Alison Tomlin, President of the Methodist Conference, addressed a rally organised by the Trade Union Congress at London’s Methodist Central Hall saying: ‘John Wesley, founder of the Methodist Church wrote about a press that stigmatised the poor, he wrote of politicians who did not wish to look at the concerns of the poor, and who continually blamed the poor for their own fate. The past ten to fifteen years of boom have benefited some sections of society but not the poorest. The task the Government has set itself of cutting the deficit in a short space of time while not harming the most vulnerable is a difficult one, some may say an impossible one. We shall wait and see, but the initial signs are not promising. Methodists support a wide range of views about deficit reduction. It is possible to be a Christian and a member of almost any political party.’

Pray: that the Government’s Spending Review will enable communities to support their deserving poor. (Mt.19:21)


Welsh councils havw been told to spend two minutes thinking about the positive impact of faith in their communities. 'Start your next meeting by silently reflecting on the contribution made by the Christian voluntary sector to your community'. This is the challenge being sent by a Welsh church leader to town councils in Wales after the High Court’s decision to ban prayers within council meetings in Wales and England. It is thought that as many as half of UK local councils are believed to hold prayer sessions as part of their formal proceedings. Elfed Godding, National Director of Evangelical Alliance Wales said: ‘Thousands of Christians and adherents of other religions in Wales initiate, fund and voluntarily staff hundreds of projects that benefit the public of Wales. It would be a shame if this High Court ruling undermined this generous and sacrificial service. The joy of serving others is central to the Christian message.’ (See praise item)

Pray: for town councils throughout Wales and the UK to take seriously the proposal to consider the impact faith has in their communities. (Ps.85:8)


Liberal Democrat deputy leader Simon Hughes has warned that the governments proposed welfare benefits cap will ‘break up families’ and ‘damage the lives of literally hundreds of thousands of children.’ Mr Hughes, who is not a minister and therefore not part of the coalition government, made his comments to the BBC ahead of more crucial votes in the House of Lords this week, as the Welfare Reform Bill (WRB) goes through its report stage before returning to the Commons. Mr Hughes told the BBC that he did not believe the Welfare Reform Bill would be passed as it stands. The government has headed off a House of Lords defeat over plans to replace the Disability Living Allowance. Conservatives leaned heavily on Liberal Democrat support in the Lords, avoiding another humiliating Welfare Reform Bill report stage defeat by only 16 votes.

Pray: for Government policy that as it tackles fiscal problems still protects the most vulnerable in society. (Ps.41:4)


Houses of prayer have been with us for centuries. God has called individuals and groups to offer unceasing prayer and worship, 24/7. However we are in the midst of growth of this particular calling - God through His Holy Spirit is calling more and more houses of prayer to be born and we are attempting to keep pace with Him through documenting this pattern to encourage and support those who are hearing the same call, and to help them connect with each other and people searching for a house of prayer in their region. We welcome information about houses of prayer in any country and any denomination for we are all one in Christ. We pray a blessing on your house of prayer and ask the Father for great power and for His presence to be with you.

Pray: for an extraordinary growth of prayer warriors for every nation. (Is.56:7)



The Archbishop of Canterbury shrugged off calls from critics to steer clear of politics and “just talk about God” insisting that the Church has increasingly become the “glue” holding society together. The Most Rev Justin Welby used his first New Year address as leader of the Church of England to reaffirm tackling poverty as one of the biggest priorities. Archbishop Welby, a former oil executive, has drawn from his knowledge of the City as a prominent critic of practices by bankers, payday lenders and others. It was a theme he returned to in his first Christmas sermon last week when he spoke about combating “injustice” adding that politics and religion “cannot be separated”. But it led to attacks from some commentators who claimed that the Archbishop was failing to talk about faith. The Archbishop replied saying that as Christians if you love your neighbour you’re going to be deeply concerned in the things that trouble them, whether it’s about heating bills, insecurity in families and the need for good community life.

Pray: for the Church to continue its involvement in supporting so many aspects of society. (Mtt.28:18)


The recent wet weather is caused by a high-altitude river of air called the Atlantic jet stream flowing from west to east separating the cool, wet and windy weather of the northern ocean from the stable, settled and warmer air to the south. In a good summer the jet stream lies north of Britain shielding us from the inclement weather closer to the NorthPole. But this year it has shifted south so that cool damp air has settled over the British Isles. Rain has destroyed numerous potato and apple crops and our farmers are struggling to meet supermarket quotas of various fruits and vegetables. The Summer Olympics are full of events meant to be played outside. Track and field events can quickly become hazardous in the rain and sailing can be downright dangerous in poor weather; Poor weather conditions will affect thousands of people attending New Wine and similar events this year.

Pray: for God's mercy on the weather patterns we are experiencing; may they not harm our agriculture, tourism, sporting activities and economic situation. (Ps.24:1,2)


‘Cynical directors and weak censors mean our children can now go to films that would have been x-rated ten years ago’, a film critic has warned. Chris Tookey’s comments came in response to the release of Sucker Punch, a 12A-rated film that teaches our children that ‘abusive sex and extreme violence aren’t really so bad’ – a rating which allows children in as long as they are accompanied by an adult. Mr Tookey, writing in the Daily Mail, hit out at the 12A certificate given to some movies and warned that current ground rules on sex and violence ‘have been relaxed to the point where not only morality but also common sense have flown out of the window’. Mr Tookey said there was plenty of evidence to suggest that ‘the 12A certificate is increasingly being used with despicable cynicism to expose children to material that is highly inappropriate and potentially damaging’.

Pray: for a review of the ‘boundaries’ of censoring that will affirm the protection of our children and young people from the excesses of the film industry. (Ps.141:9)


David Cameron hinted at tougher sentences for knife crime in the wake of the latest ‘absolutely horrific’ death of a 15-year-old in London. The fatal stabbing of Zac Olumegbon outside his school in West Norwood on 2 July was raised in Parliament by MP Chuka Umunna. In his response, the Prime Minister referred to a review of sentencing, saying: ‘I'm very clear we do need to have the strongest possible signal about how carrying a knife is just unacceptable. We need to send out a signal that it is not a defensive measure, it's not a cool thing to do. It should not happen and the punishment will be tough’. Mr Cameron said the long-term solution was ‘to give people an alternative to the gangs they are drawn towards, because they don't have other networks and help and hope in their lives. (See 4th item) Three teenagers, aged 16 and 17, have been charged with Zac's murder.

Pray: for the Lord to effect changes to the youngsters’ role models. (Mt.18:3)
