Evangelism: The local church continues to grow as believers are added one by one in small groups. We are asked to pray that new believers will find others they can trust to share in worship, prayer and teaching. Crime: Authorities plan to destroy 15,000 hectares of poppy fields this year in an effort to limit the heroin trade that fuels violence and corruption. Criminal elements and the Taliban profit from the heroin trade. Pray that farmers will find other crops to provide income and food for their families. Refugees: Nearly half a million people displaced by war and violence are living in primitive camps in makeshift tents around major cities. They suffer from shortages of food, clothing and fuel. The government and humanitarian agencies are struggling to meet the needs of so many. Pray that more resources can be made available to help the people living in these camps and that the resources will be used effectively.

Pray: for protection for the emerging church, peace in the land and for many refugees to return to their homes. May God meet all their needs. (Ps.9:3-4)

More: http://www.iol.co.za/news/world/afghanistan-to-destroy-poppy-fields-1.1493945#.UWU4eldKI78


Thousands of boys and girls receive the education that will help them improve their lives and their country. But the insurgents still try to close down the schools' especially those that girls attend, by threatening teachers and students, burning school buildings and poisoning the schools water supplies. Some rural schools have remained closed. Please pray for the safety of teachers and students; for the insurgents to stop using fear and intimidation to close schools and for more teachers to be trained. The coalition forces have begun to hand over responsibility for security to the local army and police on a region by region basis. Ultimately all security will be the responsibility of local army and police. Pray for wisdom for all during this process so that security of the country will be safeguarded and the people will be able to lead their lives in peace and security. Pray for true religious freedom in Afghanistan.

Pray: that the number of believers would continue to increase and mature, and for millions in the area to seek and find the Way the Truth and the Life.(Jn.14:6)

More: http://www.afghantimes.com/


Afghan Christian refugees who fled to India are in hiding over fears they will be deported back to Afghanistan, where possible arrest, imprisonment and execution await them. In 2010, a television network broadcast baptisms of Afghan Muslim converts to Christianity. A member of parliament called for the execution of the apostates and President Hamid Karzai called for an investigation into how aid organisations were promoting Christianity in the region. The investigation resulted in Afghan Christian Said Musa being charged with apostasy and issued the death sentence. After a nine month effort by the international community to engage Afghanistan's government, Musa was released and able to leave thecountry. Although Musa's ordeal is over, a decision made by the United Nations in New Delhi to deport a number of Afghan converts may drive that small Christian community to a similar fate. After Musa's arrest Afghan Christians went into hiding and others went to India or Pakistan.

Pray: for secret police and intelligence agencies to stop harrassing Christians, and to work alongside them instead. (Ps.17:7-9)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/uncertainty.for.afghan.christian.refugees/28042.htm

Please pray for the protection of a production team putting together a film that depicts part of the life of Jesus. It is being dubbed into the language of the largest Afghani tribal group. Pray for the safety of local believers who have volunteered to have their voices used in this project. They are exposing themselves to tremendous risk. When one local believer was asked about his voice being used in the project, he replied, ‘Not my voice only, but all of me belongs to God. It’s my service to Him!’ Pray also for more speakers to come forward, to enable the production of multiple dialects of this language. Pray that the completed film will have secure and anointed distribution.

Pray: for many local people to become followers of Jesus and to be protected as they share their faith. (Mk.10:28-30)

A Christian in Afghanistan writes, ‘One in four children dies before their fifth birthday because of poor medical care. Many work at dangerous jobs or beg in the streets. Education is scarce in rural areas. Insurgents recruit children as suicide bombers. A 9-year old boy captured wearing a suicide bomb strapped to him said ‘Our mullah told us when we carried out our suicide attacks all the people around us would die but we would stay alive.’ This is the future of the Land being stolen by the enemy. Please pray for the children, they are our future, pray that children who are recruited as suicide bombers would be captured or turn themselves in before they blow themselves up and kill and injure others; that parents would be taught the proper techniques to prevent simple childhood illnesses that result in so many deaths; for more medical clinics and schools to meet the needs of children and their families.’

Pray: that the children will grow up to be good, effective leaders to lead their country into peace and prosperity. (Lk.18:16)

We can rejoice over the release of prisoner Said Musa, a Muslim convert to Christianity under threat of execution for apostasy, as Christian human rights organizations continue to work for the release of other converts who remain behind bars for their faith. Barnabas Aid remains deeply concerned about Shoaib Assadullah, an Afghan convert to Christianity facing execution for apostasy, and other converts in prison in Afghanistan who have not received international publicity. In a letter dated February 17 Shoaib expressed fears that he will ‘most definitely’ be sentenced to death by the court. He has been incarcerated since being arrested last October for giving a New Testament in the national Dari language to another Afghan, who later reported him to the authorities.

Pray: for God to strengthen and protect all struggling for religious freedom in Afghanistan, and for God’s sprit to embrace every prisoner. (Rev.2:10)

More: http://www.assistnews.net/Stories/2011/s11020174.htm

Militants killed four Afghan policemen and two civilians inside a police checkpoint by poisoning their yoghurt . Suicide bomb attacks continue to target government officials or military personnel killing and injuring innocent bystanders in larger numbers than the actual targets. A suicide bomb attack near a government ministry was recently discovered and prevented. If successful it could have resulted in many deaths. After thirty years of war nearly everyone in the country has experienced the death of a relative or friend and many people have been severely injured or maimed. People under thirty cannot remember a time of peace, but almost all long for a time when they can live in peace and safety. Many who have left because of war and poverty are scattered around the world starting new lives but others live as refugees struggling to survive. There are many orphans in Afghanistan.

Pray: for the organisations and churches attempting to minister to the many needs. May God bring a great harvest of people coming to faith out of this chaos.(Mt.9:37)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17597797


A Christian in Afghanistan facing ‘apostasy’ charges punishable by death is still without legal representation after authorities blocked a Christian lawyer's attempt to visit him in prison. Authorities denied him access to Musa and to his indictment file. After several court hearing postponements, Musa appeared before a judge ‘shackled and chained’ on Nov. 27th without prior notice. The judge sent Musa's case file to the attorney general's office for corrections. Another Afghan Christian is in prison for giving a New Testament to a man who reportedly turned him in to authorities. He is in a holding jail in northern Afghanistan. See link for background to these stories.

More: http://www.compassdirect.org/english/country/23987/28442/