Estonians were recently asked whether religion played an important part in their life, only 20% said yes. Suggesting the Baltic country is, statistically, the least religious country in the world. Spires decorate the old town, bells ring out Sundays as visitors walk in and out. A closer look reveals that many of these visitors are tourists. Tallinn's large Lutheran Church almost all of the 70 congregants turned out to have travelled from the Netherlands. A handful of people standing at the back - 15 at the most - were the sum total of regular Estonian church-goers. As the dean of the church, Arho Tuhkru, explains: ‘People believe, but they do not want to belong to the Church.’ The Lutheran Church accounts for only 13% of the population. Fewer than one in five Estonians say religion plays an important part in their lives. In schools religion does not feature on the curriculum.

Pray: for people of Estonia that God would send His Holy Spirit to reveal the fullness of the Gospel. (Eph.3:19)


Last week over a thousand Christians visited Tallinn in Estonia for a week-long series of events designed to share the love of Christ with old and young. They aimed to make the gospel relevant and attractive to those who have never heard the message, or considered it outdated and useless. About 50 projects took place, including serving the needs of the poor and marginalized, offering sports clinics, challenging teens in discussion of life's issues, concerts and seminars for professionals. Everything was bathed in 40 days of prayer as churches asked God to move in mighty and supernatural ways throughout the city.

Pray: for Estonians as they reach out with God's love, pray also for the Estonians organising the Polish Alpha Initiative which could revolutionize the spread of the gospel in Poland. (Ps.80:3)


A senior official with Europol, the EU crime-busting agency, has voiced concern about ‘worrying’ new trends in the illegal drugs market. Speaking in Brussels on Tuesday, Patrick Byrne also said that the DNA of drug smugglers had changed in recent years. ‘They are becoming more clever and more sophisticated in their methods than ever before,’ said Byrne, assistant director for the operations department at Europol. He also said drug traffickers, including Mexican cartels, were continuing to target the ‘lucrative’ drugs market in Europe, and increasingly trying to get a foothold using routes via the Balkans. Byrne was speaking at a joint news conference with Russell Benson, a regional director with the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Europol has come under fire in some quarters for an alleged lack of impact in the fight against organised crime, including drug dealing. But Byrne said the agency had had a ‘real’ impact since it became a fully-fledged EU agency in 2010.

Pray: that Europol would continue to have success in tackling the drug menace. (Rom.6:20)


When you hear ‘unreached people groups,’ you probably think of tribes in Africa and Asia, or of small communities of rural people. But seldom might Europe cross your mind. It's easy to think that in Europe, anyone who can afford a Bible can access one in their own language. But there are dozens of languages used by a marginalized community that have no Bible translation. The Deaf population in Europe consists of roughly 900,000 people, according to a 2010 report. Across the continent there are about 70 different Sign Languages used. Bible translation projects are underway in over 20 Sign Languages in Europe through various agencies, but many others have yet to access the Word. In an effort to reach this unreached community, Wycliffe Bible Translators is embarking on a survey regarding the European Deaf community. Currently, Wycliffe needs more language surveyors for work in this area.

Pray: for the work of Wycliffe as it seeks ways to translate Sign Languages across Europe. (1Pet.1:23)


Some of Iraq's top religious leaders gathered in Copenhagen on Wednesday for a three-day closed-door meeting to try to end the recent violence against the country's Christian community. The emergency summit at a heavily guarded Copenhagen hotel comes on the heels of a string of attacks on Christians in Iraq, as well as in neighbouring countries. Eight of Iraq's ‘most influential’ Muslim and Christian religious leaders were taking part, according to the Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East a British NGO that co-organised the meeting with the Danish foreign ministry. The participants' identities have been kept secret for their own safety. Danish Foreign Minister Lene Espersen meanwhile stressed last week she had taken the initiative for the conference in a bid ‘to promote dialogue between religious groups in Iraq,’ following recent attacks on the Christian minority there.

Pray: that there will be a meeting of minds that will lead to peace and reconciliation. (Job.22:21)


On Mohammed's birthday, Denmark's Muslims marched under a banner that said ‘Islam is peace and love.’ But elements of Denmark's Muslim community have radicalized. Two years ago on the same spot as a peaceful demonstration, Muslims met a pro-Israel demonstration with Hitler salutes, shouts of ‘conquest,’ and ‘kill the Jews.’ Denmark is infected with the same multiculturalism that has been declared a failure in other European nations because it fosters Islamic radicalism. Copenhagen city government is allowing construction of a Shia mosque, which will be funded in part by Iran. Iranian refugees to Denmark who fled the Islamic radicalism now face the nightmare of that radicalism following them to Copenhagen. Iranian immigrants have been demonstrating against it. ‘It's not really a mosque. It's more like a barracks,’ said Islamic expert Lars Hedegaard, president of The International Free Press Society, headquartered in Copenhagen.

Pray: for God to prevent further Islamist agendas from taking root in Denmark (and elsewhere). (Ps.24:1)


Denmark’s security service said Sunday it thinks around 80 people have travelled from Denmark to Syria to join the civil war since mid-2012. In a report, the service known as PET said those who travel to Syria are mainly Sunni Muslim men aged between 16 and 25. At least seven were killed in Syria and around 40 have returned to Denmark again, PET said. The Syria conflict has attracted hundreds of foreign fighters from European countries, many of whom have joined Islamic militant groups. The Norwegian intelligence service PST has said an estimated 30 to 40 people - and possibly more - have left from Norway, including two teenage sisters aged 16 and 19 who made headlines last month.

Pray: that the authorities will find ways of halting the recruitment of fighters in Syria. (Pr.10:12)



Five men have been arrested in Denmark and Sweden for planning to attack a newspaper that published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, police say. Security officials said four suspects - including three Swedish residents - were held in Denmark, and another was detained in Sweden. Danish media reported that a pistol fitted with a silencer was found on the group held in Denmark. Publication of the Muhammad cartoons in 2005 outraged Muslims worldwide. Security officials said the four men held in Denmark had been planning to enter the building housing the Jyllands-Posten - the newspaper that originally published the cartoons. They had wanted ‘to kill as many of the people present as possible’, according to Jakob Scharf, the head of Denmark's intelligence and security agency, Pet. He said an ‘imminent Mumbai-type terror attack’ had been foiled and described some of the suspects as ‘militant Islamists’.

Pray: against militant activists everywhere that continue to promote their evil ideas at every opportunity. (Ps.36:3-4)
