Exalting Jesus! - is a 21-day journey into Easter... and a 21-day journey into more of Christ!

It takes place online between March 19th and April 9th 2023 (Easter Sunday)

Join us! - as we seek to enliven and enrich our relationship with Jesus Christ for all that He is!

Exalting Jesus is a series of 21 short daily video devotionals with responsive prayers for personal, group or church use. It has been produced by David Bryant of Christ Now in association with IPC.

More info at www.exaltjesus.life

#exaltjesus #exaltingjesus #christnow #ipcprayer


THEME - 'Wave of Glory'

We invite people of every tribe, family and generation to join us as we unite in worship and prayers for Australia, New Zealand, Oceania and the nations of the world!

"My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets. In every place incense and pure offerings will be brought to me, because my name will be great among the nations" - says the Lord Almighty

Full details of the program will follow shortly - in the meantime, do save the date, sign up for email updates, follow us on social media and share this post far and wide!

A warm Aussie welcome awaits you in sunny Perth!

More info: www.wpa2023au.org

#wpa2023au #worldprayerassembly #waveofglory #malachaich1v11

MARCH 18 - APRIL 17, 2023

Join millions of Christians worldwide as we learn about the Muslim world and pray for our Muslim friends and neighbors during their annual month of Ramadan.

The free Prayer Guide is available in 20 languages online and 10 languages as a printable pdf.

More info at www.110cities.com

#110cities #prayfortheunreached #thykingdomcome

Aftershocks are still shaking the eastern Mediterranean as far as Iraq, following on from the severe earthquakes in southern Turkey and northern Syria which left over 50,000 dead and millions homeless. Amidst all the misery, death and destruction, we are hearing testimonies from people who were buried alive and rescued from the rubble after more than a week. They all experienced a bright figure in white who came towards them and gave them something to drink.

Noah was a Christian student at Morehead University who heard about the Asbury revival. On 11 February, when his roommate suggested they go to Asbury, he declined. ‘No, I’m going to use today to rest, fast, and pray.’ But later, God reminded him that Jesus' disciples didn’t fast and pray while he was alive, but told them that when he was no longer there, then they would fast and pray (Luke 5:33-35). He sensed that God said, ‘You can always fast for me, but you will not always have this experience of what I’m doing at this campus’. Noah called out to his roommate, ‘I changed my mind. I’m going.’ When they entered the packed auditorium the worship leader was saying, ‘We’re not playing worship music to fit people’s needs, we’re playing worship music that honours God - that is for Jesus.’ The experience changed Noah. ‘God is more real, there is a deeper revelation, and the fear of the Lord increased over my life.’

We have all been praising God in recent weeks as we have heard of an increasing number of American Christian universities experiencing God’s Holy Spirit moving powerfully in and through their campuses. Many of us are praying for more of the same to happen here in the UK. For a spiritual awakening in the UK, God wants to first see a people who will humbly walk in obedience to His Spirit. Every outpouring of God’s Spirit in Acts happened first among believers. None were truly outside of Judaism. In Acts 2 and 4, they were Jews from Jerusalem and the Diaspora. Acts 8 saw Samaritans who worshipped YAHWEH in their own ways and places. Historically, revival has happened first among believers and then its effect spills out on communities and societies, resulting in social transformation. May God see His Church here become more passionately devoted to Him, spurred on towards further repentance and obedience to His Word.

Dignity in Dying say that the fact that the number of British members of Dignitas has soared 80% in ten years is ‘evidence’ that the ban on assisted dying is failing families. A total of 33 people had Dignitas-assisted deaths in 2022, ten more than 2021. Dignitas said, ‘It is immoral that we are outsourcing compassion to Switzerland for the few who can afford it. The increase in Dignitas’ latest figures is concrete evidence that Britons are desperate for choice and control over their deaths.’ The 1961 Suicide Act states assisting someone to take their life is an offence punishable with up to 14 years in prison. In December the Health and Social Care Committee said they would hold an inquiry into the assisted dying law, examining all healthcare perspectives in the controversial, passionate debate. Change in the law is opposed by religious groups, saying it undermines the value society places on human life.

The Government has confirmed reports that the Iranian regime plans to attack Jews and Israelis in the UK if Israel carries out a military attack on Iran. Last week the Jewish Chronicle reported Iran was mapping out the locations of Jews, Israelis and Iranian anti-regime activists in the UK. The security minister said, ‘We have very clear intelligence about the activities of hostile regimes in the UK and keep a very close eye on their agents' activities of surveillance. We know that Iranians are paying British crooks and criminal gangs to spy for them and you can be very clear that we do not issue these warnings lightly.’ He added, ‘All threats against UK people are taken very seriously and we highlight Israelis and Jewish communities because we see threats and Iranian operational activity directed against them.’