There is a rising tide of prayer across Wales as His children seek His face for our nation. There seems to be a buzz in the air as stories are arising across Wales of God doing wonderful things in peoples' lives. Beautiful testimonies are emerging, Jesus is being glorified and the Holy Spirit seems to be moving in every corner of the nation. House of Prayer Ffald-y-Brenin cannot cope with the number of visitors coming to pray and has given up trying, so that Bed and Breakfasts are full of those who come up to pray during the daytime. People are pouring in from around the world then leave carrying increased blessing. Elsewhere across Wales people are suddenly finding that the simplest prayers suddenly lead them into the very presence of our life-changing God. Home-based Houses of Prayer are multiplying, both singly and in networks. 24-hour Prayer is being raised up across the land.

Praise: God and may His Glory cover all of Wales as the waters cover the sea. (Hab.3:2)



OM Ships International’s vessel Logos Hope has launched back into service from Hong Kong SAR, China following the annual dry dock and maintenance time required for ongoing operation. The ship is now sailing to San Fernando, Philippines which will be the first of two stops planned for the 2013 visit to this country of many islands. The second port of call, Puerto Princesa, will be the fifth port Logos Hope has visited in the Philippines after stops in Cebu, Manila and Subic Bay in 2012. While many of the crew stayed on board to complete technical works during the time in Hong Kong, many others moved on shore to work locally or in surrounding nations on ‘challenge teams’. In total, 22 teams were sent out from the ship to ten different countries including South Korea, Japan and China as well as the United Kingdom and United States.

Praise: God for the work of Logos Hope and for its ongoing operations. (Ps.18:49)



Protestant churches in Hong Kong are blooming with an annual growth rate of 6.2% over the last five years and the number of Protestants in the former British colony is drawing close to 300,000. The number of practising Protestants surpassed 290,000 in 2009, rising from just over 216,000 in 2004, according to the results of a new survey released by the Hong Kong Church Renewal Movement. The figure surpasses the growth experienced by Protestant churches in Hong Kong from 1999 to 2004, when the number of practising Protestant rose from just under 176,000 in 1999 to nearly 217,000 in 2004, an annual growth rate of 4.3%. Rev Luk Fai, President of the Bethel Bible Seminary, revealed the new statistics in the latest edition of Christian Weekly magazine.

Praise: God for the growth of His Church and pray for its continued development and protection. (Ac.49:50)


On August 12th missionary Trish and her son Ben were accosted by two young men with handguns and taken to a remote area. Then Trish was released and the kidnappers began ransom demands via the mission sending agency supporting the family. The kidnappers had no way of knowing that through social media within 12 hours there were over 100,000 people praying for Ben, after 20 hours there were over a quarter million praying. At the end, 300,000 people had logged in and were praying around the globe for his release. The negotiation - or lack of negotiation - was tense because the family could not pay a ransom. In response to prayer, God moved and the two young men had a change of heart. Ben was released unharmed on August 13th and taken to a local hospital for observation. He was dizzy and confused when released, and slightly bruised from his travel through the bush.

Praise: God for social media activating global prayer within a matter of minutes. (Ps.66:19-20)



A powerful prayer movement is rising in the world's largest Muslim nation. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, Indonesian Christians intercede for their country. It was a scene never witnessed before in Indonesia's history. ‘I don't know another nation on earth like Indonesia where the church has become so passionate and united in prayer,’ Tom Victor, with the American-based Great Commission Coalition, said. Last year, more than 9,000 Christians from around the world descended on the Indonesian archipelago for a massive prayer gathering led by scores of Indonesian churches united to see the name of Jesus Christ lifted. Dr. Bambang Widjaya was a key architect of the event. ‘We can see the zeal, not only among the evangelical or Pentecostals, but also in the mainline churches and Catholic that we need to spread the Good News of Christ all over the country,’ Widjaya said. (See Prayer Alert 20-2012 World Prayer Assembly)

Praise: God for His grace and favour. Long may it continue! (2Cor.4:15)



Global Christian broadcaster Trans World Radio (TWR) was heard ‘louder than ever’ across Asia Monday, November 21, after inaugurating two transmitters it hopes will help to reach ‘millions more people’ including ‘persecuted’ Christians in countries such as China. TWR President Lauren Libby hosted what he called ‘a live dedication’ of the network's two new 250,000-watt shortwave transmitters on the pacific island of Guam. The transmitters replace the older 100,000-watt facilities giving ‘TWR the opportunity to touch even more lives with the good news of Jesus Christ,’ he said. ‘We thank God for the privilege of increasing our spiritual footprint in Asia via the 15.4 megahertz in the 19 meter band, the official added’.

Praise: God for the spread of His Word through the work of TWR and others across the airwaves. (Ps.135:1)


Want to ride the Jesus wave into the 21st century? There's an app for that! Revolutionary new media company DV8 Media has released ‘The Life of Jesus’, the first-ever comprehensive mobile phone application dedicated to the life of the Christian savior. Containing cutting edge original video and audio productions, engaging interactive games, Christian-themed communication tools, and the full text of the New Testament, searchable and bookmarkable, ‘The Life of Jesus’ is designed to bring a new generation of Christians and the Christian community together to reinforce Jesus' philosophy in a hip, sleek and technologically advanced production. DV8 will enable always-on access to the tech-savvy spiritually minded. ‘We can break down old paradigms and bring the teachings of Christ to a new, younger international audience,’ explained Geoff Tyson DV8's Managing Director. The application will be available through the Apple Store beginning 23 June 2010. Please visit

Praise: God that He has an app for everything! (Pr.15:23)


The Government has bowed to pressure and withdrawn its highly controversial plans for England. Under the proposals, sex education was to become a statutory part of the national curriculum and control over the content of lessons was to be taken away from school governors and given to Whitehall officials. Proposals to restrict the freedoms of home-schooling parents have also been shelved as the Government attempts to get its Children, Schools and Families Bill into law before the general election. The changes come as a result of the negotiations that take place in the final throes of a Parliament. Under the contentious sex and relationship education plans, children were to be taught that same-sex civil partnerships were equal in value to marriage. Faith schools were also set to be forced to teach children about homosexuality and tell kids how to access contraception.

Praise: God that prayer and pressure groups have caused this change. (Php.1:27)
