Share Jesus International, Hope and Fusion will be touring the UK this autumn to help churches stay at the heart of their communities. The Time of Our Lives tour is heading to Weymouth Prayer-house and New Covenant Church on 17 October, with more dates to be announced. It has been a bumper summer for the UK, with the Diamond Jubilee, the Olympics and Paralympics. The events saw thousands of Christians get stuck in to serve their local communities with free family events, festivals and live screenings. The tour will give churches advice on how they can create a 'rhythm of mission' throughout the year using key seasons in the church calendar. The organisations will share simple steps for engagement with some of the big national events on the horizon, including the Commonwealth Games in 2014, Hope 2014, Pentecost Festivals 2013 and 2014, and the Rugby World Cup in 2015.

Pray: that the Hope and Fusion tour will encourage the Church to link mission and community activities to large national events. (Gen.28:3)


Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone disclosed that homosexual couples may be permitted to use ‘religious readings, music and symbols’. She said that the Government would now hold talks with those with a ‘key interest’ in the issue. Unlike in civil marriages, there is little leeway for heterosexual couples to stamp their own mark on the Church wedding vows in a Christian ceremony. Such heterosexual couples tying the knot at Church of England or Church in Wales weddings essentially make the same pledges to one another. Lord Tebbit said: ‘I wouldn’t want anything done to add to the pretence that a civil partnership is a marriage. That’s the key thing.’ Andrea Williams of Christian Concern for our Nation says: ‘It is vital to safeguard traditional marriage for future generations and for the benefit of society. When society has been described as ‘broken’, we need to restore a Christian moral framework and family values.’

Pray: that Marriage continues as a gift of God in creation through which husband and wife may know the grace of God. (Jer.29:6)


On 20 January a Christian counsellor will be summoned before a Professional Conduct Panel for giving therapy to a homosexual man who pretended to be a Christian. Lesley Pilkington, a counsellor with over 20 years of experience, is defending herself against a formal complaint by Patrick Strudwick, a homosexual journalist who secretly recorded two therapy sessions with her. He published an account of the sessions in The Independent and has since received the award of journalist of the year by the homosexual-rights organisation Stonewall. Those offering such counselling have been increasingly targeted by the homosexual lobby, many of whom do not accept that people can change their behaviour. But in 2006, the homosexual rights activist Peter Tatchell wrote in the Guardian: ‘Much as I would love to go along with the fashionable ‘born gay’ consensus (it would be very politically convenient), I can't. The evidence does not support the idea’.

Pray: that the charge will be dismissed on the basis of entrapment and natural justice. (Ac. 24:1)


An innovative college for homeless people in London, the first of its kind in the country, is attracting hundreds of students. Recovery College, set up in Southwark by St Mungo's charity, is providing courses which improve practical skills and help to rebuild confidence. There are no charges, no entry requirements and students help to design and deliver the course ranging from help with literacy and music to raising self-esteem. There are courses for tough lives on the streets - overdose awareness, first aid and how to feed yourself on a small budget. They include what volunteers can offer, such as singing lessons arranged through the Guildhall School of Music. Each night the charity looks after about 1,700 people in London and the South East of England - and most of these will previously have been sleeping rough. Cold weather brings homelessness into sharper focus. The makeshift bedding around the warmth of buildings seems more brutal and isolated as temperatures fall.

Pray: that this initiative will lead to many needy being equipped for life beyond homelessness. (Ps.9:18)



The deaths of two unarmed police officers from Greater Manchester Police (GMP) has ‘devastated’ the force, Home Secretary Theresa May has said. Mrs May condemned the ‘savage acts of pure brutality’ that led to the deaths of PCs Fiona Bone and Nicola Hughes. They suffered fatal injuries in a gun and grenade attack on Tuesday morning. Mrs May cut short her holiday to travel back to the UK to visit GMP's headquarters. Speaking on Wednesday evening, Mrs May said: ‘(The attacks) have left grieving families, they have devastated Greater Manchester police force. They were incredibly brave and their deaths remind us what police officers can face every day.’ Eyewitnesses said a hail of bullets was fired and then a grenade was used during the attack. Police have been given more time to question 29-year-old Dale Cregan on suspicion of their murders. He had been the subject of a huge manhunt following two murders earlier this year of a father and son in separate attacks in the area. A 28-year-old man is also being held on conspiracy to commit murder.

Pray: especially for the families of the two police officers at this time. Pray for the authorities that they make wise decisions as the seek ways of combating such crimes.


Hindus have welcomed the reports of Lincolnshire County Council allowing its schools to teach Paganism to students. Prominent Hindu statesman Rajan Zed living in Nevada said that all religions were different ways to relate to the Divine. Debbie Barnes, Assistant Director of Children's Services for Lincolnshire County Council, said individual schools can decide whether or not to teach Paganism. See Currently Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Judaism are part of the religious education. Recently Britain officially recognised Druidry as a religion and the rise of paganism in 21st century Britain has led to police officers advised on how to approach witches, and jailed druids allowed official pagan days of worship off prison work. Pray that Christians will stand against this growing acceptance of primitive beliefs so that new faiths will not undermines our social values.

Pray: that Britain will fill her spiritual void with Jesus Christ and stop reaching out to ancient divinities. (Ac.19:18-20)


New figures released (29 May) by the Department of Health show that the high abortion rate in England and Wales continued in 2011 and even slightly increased. Andrea Minichiello Williams, CEO of Christian Concern, greeted Government abortion statistics published today with sadness: ‘It is sad that the abortion rate in this nation, which everyone agrees is too high, has not been reduced in 2011, and that so many young women in particular are having abortions. ‘Since the introduction of the Abortion Act 1967, there have been well over 7 million abortions in England and Wales. Yet Parliament never intended abortion to be available on demand. How have we let this happen? ‘It is clear that the reality and dangers of abortion are not widely known. Abortion is seen as the solution to a problem; this must change. We must not resign ourselves to this high level of abortions but must tell women that there are other alternatives.

Pray: for better education to avoid unwanted pregnancies and improved care and support for women who face such a pregnancy. (Ps.139:13-16)


‘Offenders should be ‘met at the prison gate’ by mentors who can help them escape a life of crime.’ said Chris Grayling the Justice Secretary. He has plans for a major extension of mentoring provided by voluntary groups and private companies on a payment-by-results basis, calling for an ‘enlightened’ approach to dealing with criminals and to decry the tragedy of inmates leaving jail with no idea how to get their lives back on track.This proposal comes during ‘Prison Week’ when Christians are asked to pray for those administering justice and those within the criminal justice system. May those ministering to offenders be given the wisdom of Solomon for the tasks they are engaged in, and good judgment as they guide prisoners on their daily journey through the prison system. See:

Pray: that the implementation of the mentoring system will grow and produce a new path for ex-prisoners to follow. (Ps.139:11-17)
