The Church of England has criticised "blanket opposition" to fracking and called for a debate that takes the poor and less costly energy sources into consideration. In a statement on the issue, the Church said it did not have an official policy on hydraulic fracturing but suggested the pros and cons needed to be viewed through a wider lens. In particular, the Church suggested fracking could alleviate fuel poverty and the suffering of the poor. The Chair of the Church of England's group on Mission and Public Affairs, Philip Fletcher said "Fuel poverty is an increasingly urgent issue for many in society - the impact on energy bills is felt most by the least well off. Blanket opposition to further exploration for new sources of fuel fails to take into account those who suffer most when resources are scarce." However, the Church said that fracking should be properly regulated and steps taken to minimise the risks.

Pray: for a fair and balanced debate on the pros and cons of fracking that avoids melodramatic misinformation so that the nation can make an informed judgement. (Job 28:12)


A Christian couple from Blackburn, have had their application to be foster parents terminated by the Council because of their orthodox Christian beliefs on marriage and their belief that the best environment in which to raise a child is with a mother and a father. Rev John Yallop and his wife Colette had told Lancashire Council that they were Christians but had been assured that they were still welcome to apply as foster parents. However, during the process problems arose when the Council asked them whether they would have any objections to prospective homosexual adoptive parents coming into their home for the ‘hand over’ process which normally involves a number of visits. The Yallops proposed that any meetings with prospective homosexual adoptive parents should take place at a children’s centre. Due to this request, the Council has now terminated their application.

Pray: for the Council to reconsider their own prejudiced and excluding view on this matter. (1Co.16:13-14)



Giving blood and living on a fiver are just some of the Lent challenges from Christian charity Stewardship. Its 40acts initiative kicks off on Wednesday and will challenge people to do something generous each day during Lent. 40acts is now in its third year and rather than giving something up, invites people to "give something out". The actions are simple but involve some personal sacrifice, with becoming a mentor among the other challenges. In addition to each challenge, there are daily reflections from contributors like Krish Kandiah, Rob Parsons and Russ Bravo. “The idea behind 40acts is simple,” says Debbie Wright, head of content at Stewardship. “Lent marks a pivotal point in the history of the church, when Jesus prepared to give himself up as a sacrifice for all mankind. Traditionally we mark Lent by giving something up, but what if it could be more than that? What if Lent was a preparation for a lifetime of big-heartedness?”

Pray: for this initiative and that many people will find it to be a good way to mark Lent. (Ac.20:35)


Lord Lawson has called for married couples to be recognised in the tax system, saying that the policy was the ‘most cost effective’ way of helping poor families. Writing in a report commissioned by Christian charity Care, the former Lord Chancellor said that ‘the case for transferable allowances remains as strong as ever, arguing that marriage tax breaks would be a better way to help low-income households than increasing personal allowances. ‘IA transferable allowance is not only family-friendly but provides a far more cost-effective means of reducing the tax burden on low-income households than can be achieved by an across-the-board increase in personal allowances,’ he said. The report, entitled ‘Independent Taxation – 25 years on, Does it meet today’s needs?’ argues that the current system results in families facing an unfair tax burden.

Pray: that the authorities will listen to the wisdom available from people like Lord Lawson. (Job.32;7)




dealing with the largest number of cases of forced marriage and honour-based violence they have ever seen. In the past 12 months, the Force has dealt with 49 cases of forced marriage, up from a typical 30-35, with new cases almost every week. The four Welsh Forces have been involved in about 60 cases, with four in north Wales in six months. The figures are released to coincide with International Women's Day. A forced marriage, as opposed to an arranged marriage, is where either bride or groom, or both, do not consent to a wedding and are coerced into accepting it. In many cases they are told they will bring their family shame or dishonour if they refuse. Ch. Supt. Neil Kinrade, head of South Wales Police's communities and partnerships department, said forced marriage was a ‘hidden harm’ among some sectors of the community.

Pray: for the police as they have to handle these difficult situations and for all those forced into marriage.


Factories, farms and hotels could be forcing hundreds of people across Wales to work against their will. The Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) is conducting several investigations into forced labour across Wales, the BBC understands. These businesses could be breaking new anti-slavery laws and employers may end up in prison. The chair of the assembly's working group on people trafficking said boys as young as 16 were forced to work. Joyce Watson said along with government action, the onus was on employers to ensure forced labour did not take place. Anti-Slavery International estimates 5,000 people are in some form of forced labour across the UK. Most forced labour investigations have focused on women being trafficked into the British sex trade, but the BBC has learned Soca is investigating people being made to work in places such as factories, farms and hotels against their will.

Pray: for an end to forced labour in Wales and throughout the UK. (Gal.5:1)


Numbers visiting foodbanks have almost tripled in a year, according to Christian food crisis charity the Trussell Trust. At more than 350,000, the number was around 100,000 more than anticipated, the trust said. The rise is the biggest since the charity started its work in 2000. Foodbanks provide emergency aid for people who cannot feed themselves or their families. They are run by churches and community groups and rely on donations from local people. Clients are given three days worth of nutritionally balanced non-perishable food. According to the trust, the rising cost of living, static incomes, changes to benefits, underemployment and unemployment have meant increasing numbers of people in the UK have hit a crisis that forces them to go hungry. The rise in usage predates April’s welfare reforms, which could see numbers increase further in 2013-14. While the number of foodbanks has been rising – the Trussell Trust launches three new ones every week – established foodbanks are also seeing a dramatic rise in the number of their clients.

Pray: that the needs of those who are hungry will be met by the generosity of those that support the Foodbanks. (2Cor.9:11)



‘Rather than legislating for an abrupt end to life, we need to find better ways to help care for the dying’, an MP has said as he led a debate on palliative care in Parliament. David Burrowes MP was joined in the debate last week by around 20 MPs. He quoted Dame Cicely Saunders, the founder of the modern hospice movement, who said: ‘You matter because you are you, and you matter to the last moment of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.’ The MP’s comments come in the wake of a controversial report from Lord Falconer which advocated assisted suicide in England and Wales. Glenda Jackson MP said it was ‘paramount that our society turn its face away from what could become legalised murder, and argue and press the case for increased funding, increased support for palliative care and, most markedly, support for hospices’.

Pray: for a Government backed support for quality palliative care so often left to the work of charities to maintain. (Ps116:15)

