Every resident in Jersey will hear the gospel after being sent the story of Jesus on CD. Around 89,000 people will be asked to listen to Mark’s gospel when it drops through the letterbox in the next few weeks. The recording is part of a Bible Society initiative called ‘You’ve Got The Time’. The whole of the New Testament has been dramatised in 40 half-hour audio clips, which can be downloaded from the Bible Society’s website. When church leaders heard about the project they asked the Bible Society if they could put part of the recording, by The Riding Lights Theatre Company, on CD. One of the project organisers, Rev Martyn Shea, says, ‘We want to demonstrate the love of God and want people to hear the good news of the Bible. This resource and the way the Riding Lights Theatre Company act it, was exactly the way we want the church to present the Bible in the community.’

Praise: God for this wonderful opportunity to spread the Good News. (Is.52:7)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/jersey.to.hear.the.gospel/28616.htm

A three-day evangelistic festival in Japan headlined by US preacher Franklin Graham concluded Sunday with 400 new commitments to Christ, bringing the weekend total to 1,765. The Festival, held in Osaka, was the culmination of efforts by hundreds of churches, 400 of which had invited Graham to preach in a region which represents about one quarter of Japan’s national population. ‘This is God's time for Japan,’ Graham said at the conclusion of Saturday’s evening service. When asked on Thursday how the event’s success would be measured, Graham told reporters that the success of any evangelical meeting depends on prayer. ‘There have been thousands of people praying. If one person were to give their life to Jesus Christ this week, it would be successful,’ he responded. With this Festival finished Graham will prepare for the next one which will be held in Riga, Latvia, November 5 to 7.

Praise: and thank God for His miracle of salvation and ask for thousands more to enter his kingdom in future outreach events.

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/franklin.graham.festival.in.japan.concludes.with.1765.decisions.for.christ/26960.htm


Christopher ‘Dudus’ Coke, the alleged Jamaican druglord who is facing extradition to the United States, has been captured, after a manhunt for him triggered deadly unrest across Kingston last month. ‘The security forces wish to confirm reports that Christopher Lloyd Coke, for whom police are holding a warrant of arrest regarding extradition proceedings, was arrested,’ Police Commissioner Owen Ellington said. Local church leader Rev Al Miller earlier said that he had ‘helped in the process to hand over Coke’. The church leader had helped in negotiations to ease tensions after a police operation to capture Coke that left 73 people dead in a Kingston slum. (See Prayer Alert 2210) Jamaican police backed by troops descended on Coke's stronghold in the impoverished Tivoli Gardens slum last month seeking to arrest him.

Praise: God for this answer to our prayers for the cleansing of Kingston. (Ps.145:1)




Marking the launch of a three-week evangelistic campaign aimed at the entire Latin world, FestiNapoli with Luis Palau drew thousands of individuals from the coastal city of Naples, this past Friday and Saturday for a free evangelistic festival. Packing the main plaza along the famed Via Francesco Caracciolo, the historic nature of the two-day festival could be felt by all. According to locals, it marked the first time in recent history that the evangelical community has been granted permission from city officials to host a public, outdoor evangelistic event. ‘We are so encouraged by this festival,’ said festival chairman Marcelo Simon Rodriguez. ‘This represents a great step forward for the evangelical Church in Italy.’ Joining with more than 20 local congregations, as well as a handful soccer stars and recording artists from the region, world evangelist Luis Palau shared the Good News both nights of the festival, reaching thousands of individuals in person with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

Praise: God for the FestiNapoli and the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing new life. (Rom.6:4)

More: http://www.openheaven.com/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=43532&PN=1&TPN=1


Israeli news stations are reporting a miracle that’s impossible to explain. - When Therese Daoud arrived at Tel Aviv's Ichilov Hospital with a malignant tumour the size, of orange doctors said her only chance of survival would be to amputate the leg. However Therese said the surgery was postponed three times due to unforeseen incidents and ‘This was a clear sign to me from Heaven that I should not have the surgery.’ Israeli TV showed images of Therese praying in a church and three months later they reported the killer growth had receded dramatically. ’This just does not happen’ stammered a professor. ‘A growth of this kind cannot recede like this.’ Hospital staff and reporters traveled to Therese's home to look for other explanations. They tasted the food she eats and checked the water she drinks, but there was no physical explanation. They left contemplating one undeniable, unavoidable and very uncomfortable option—that prayer in Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel, still heals today.

Towards the end of 2009, an Iranian doctor from a religious family in a smaller city of Iran was watching Elam’s evangelistic television program ‘Healing for the broken hearted.’ He was deeply moved by testimony of the Christian on the program. When the presenters invited viewers to call in for prayer he did so despite the risks. The Elam counsellor shared with him and he requested follow up contact. So they gave his details to one of the church planters in Iran who courageously went to visit him in early 2010. The Doctor heard the Gospel once more and then repented right there in his office. Believers are meeting with him regularly to disciple him.

Praise: God for this new brother in Christ, and pray for him to grow and be a powerful Christian witness in his city. (Ps.73:23-24)

More: http://www.elam.com/articles/Prayer-News/


An increase in the arrest of Iranians converting from Islam reveals an abundant harvest resulting from evangelism by clandestine house churches in the Islamic state, according to Iranian Christian leaders. ‘Persecution has escalated to an unprecedented level,’ said Abe Ghaffari, executive director of Iranian Christians International. The increase in persecution is believed to be directly proportional to the number of Iranian Muslims converting to Christianity with numbers estimated in the thousands; many of those conversions may have begun after the Islamic state lost credibility in the disputed 2009 national elections. ‘Before the revolution, the clerics were promising that once Iran becomes an Islamic state, it would be utopia, it would be brotherhood, and everything would be fine,’ said Dibaj, but Iranians ‘have seen nothing but war and fighting and international isolation and hatred: now they are thirsting for change.’ Government persecution is making Christianity even more attractive, said Elam's David Yeghnazar.

Praise: God that out of persecution come God’s blessings. (Dt.23:5)

More: http://www.worthynews.com/10262-iranian-persecution-increases-christianitys-appeal-among-muslims

We are overjoyed to report that Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani, the Iranian pastor on death row for apostasy, was acquitted and released from prison on Saturday. (See Prayer Alert 36-2012) He is now at home with his family for the first time in three years, but is being tightly monitored by the authorities. It is no coincidence that he was released on a day when Christians worldwide were praying for him around the clock! Thank you so much for the part you played in CSW’s campaign. Pastor Nadarkhani was due to appear in court to face new charges thought to be linked to crimes against national security. Instead during court proceedings, he was acquitted of apostasy, but found guilty of evangelising Muslims. He was sentenced to three years imprisonment for the latter charge, but released on relatively minimal bail because he had already served all but a month of this time.

Praise: God for this wonderful answer to prayer. (Eph.3:20)

More: http://dynamic.csw.org.uk/article.asp?t=news&id=1328&search=