced themselves as agents of the Electricity Company. As the door was opened they invaded Mr Jafari’s home and arrested him. As usual they carefully searched his entire house, taking many of his personal belongings including his laptop, phone cards, books, CDs and even children's cartoons.
Pray: for the peace of God for Mr Jafari, his wife and three-year-old son, pray also for His protection and swift release. (Jer.30:16-17)
Iran: UK embassy stormed – diplomats evacuated
03 Dec 2011Iranian students stormed the UK embassy in Tehran chanting ‘Down with Britain, down with America, down with Israel’ and ‘Students are awake and hate Britain,’ reflecting official anger at Britain's decision to cut all relations with Iran's financial sector as part of new sanctions in co-ordination with the US and Canada. Protesters petrol-bombed the embassy, brought down the flag and destroyed classified documents. Foreign secretary William Hague said, ‘all staff and diplomats of the embassy are accounted for’ adding ‘Iran faces ‘serious consequences,’ calling the storming a grave breach of the Vienna Convention on diplomats' rights. On Wednesday an outraged British Foreign & Commonwealth Office updated its travel advice for British nationals in Iran, advising British citizens to ‘stay indoors, keep a low profile and await further advice.’ Britain is also evacuating its diplomatic staff from Tehran.
Pray: for God to hide and protect Christian workers in Iran, also for Him to intervene where visas and work/study permits are needed for His work to continue to grow. (Mk.10:28-30)
More: http://rt.com/news/iranian-students-occupy-uk-embassy-481/