Belgian police have cuffed members of a radical Islamist group connected with Al Qaeda, local media reported. One of the arrested is of Algerian origin. This spring he visited Bulgaria, police said. The detainees are members of Ash Shabaab, a Somali Islamist group responsible for terrorist attacks in Somalia and kidnapping of foreigners. Their task was to recruit new members for Ash Shabaab and send them to Somalia for organizing new terror strikes. Investigating officers said that one of the arrested travelled from Belgium, where he had asylum, to Bulgaria this spring. In Bulgaria he met with one of his fellow members from Ash Shabaab. The media do not specify whether this person was a Bulgarian or came to the country from abroad. There is no information about terrorist acts being prepared on the territory of Bulgaria. The group numbering seven terrorists was busted in Brussels and Paris during the last week.

Pray: that the authorities will continue to succeed in arresting radicals and stopping Ash Shabaab from increasing its influence. (Job.6:23)


Bulgaria held three days of special prayers against suicide and nationwide pessimism after at least seven people set themselves on fire while protesting against poverty and corruption. The prayers were requested by the country's president Rosen Plevneliev who says he wants to help heal the spirit ual wounds of the nation amid growing public desperation. Prayers reverberate throughout churches in Bulgaria, a heavily Orthodox nation. Worshippers remember five Bulgarians who died and two who remain in critical condition by self-immolations that have shaken the conscience of this Balkan nation. Prayers are held by all main Christian churches, including the Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant denominations, as well as the Jewish and Muslim communities.

Pray: that this call to pray by the president will result in healing the spiritual wounds of the nation. (Jer.33:6)


Children in state-run homes were tied to their beds or wheelchairs, or ‘chemically immobilised', amid claims of sexual abuse, according to a report by the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee (BHC). The report was based on investigations by prosecutors and human rights experts at all the country's 26 social care homes, which shelter 1,350 disabled children. Of 238 deaths, three-quarters could have been prevented, the report said. Preliminary findings concluded that 166 deaths resulted from ‘lack of care’ by personnel at the institutions. Bulgaria's Chief Prosecutor Boris Velchev said most of the deaths were never reported to police or subject to autopsies. According to the report, 31 deaths were due to malnutrition, 84 to neglect, 13 to poor hygiene, six to accidents such as drowning or freezing, 36 to pneumonia and two to abuse. In 15 cases, the experts could not determine the cause of death. ‘We are determined to conclude the investigations and punish those responsible,’ Velchev said.

Pray: for all children in care, that they may be lovingly nourished in body and spirit rather than neglected. (La.3:33)


Bulgaria's government resigned from office after nationwide protests against high electricity prices, joining a long list of European administrations felled by austerity measures. Prime Minister Boiko Borisov had tried to calm protests by sacking his finance minister, pledging to cut power prices and punish foreign-owned companies, but the measures failed to defuse discontent and protests continued on Tuesday. Many Bulgarians are deeply unhappy over high energy costs, power monopolies, low living standards and corruption in the European Union's poorest country. At least 25 people were taken to hospital after protesters clashed with police late on Tuesday. ‘I will not participate in a government under which police are beating people,’ Borisov said as he announced his resignation on Wednesday. The premier did not say if a parliamentary election scheduled for July would now be brought forward.

Pray: for the people of Bulgaria that just leadership will be found to replace those currently in authority. (1Ch.21:12)


Tens of thousands of people have protested across Bulgaria against poverty and corruption. The latest demonstrations came despite the resignation of the government and promises of early elections. (See Prayer Alert 08-2013) The protests followed earlier massive demonstrations with people shouting ‘Mafia, Mafia’, amid outrage over rising electricity prices by as much as 13 percent in what is the European Union's poorest member state. Protesters blamed foreign companies as well as high level corruption. It gradually grew into a civil unrest challenging the established order. Two weeks ago, clashes between police and protesters left two dozen people injured and prompted Prime Minister Boiko Borisov's centre-right cabinet to quit. He has since been hospitalised with high blood pressure. The government's resignation cleared the way for early elections, to be held on May 12. Yet, Bulgarians have expressed their frustration with politics and what they see as unfulfilled promises of EU membership. The Balkan nation joined the 27-nation block in 2007.

Pray: for the people of Bulgaria as they go through this transition of seeing non-corrupt and just government will be elected. (1Ch.21:12)



Over 12,000 youngsters from some 100 nations have concluded Central and Eastern Europe's first-ever 'Genfest', a youth summit, with a call for a more united and peaceful world. After three days of exchanging ideas on how to realize that utopia, they prayed and listened in front of Budapest's Saint Stephen's Basilica, one of Hungary's largest Roman Catholic Church buildings. During Sunday's open air Mass they were encouraged not to give up their hope and dreams. The Vatican's ambassador to Hungary, the Apostolic Nuncio Alberto Bottari de Castello reminded the participants of this year's Genfest theme: 'Let's Bridge'. He said, ‘Christ is the true bridge between people and God,’ and ‘the Lord wants us to carry out that message as bridges of love towards all people.’

Pray: for all the young people who attended that they will have met with Christ the true bridge between people and God. (Is.42:5-7)


A senior European commission official told a Brussels conference on Wednesday that Afghan’s drug dependency will make reconstruction of the war-torn country very difficult. One of the things Afghanistan needs is long-term development of its civil service so that Afghans themselves can take over control of future events. The aim has to be to allow the Afghan economy to become free of its dependency on drugs which continue to be the main source of illegal revenue in the country.There are 30,000 European troops in Afghanistan aiding the US-led war. Meanwhile, French president Nicolas Sarkozy said he will stay in Afghanistan because it is a fight against terrorists and he does not want the Taliban to make a martyr out of Afghanistan nor allow Pakistan with its nuclear weapons to fall into the hands of terrorists.

Pray: for God to give His strategy to the leaders attempting to free the region of death, deception and disorder. (Is.61:1)


Brussels replaced its popular Christmas tree exhibit this year at the city centre due to concerns that it may offend the local Muslim population. An ‘electronic winter tree,’ will take the place of the traditional Christmas Tree and Nativity scene at the city centre of Grand Place, reports Brussels News. The electronic sculpture will stand 25 metres (82 feet) tall and consists of a set of television screens, reports Brussels Expat. ‘During the daytime you can climb to the top of the tree where you will be able to enjoy a panoramic view of the city,’ the website explains. ‘As soon as it becomes dark the tree turns into a spectacle of light and sound. Every ten minutes an amazing show will unfold.’

Pray:against this over sensitivity by the authorities over the use of Christian symbolism during this season. Have they asked the Muslims and are they now offending Christians? (Jn.6:61b)
