Sunday, 02 March 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters! In this difficult time when military units of the Russian Federation, violating international and bilateral agreements, entered the sovereign territory of Ukraine and the Soviet of Federation by presentation of the President of Russia has given its permission to use employment of the Russian troops in Ukraine - we, first of all call all of you and all the people of the good will to solidarity with us, to prayer for Ukraine and Ukrainian nation. 
We call the Russian authorities to come to senses and stop its aggression against Ukraine, and immediately pull out Russian troops from the Ukrainian land.  All the responsibility before God and mankind for irreparable consequences fully falls on the leadership of Russia. There is no oppression by the language, nation and denomination in our country. Therefore we witness that all the efforts of the Russian propaganda to represent all the events in Ukraine as "fascist coup d'etat" and "extremists' victory" do not correspond to reality absolutely...
Churches of Ukraine are with the Ukrainian people. We know for sure: God is not in might, but He is in the truth. The truth in on the side of the Ukrainian people. Therefore we shall win. May the Lord protect all of us!
For the last three months we have seen a series of events in Kiev and Ukraine in general which can't be called other than God's miracles. Now we feel God's hand over Ukraine despite of the fact that situation here is still tense. Our economic and public administration systems are in a weakened state but we can see how God is lifting Ukraine up.  Menaces from outside, situation in Crimea etc., strange as it may seem, solidified the majority of people in Ukraine (Ukrainians, Russians, representatives of other nationalities and of course Jews). 
We ask you kindly to pray for our new authorities, new governmental system, protection of wholeness of Ukraine, unity of believers in Yeshua as well as for there would be no divisions in the Body of our Messiah. Please pray for God's protection for Ukraine and of course for a real revival that would cover millions of people, Jew
 You can also pray against the Assyrian spirit, against intimidation and corruption of any kind as well as for smashing of the darkness and its complete march-back from Ukraine and inside Ukraine.s first (Romans 1:16).
In this situation besides provocateurs from inside (who try to rouse and provoke inner confrontation in Ukraine) there are no strong political forces that would propagate anti-Semitism or would put pressure on Jews. But inside, of course, this spirit has deep roots in Ukraine. At the moment we have some fringe groups who used to be distinct in their anti-Semitic rhetoric and now they hide their negative attitude towards Jews.
We thank you very much for your participation, support, prayers and active faith in general.
(Assyria as you, probably, know was ancient state on the northeast Israel which was the enemy of Judea and tried to capture him at all the time. For Ukraine - Assyria is a spiritual image which tries to bring fear and division and as it is possible to see it influence of this spirit goes to Ukraine from the northeast). (Isa.7:1-9,  2Chr.32:7-8)
Other Prayer Concerns:   
Dr. Peter Kuzmic: "This threatens the stability and peace in Europe and marks the beginning of a new Cold War era with the potential to turn into a more disastrous global conflagration."
Please pray:
1.)    For the right mix of wisdom, vision, and boldness for all of those engaged in preventative diplomacy and peacemaking between Ukraine and Russia.
2.)    Pray especially for the leadership of the European Union, USA, and United Nations that they will find an agreement for an unified and effective approach to curtail Russian ambitions to enlarge their territory and bring Ukraine under its control.
3.)    Pray for the leadership of Christian churches in both Ukraine and Russia not to give in to nationalist euphorias, but to exercise spiritual discernment and prophetic boldness in speaking the word of truth to power and to be constructively engaged in building bridges of reconciliation across the dangerous divides of antagonistic camps. 
4.)    Pray that the churches on all sides will credibly witness to the unity of the body of Christ and joyfully announce the Gospel as a message of hope, forgiveness, and reconciliation in their vulnerable and despairing contexts.
On Sunday, March 16, there will be a Crimean "referendum" that ultra-nationalists want to use to have Crimea annexed by Russia. Pray for the binding and overthrow of the spirit of division (the devil) who also wants to bring violence and war through this to this region and to our world. May His peace and deliverance prevail and may there be transforming revival and the development of a strong united prayer movement among His people in the midst of this crisis!

