‘Climate change in Asia is falling hardest on poor and indigenous communities and Christian communicators should adopt the concept of ‘climate justice’ as they advocate for solutions.’ delegates said at a meeting of the World Association for Christian Communications Asia region. They said that churches should take a proactive stand on the issue by promoting awareness through traditional media and among congregations. Climate changes affecting Asians are melting Himalayan glaciers influencing available fresh water for crop irrigation and daily human use, especially in Pakistan and India. However, many people don't see a connection between faith and climate change. ‘For most of our local faith communities, climate justice is not a lens that we bring regularly to the reading of our sacred texts nor to our understanding of what it means to be faithful,’ was said in a keynote address.
Pray: that climate justice will become a popular and effective initiative in the wake of Pakistan’s floods. (Lev.19:10)
More: http://www.eni.ch/featured/article.php?id=4924
Argentina: Taking Falklands claim to the UN
09 Feb 2012President Cristina Kirchner warns of 'grave risks to international security' and has accused Britain of ‘militarising’ the south Atlantic. She says her intention is to prevent war over natural resources of the Falklands by taking her complaint to the United Nations. The President spoke on Wednesday at the presidential palace in Buenos Aires in front of a large map of the Falkland Islands painted in the blue and white colours of the Argentinian flag. The announcement sought to internationalise the dispute and raise pressure on London to discuss sovereignty. Britain has dispatched the destroyer HMS Dauntless claiming the deployment to be routine, amid escalating tension. Both sides have accused the other of trying to distract from domestic economic woes. Argentina objects to British oil drilling in Falkland waters. Two weeks ago, Argentina's official news agency, Telam, started a Malvinas page with banner pictures of Argentinian jet fighters, helicopters, tanks and soldiers.
Pray: that this war of words will not escalate. (Ps.16:1)
More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/feb/08/argentina-falklands-un-cristina-kirchner?newsfeed=true
Arab Spring: One year on
30 Dec 2011It is a year since the start of the Arab Spring that toppled repressive governments, changed the landscape of the Middle East and North Africa forever and sent shockwaves around the world. Unfortunately for the already-minority Christian population in Muslim-dominated countries like Egypt, Libya and Tunisia, the future is unclear. Will 2012 bring more persecution and marginalization or greater liberty to worship? According to Open Doors USA the signs so far are not encouraging. Many hail the movement as victory for democracy but within the Arab Spring there are troubling incidents against Christians, even those in countries yet un-reached by the revolutionary wave. The model of democracy unfolding could result in the law of mob rule, where Islamists control governments, exclude minority faiths even from police protection, and Christians living in constant terror from the message, ‘There is no place here for Christians’
Pray: against the rising violence towards Christians and Christian establishments, and for God’s mercy to bring a just outcome to the Arab Spring. (Jer.29:11)
More: http://www.opendoorsusa.org/pray/prayer-updates/2011/December/Arab-Spring-One-Year-Later
Arab Spring: Christian challenges
22 Jun 2012Christians in the Arab Spring counties face many different challenges as their societies take on new values and viewpoints. Egyptian Christians are bracing themselves for increased persecution, but are making the most of what they see as a ‘window of opportunity’ before the new regime is fully established. Libyan Christians with a Muslim background have been forced to worship in secret in recent months and we are asked to pray for God to reveal to them His ‘plans of hope’ (Jer. 29:11). Syrian Christians have been kidnapped and murdered since the anti-government unrest began, and in Tunisia it was recently reported that a Muslim background Christian was beheaded for converting to Christianity, see: As the Arab Spring moves into a new season may Christian values of love and justice be reflected in the societies emerging from political upheaval.
Pray: that church leaders will seek and be guided by the Holy Spirit, and know to how to lead their congregations in such a time as this(Est. 4:14)
More: http://www.releaseinternational.org/media/prayershield/prayershield67lores.pdf
America: Working against nuclear threats
16 Feb 2013Defying UN warnings, North Korea conducted its third nuclear test taking a crucial step toward its goal of building a bomb small enough to be fitted on a missile capable of striking the United States. They said the atomic test was merely its ‘first response’ to what it called UN threats, (and US trade sanctions) and said it will continue with unspecified ‘second and third measures of greater intensity’ if Washington maintains its hostility. Meanwhile, the economic battlefield between the United States and Iran continues. Behind the diplomatic contacts and the military discussions, and below the radar, there quietly operates UANI, a non-profit organization with a single aim to intensify economic sanctions on Iran until it stops its nuclear programme. Its principal method is ‘putting pressure on international companies doing business in Iran’ see.
Pray: that sanctions and pressure from China would eventually cause Iran and North Korea to re-consider their stance on shutting down nuclear development programmes. (Ps.140:8)
America: Tucson tragedy
18 Jan 2011
Faith leaders are calling for prayer and ‘soul searching’ in the wake of the shooting of U.S. politician Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others in Tucson Arizona. Evangelical leader Franklin Graham offered words of condolence and encouragement to those shaken by the bizarre incident which killed six people and left more than a dozen people wounded. He denounced the attack as ‘horrible’ and prayed for God to comfort those personally affected by the occurrence. Arizona Bishop Minerva G. Carcano called for healing prayers for the 14 injured, their families and community members of all the victims. Some are pointing the finger at conservatives and rally participants for hate speeches in the political spectrum. Others accuse Tea Party leader Sarah Palin who in a December poll was voted the top religious newsmaker out of six other choices, even though she does not profess to be a Christian. See: Pray: for the freedom of speech that leaders have to be responsibly and graciously used without error or pride. (2Pt.3:17-18)
America: Planned 'mega mosque' at Ground Zero
11 Jun 2010
A protest drew thousands to Ground Zero last Sunday opposing the construction of a 15-story Islamic facility described as ‘A centre of learning, art and culture guided by Islamic values in their truest form.’ Opponents of the project say building an Islamic centres so close to Ground Zero would be offensive to victims of the 9/11 attack. A New York community board voted 29-1 in favour of plans to build the centre. The only way to stop the project would be giving the 152 year old building on the site Landmark Preservation Status, which the protestors are attempting to do. The Centre is a collaboration between the American Society for Muslim Advancement and the Cordoba Initiative – both founded by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who preaches in a mosque twelve blocks from Ground Zero. He was born in Kuwait and educated in England. Pray: for the Holy Spirit to guide the hearts and minds of those considering the Landmark Preservation Status for the building and to bathe the area in the truth of Jesus Christ. (Col.1:9b & 13)
Secretary of State John Kerry delivered a video message to Congress in an attempt to stop the body from collapsing last weekend's nuclear deal with Iran. He urged them not to introduce new economic measures against Iran as the US and fellow world powers withdraw some sanctions in exchange for Iran curtailing their nuclear programme. Kerry was reaching out to key senators but Democrats and Republicans appeared determined to increase the pressure on Tehran with senators already working on legislation to reinstate the full force of sanctions and impose new ones if Iran doesn't make good on its pledge to roll back its nuclear programme. ‘The American people need an insurance policy to prevent a rerun of North Korea,’ said one of the Republican Senators drafting the bill. Meanwhile Israel sees any let-up on the economic pressure as a dangerous concession, allowing Iran to move even closer to nuclear weapons capability.
Pray: for American lawmakers and policymakers to be graced with God's wisdom as they consider the impact of present agreements, information they already have and any fresh proposals.