Ian Cole, Senior Advisor to IPC and founder of the World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK has put together a daily declaration that we can declare every day for God to release faith, hope and trust over our lives.

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Your beauty is my worship
Your Face my delight
Your Son Christ Jesus is my Saviour
Your Spirit is my comfort and guide
Your cross Jesus, is my redemption
Your life Jesus is my life
Your body my food
Your blood is my cleansing
Your word Father, is a lamp to my feet
Your Grace is my cover
Your mercy my freedom
Your righteousness my clothing
Your Joy is my strength.
Your protection my fortress
Your peace is my rest
Your presence my security
Your name my healing

Father, I thank you, that in declaring these truths,
I believe for me today

Your love is unfailing, your goodness never ends, your kindness overwhelms and your faithfulness is everlasting. AMEN

A DAILY DECLARATION OF FAITH, HOPE AND TRUST 2022 © World Prayer Centre.  The declaration can be copied and distributed freely acknowledging World Prayer Centre www.worldprayer.org.uk

Ian has also written “A Gift of Hope”.   The new e-book contains the Trilogy of Hope articles written by Ian Cole and the Daily Declaration.  

May the Gift of Hope bring you joy at Christmas! If you would like to purchase the Gift of Hope e-book, you can purchase and download here.

We hope that you can join us in praying this daily declaration compiled by Ian Cole. Let us declare faith, hope, and truth for us and our families. Download a PDF of the declaration

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Disciple Keys is ideal for use at home, in church, school, college or within a prayer or mission organization.  It has been written and published by 24:14 Coalition and Finishing the Task along with several other partner organizations.

Disciple Keys is available online, as a PDF download, Podcast, e-book and hard/soft cover printed copy

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Derek Timms, chaplain at Solihull Marie Curie hospice, was told by the hospice’s senior chaplain to remove his small cross pin because it 'might offend' patients. Derek had worked at the hospice for four years, wearing his cross every day without any complaints. Yet the new senior chaplain told Derek he'd need 're-training' if he refused to remove it. With support from the Christian Legal Centre, Derek wrote to the Methodist minister to query the unreasonable request, which was then escalated to the regional office. In response, Marie Curie regional office offered unreserved apologies for the distress caused to him, confirming that there was no policy against wearing the cross.

When Sean, a preacher’s son, was stirred by the Sermon on the Mount, ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit’, it became God’s call for him to reach out to the margins of society. I Both in the UK and in other parts of the world, he launched God’s Squad motorcycle clubs, sharing the message of Christ with those whom many regard as misfits. It helped that Sean loved bikes himself. His mission widened to embrace the homeless and others struggling to make sense of life. Their ‘church’ Zack’s Place, named after the tax collector Jesus loved, is in a Swansea backstreet. Regulars are encouraged to pour out their troubles in a caring atmosphere where love and concern are demonstrated in more than words. Informal services are in a bar-style setting where meals are shared and spiritual food for thought is served.

Almost 20% of unaccompanied child migrants from Albania in Kent County Council care have disappeared this year. Out of 197 children, 39 are missing. Ecpat UK, which campaigns to protect children from exploitation, said the figures were very concerning. The council said it worked closely with the Home Office and police to safeguard vulnerable children, but it can be very difficult to prevent some children from going missing. They attempt to identify beforehand any who are vulnerable to exploitation, and when a child is found they perform a debriefing to learn any lessons. The council felt under pressure over the number of asylum-seeking children it is required to take on, sometimes refusing to accept any more, with services at breaking point. Meanwhile children face labour exploitation in construction work, car washes, drug distribution, or the sex industry. The challenge of safeguarding children remains very real.

Pray for the UK

08 Dec 2022

Immigration is a reality of national life. London has 10,000+ people of over fifty various nationalities. Many Brits struggle to welcome immigrants, who often struggle to adjust to life in the UK. Pray for society to face the challenges of many cultures living together in peace. Immigrants from Christian nations like Nigeria and Brazil bring new church life and church growth. Pray for local congregations to plant new churches, reach new peoples, and glorify Jesus as they partner with believers from many lands. Sadly, England's inner cities are becoming physical and spiritual wastelands of drugs and crime. Dying churches and empty churches have been converted to mosques, temples, or gurdwaras as white evangelicals move to the suburbs. Inner-city whites in poverty and joblessness have few prospects. Pray for God to raise an army of workers to meet the many needs of impoverished and often troubled areas.

Health officials want parents to be aware of an infection called strep A that children are dying from. Since Covid restrictions eased, there are more opportunities for other infections to spread. Strep A cases are increasing. The highly contagious bacterium can cause serious illness and complications. Many carry it harmlessly without even knowing they have it. It can be spread to others with a cough or sneeze. Most often, symptoms are mild - a sore throat or a skin infection which can be easily treated with antibiotics. But strep A can cause a range of serious illnesses like scarlet fever; nine children have died recently. Health professionals must tell local protection teams of suspected scarlet fever cases so that they can be treated quickly and possible outbreaks brought under control. Cases have risen tenfold this year, but the UK has ‘good’ antibiotic supplies amid shortage fears.

Over fifty officers were involved in an operation at a Russian businessman's multi-million-pound London home to investigate potential criminal activity by oligarchs. They arrested a 58-year-old man on suspicion of money laundering, conspiracy to defraud the Home Office, and conspiracy to commit perjury. He was also charged with obstructing an officer when trying to leave with a bag containing thousands of pounds in cash. Another man who is the former boyfriend of the businessman's current partner was arrested at his home in Pimlico for money laundering and conspiracy to defraud. The National Crime Agency (NCA), which was established this year, is having ‘significant success’ investigating potential criminal activity by oligarchs.