The heat of the battle is intensifying in our families, churches, and nations. In this critical time of history, we believe a united call to release our children, youth, and families is a key to changing nations. Therefore, we are asking pastors, leaders, educators, and parents to unite, empower, and release the voices of the children and youth in prayer and worship.

Psalm 8:2 Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies to silence the foe and the avenger.

Global Prayer and Praise is a collaborative worldwide initiative asking leaders to empower the children, youth, and families of nations to raise their voices together for the release of God's justice. With the participation of various organizations including The International Prayer Council, Children in Prayer, YWAM, IHOPKC, 4/14 Window Movement, Global Day of Worship, Transform World, TheCall, Arise International, and numerous others, we believe this is a God movement. 

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them" 
(Matthew 19:14). Will you let them come?

For 24 hours, on the weekend of April 13 - 14, 2014, there is a worldwide call for all children, youth, and families to unite in prayer and worship of Jesus our Lord. We invite local communities to gather together to pray, knowing that they are joining countless others around the world.


  1. Visit the Global Prayer & Praise website for more information:
  2. Get the word out to all believers, organizations, denominations,  and networks, especially those who focus on children and youth. (Please feel free to forward this email)
  • Ask those with current ministries to children and youth to gather and host prayer & praise events however big or small.
  • Include an announcement in your bulletin and newsletter.
  • Announce on Palm Sunday and invite families to participate.
  • Would you extend a personal invitation to those in your network to participate?


