Former Spice Girl Melanie Chisholm says the sexualisation of children has gone too far, and encouraged stars like Rihanna to take more responsibility for their performances.

Miss Chisholm’s comments come amidst increasing concern about child sexualisation, and follow a Government review into the problem. Commenting on the issue she said: ‘People have to take some responsibility because we’ve got to a point where over-sexualisation of young children has gone too far. ‘I think music is a big part of that. Women in music, very successful women, are extremely sexual and they have young fans. It is inappropriate. Earlier this year hit songwriter Mike Stock warned that pop music has taken ‘a slow but unmistakable descent into pornography’. He said: ‘Pop music in this country is almost completely dominated by American acts who have taken sexualised imagery, dance moves and lyrical content way beyond the limits of decency.’

Pray: for a reappraisal of what is appropriate for pop videos aimed at our youngsters. (Je.35:15)


Christians from across the Midlands descended on Coventry Cathedral last Saturday for a special event to alert Christians to the increasing secularisation of Britain, and discrimination against those who stand up for orthodox beliefs in public life.
The ‘Awake Arise’ event on January 28 was the first to be held in an English Cathedral and was led by former Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, and Christian Concern founder and CEO, General Synod member Andrea Minichiello Williams. Both spoke on the moral and social decline of our nation, with particular reference to abortion and religious freedom, and how Christians and the Church can stand for truth on these issues. Former Mayor of London candidate, and leader of the Christian Peoples Alliance, Alan Craig, encouraged Christians to act on a local level by standing as Christians as councillors at parish, ward and constituency elections. To host an event in your church, you can contact Christian Concern.

Pray: that all those who attended this meeting will be enthused to speak out against the attacks on our faith.

A British evangelist who shot to fame after holding a nine-month revival in America is holding meetings in the UK next month. Nathan Morris, who runs Shake The Nations Ministries, ran the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival in Mobile, Alabama, alongside Pastor John Kilpatrick and worship leader Lydia Stanley. The Revival, which lasted from July 2010 until April this year, saw thousands travel from all over the world and there were reports of many notable miracles. Now, former drug user Nathan Morris, who hails from south Yorkshire, is back in Britain, preaching at New Life Church in Hull from September 16 to 18 and Bethshan Church, Newcastle, from September 23 to 25. Large numbers are expected to travel from all parts of the UK to attend the meetings. Nathan, 32, recently tweeted: ‘Join with me in prayer that God will pour out His Spirit in the upcoming UK meetings.’

Pray: for Nathan at that the Holy Spirit will touch many during the coming meetings. (Ac.2:28)


Western Europe has become a region of ‘empty nominalism’ and ‘confused spirituality’ said the chairman of the evangelical Keswick Convention. Dr. Jonathan Lamb told this year’s convention that while millions of people in Western Europe define themselves as Christian, they regard themselves as Christian only by nationality, culture, and as a result of family ties to the faith, or tradition. He said the spiritual landscape closer to home could be characterized by a ‘dry orthodoxy’, which he explained as Christians who are committed to the evangelical faith but whose life ‘has been drained of its spiritual vibrancy’. Others outside the church fold appear to be caught up in a kind of ‘confused spirituality’. Dr. Don Carson, research professor of the New Testament, cautioned Christians about the dangers of pursuing spirituality, for its own sake without any reference to Christ and Jonathan Stephens, Principal of the Wales Evangelical School of Theology, reminded Christians that the key to Christ-centred renewal could be found in returning to Scriptures.

Pray: for Christ and His Gospel always to be at the heart of our Christian lives. (Ro.1:16)


Following a ‘postcard campaign’ by the Catholic Church in Scotland, (See Prayer Alert 45-2011) evangelical church leaders have followed suit by making the Scottish Government aware that they strongly oppose any move to bring in full homosexual ‘marriage’. Over 70 leaders signed a joint letter which was sent to First Minister Alex Salmond, urging him to maintain the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman. When the Scottish Government launched a consultation on the matter, it assured church leaders that they would not be forced to conduct marriage ceremonies for same sex couples. However, widespread concerns still remain amongst Scottish church leaders over the impact of redefining marriage. There is a very real risk of definition-creep. If marriage is redefined who is to say that, for example, polygamy should not be legalised?

Pray: as pressure increases that the Government would listen to the advice the Church is giving. (Heb.13:4)


School children are being taught about euthanasia using a video that includes demonstrations by a notorious assisted suicide campaigner nicknamed Dr Death. Pupils as young as 14 are being shown the 20-minute film which features Dr Philip Nitschke showing the machine that is used to deliver lethal injections. There is also footage of him giving workshops on assisted suicide methods. Psychologists have warned that the film could encourage vulnerable teenagers to end their lives. Earlier this week the BBC was accused of being a ‘cheerleader for assisted suicide’ after filming a documentary that showed a man killing himself at a Dignitas clinic in Switzerland. See link Dr Nitschke, the founder of the pro-euthanasia group Exit International, caused controversy two years ago as he arrived to give his first UK suicide workshops. In them he demonstrates devices people can use to end their lives - including an ‘exit bag’, drugs from Mexico, and ‘peaceful pills.’

Pray: that the showing of this video and other material to school children will be blocked. (Job.3:20-23)


An aid minister has accused the EU of squandering hundreds of millions of pounds of British taxpayers’ cash on countries that are too wealthy to need help. Alan Duncan said that while he shared the public’s anger over the massive spending, the UK was being ‘forced’ to hand over huge amounts of money – but then has no say over how it is spent. One sixth of Britain’s aid budget – some £1.4billion – goes straight into EU coffers. Much is spent in relatively rich nations such as Barbados, Iceland, China and Brazil; which the UK refuses to fund directly. Some £800,000 of the EU aid budget is going on a water park and tourist complex being built in Morocco by the French owners of Center Parcs. The cash is being spent to ensure L’Oasis de Noria, on the outskirts of Marrakesh, is ‘environmentally friendly’.

Pray: for action to ensure our aid budget directly helps the truly needy and vulnerable around the world. (1Jn.3:17-18)



Internet pornography is “warping” children’s understanding of sex and leading them to mimic “aggressive, harmful and dangerous” behaviour, Esther Rantzen has warned. Miss Rantzen, the founder of ChildLine, says the number of youngsters ringing the helpline who have “been deeply alarmed by watching pornography has shot up by 34 per cent in the past year”. She said: “We received 641 calls from children who had been exposed to sexually indecent material — more than 50 a month. The stuff our callers see is horrifying, and has stayed in their memories, haunting and frightening them”, the former That’s Life presenter added. The stark warning comes amidst a Government consultation on protecting children online. Miss Rantzen backs an ‘opt-in’ system which would automatically block adult content. Those who wanted to view such materials would be required to contact their Internet service provider.

Pray: for much tighter regulation of the way that such materials can be accessed. (Ro.12:2)
