‘On Saturday night, once again, 15 people cried out to Jesus to save them. People are not just praying a sinner's prayer but are so moved by the Holy Spirit that they realise their need before God.’ In Victory Church Cwmbran there is a Holy Spirit outpouring and the focus is Jesus. A sample of a recent blog states.‘The place erupted with praise and the atmosphere was what can only be described as supercharged. God began breaking into people’s lives. People with mental illness responded to an alter call. Many have got in touch to say that they feel completely healed!’ and ‘One young man suffering depression and addiction and currently on Methadone stated G od has released him from a prison in his mind’. A woman with severe knee problems for many years is completely heal ed. People continue to be filled with the fire of God. Passion for the Saviour is at a new level, people are hungering and thirsting for the presence.’ The outpouring continues!

Praise: God for powerfully using Victory Church Cwmbran, we pray it will spread right across Wales and the UK.

More: http://www.victorychurch.co.uk/saturday-update-cwmbran-outpouring


A brief report from the Victory Church website: ‘We are so excited at what God is doing. Initially, many people were reluctant to accept that God had broken through, but 65 days on, it is undeniable that God is moving sovereignly. We have now seen 642 salvations and have 15 pages of healing testimonies! Visitors have continued to pour in from across the globe and we are grateful to God for the opportunity of hosting His presence is such a way. As people have been dramatically impacted we as a church have found ourselves drawn much deeper with Him. People ask, ‘Is what’s happening a revival?’ Our response, thus far, is that what we are seeing here in Wales is an Outpouring of God's Spirit. On Wednesday night we had the privilege of baptising another thirty people all who have come to faith during the outpouring! We praise God for this, He is building His Church.’ (See also Prayer Alert 19-20&22-2013)

Praise: God for the continued blessing upon His people. (Ps.85:6)

More: http://www.victorychurch.co.uk/outpouring-update-15



One incredible thing that we are experiencing here in Cwmbran (see last week's edition) since this Outpouring began is the breadth of Christian representation. As a local church, it is great to be joined with brothers and sisters in the Kingdom from many denominational backgrounds including: Baptist, Methodist, Anglican, Catholic, Charismatic, Reformed, Methodist, Free-Methodist and others. This unity, hunger and coming together, is confirmation to us that God is breaking down walls, destroying religious pride and using this as one tool to unite the body of Christ and send her out to the lost and broken, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Every night is different, some nights are completely free, as people experience the presence, joy and power of God. Others are still, peaceful, yet distinctly powerful. Every night, the Gospel is shared, and conversions happen - often before any altar call is made! Click on the ‘More’ link to find out what God is doing.

Praise: God for this outpouring of His Holy Spirit bringing new life and unity to His church. (Ps.85:6)

More: http://www.victorychurch.co.uk/outpouring-update-from-pastor-richard


Martin Wiltshire has become Britain’s second Cllr (Elect) for the Christian Party ‘Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship’ in the Town Council by-election held yesterday in Llandrindod Wells West Ward just 9 months after the leader of the Christian Party of Wales, Jeff Green won their first town council seat. The election was triggered when Councillor Jones resigned two month ago for personal reasons. Cllr Wiltshire is a self-employed family man who has lived in the Ward for many years. Cllr Wiltshire beat the two other contestants by winning 51% of the votes. The second and third places shared the rest.

Praise: God for the election of Cllr Wiltshire that his faith and actions will be testimony to God’s hand on his life. (2Ti.2:15)

More: http://www.christianparty.org.uk/news.html

There were around 6,500 more people in Baptist churches on September 27, according to figures collated from reports on the day. The Big Welcome, or Back to Church Sunday, saw at least 475 Baptist churches taking part, with an average of 13.7 extra attendees. A quarter of those taking part had not done so before. If, as in previous years, around 12 per cent of those attending decide to become regular worshippers, this translates to another 780 people becoming part of Baptist churches. The Revd Ian Bunce, head of the Baptist Union of Great Britain's mission department, said that the event had gone very well. 'A number of churches have been surprised at how successful it has been,' he said. 'People are now saying that they need to put these principles into the everyday lives of their congregations, rather than leaving it to a particular Sunday.' (See also Prayer Alert 3710)

Praise: God for all those who have returned to Church and may the principles of Welcome Back become part of everyday Church. (Heb.10:25)

More: http://www.baptisttimes.co.uk/news1.htm

Every Wednesday evening at eight o'clock Afghanistan time, prayer meetings are held in Camp Bastion and other military bases in the region. Christian troops on operations are asked to add their prayers at that time if they are able. A growing number of Christians in various parts of the world are now 'attending' these prayer meetings as 'virtual' members. Please consider joining this band of supporters, the UK time for the meetings is 1630hrs.

Praise: God as they all join together constantly in prayer. (Acts 1:14a)

More: http://www.afcu.org.uk/

‘Knife bins are making a difference and helping to prevent youth crime,’ said a practising Christian, Michael Smith, at the launch of his new weapons disposal scheme, Word 4 Weapons. Smith was inspired to do something to stem the increasing numbers of stabbings and killings amongst young people across the UK and as a result founded the charitable organisation entitled Word 4 Weapons in 2007. In partnership with The Salvation Army, Ascension Trust, Christian Police Association and churches of varying denominations, Word 4 Weapons ran a pilot project last year placing knife bins in strategic parts of London where people could dispose of their weapons. In exchange they received a trendy bag called ‘All I Need’ which contains a Bible, Cops and Robbers comic, book of help plus much more to help them positively to turn their lives around. They now have 10 knife bins strategically placed across London with a further 10 bins to be in place by the end of this year.

Praise: God for the success of this scheme in 2007 and pray that this fresh initiative will be even more successful. (Is.52:7)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/weaponsforbibles.scheme.rolls.out.across.the.capital/26054.htm

A new wave of revival is sweeping through schools as God is moving among the youth of South Africa, says Matt Hogarty, principal of Oasis Christian Academy in Howick, Kwa-Zulu-Natal. He says that as a result of what God has been doing at Oasis, a team from his school was invited to minister at a Government school in Pietermaritzburg earlier this month and about 500 learners there committed their lives to Jesus. There was also a powerful time of ministry during which children opened up about issues of abuse and trauma in their lives. Since last month Gateway News has reported on a growing prayer walk movement at Port Elizabeth schools with reports of healing miracles and changed lives; a powerful move of God at a Uitenhage Christian School that has impacted a neighbouring Government school and spread to a Christian school in Alexandria; and an outbreak of revival at a Christian school near Tzaneen in Limpopo.

Praise: God for this move of the Holy Spirit through the schools and young people. (Mat.28:19)

More: http://gatewaynews.co.za/2013/06/27/wave-of-revival-sweeping-through-sa-schools-kzn-principal/