Last weekend in Houston, Texas, I was privileged with others to participate in an evening of giving special honor to Barbara Byerly. She is an "ordinary woman" as she describes herself that God has used to unleash extraordinary breakthroughs through prayer around the world. The theme of the evening was "The God of Barbara Byerly" because she and the organizers wanted to affirm that it is only His grace that enables us to be who we are and to see His wonders happen through walking with Him.
Together, we reflected on how through leading on-site intercessors at many international gatherings, Barbara has served both the prayer and mission movements in exceptional ways, including us in the IPC. We were all given copies of her inspiring book, Miracles Happen When Women Pray, that recounts some of the remarkable wonders Barbara, her family and colleagues have experienced.
Another outstanding intercessor, who has co-led many of these on-site prayer sessions with Barbara at international prayer events, is Derek Brant from the U.K. Derek like Barbara has traveled across the world at his own expense in order to serve the Lord and us all. He often weeps as he so empathetically and movingly prays over individuals who come for personal ministry to the prayer room. Working together, they have certainly been a dynamic duo that have encouraged and blessed us all so much!
At the launch of the IPC in November of 2002 in which 300 prayer network leaders from around the world took part, the 24/7 prayer room was charged with His presence so much that some participants testified to me that even in the middle of the night when they entered the door, they could hardly stay on their feet. Since then, in many IPC gatherings Barbara and Derek have sensitively and selflessly invited the Lord's presence and facilitated both life and ministry-transforming experiences for event participants. Indeed, the prayer room has often become the most exciting part of our IPC gatherings. This was also the case in 2012 during the World Prayer Assembly in Jakarta. Many, many attending Christian leaders from the nations were deeply impacted by the experience of praying with Barbara, Derek and the other intercessors.
Here are some special quotes from Barbara's book to which Derek would undoubtedly also give hearty assent. Her words should encourage all our prayer lives:
"We are all called to be intercessors, for intercession is nothing more and nothing less than making yourself available to God and believing that He will hear your prayers."
"This call isn't for only a select few. We are all called to be women and men of prayer. Why? Because prayer changes everything. It can transform your life and literally change the course of a nation, a city, a church or a family. Think of it! You can actually be involved in reshaping history-even from your own home prayer closet. This is the miracle of intercessory prayer and worship."
"By studying His Word, we learn to stand alongside Jesus, the Great Intercessor, to bring about God's plans and holy purposes. He is calling all of us to intimacy with Him, pure and simple. From this place of intimacy, miracles will flow."
"When we spend time with Him in prayer and are tutored by the Holy Spirit, we get to know His heart and desires well enough that we become partners with Him. The miracles we are seeing today are simply God's reclaiming the intimacy for which He created us."
"Together, our prayers and worship can prop open the windows of heaven, so His light and glory will fall on our homes, our cities and all nations."
There are many other priceless stories and quotes in her book. She closes it with these words: "I encourage you to believe in the miraculous for your own life. Pursue intimacy with the great Healer, the matchless Physician and see your own life transformed."
John Robb
IPC Chairman.
A world wide call to release children and youth in prayer and praise!
Dear IPC Leaders and Networks,
The heat of the battle is intensifying in our families, churches, and nations. In this critical time of history, we believe a united call to release our children, youth, and families is a key to changing nations. Therefore, we are asking pastors, leaders, educators, and parents to unite, empower, and release the voices of the children and youth in prayer and worship. 
Psalm 8:2 Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies to silence the foe and the avenger. 
Global Prayer and Praise is a collaborative worldwide initiative asking leaders to empower the children, youth, and families of nations to raise their voices together for the release of God's justice. With the participation of various organizations including The International Prayer Council, Children in Prayer, YWAM, IHOPKC, 4/14 Window Movement, Global Day of Worship, Transform World, TheCall, Arise International, and numerous others, we believe this is a God movement. 
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them" 
(Matthew 19:14). Will you let them come?
For 24 hours, on the weekend of April 13 - 14, 2014, there is a worldwide call for all children, youth, and families to unite in prayer and worship of Jesus our Lord. We invite local communities to gather together to pray, knowing that they are joining countless others around the world. 
Visit the Global Prayer & Praise website for more information:
Get the word out to all believers, organizations, denominations,  and networks, especially those who focus on children and youth. (Please feel free to forward this email)
Ask those with current ministries to children and youth to gather and host prayer & praise events however big or small.
Include an announcement in your bulletin and newsletter.
Announce on Palm Sunday and invite families to participate.
Would you extend a personal invitation to those in your network to participate?
In February, on-site prayer initiatives were carried out in Iraq and for Lebanon/Syria with local ministry leaders. Our small team of four facilitators-Sam, Elizabeth, Lucrece and I- felt the prayer support of many, and so the Lord blessed in wonderful ways.
50-60 Christian leaders and intercessors gathered in the city of Erbil in the northern part of the country known as Kurdistan. It was a time of teaching sessions as well as authoritative and united prayer for breakthrough. Participants were so hungry to learn and to pray that they did not seem to care about taking coffee breaks or meals. We did teaching sessions on transformational praying for nations, repentance for corporate sin and reconciliation, strategic intercession, spiritual mapping and deliverance (this included praying for the deliverance of oppressed participants and others who came for counseling). Many there have been through terrible experiences of seeing others killed before their eyes, torture, kidnapping, etc.
The final Saturday was an especially strong day of authoritative praying, and I felt there was a measure of breakthrough for the development of a united prayer movement as well as for the binding of spiritual forces of darkness and the overthrow of the terrorists. Later in the day, while we worshipped and prayed at the Citadel in central Erbil, high above the city, we got news that a top commander of the Al Qaeda- related Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) had been killed. This was followed by the reports of four other mid-level commanders and then a report of 21 more who were killed as they tried to build a bomb to destroy others. We had felt led to hand over mass murderers into the righteous judgment of God. Though we never rejoice in the death of people, God knows best how to deal with those who have made themselves the devil's agents of death and terror.
Since returning home, we have heard from leaders in Erbil and Baghdad about the continuing impact of the initiative and their attempts to bring others together to continue the prayer of deliverance for the nation. A leading pastor from Baghdad writes: "I have just returned from a combined meeting for many churches gathered together to pray for the nation, the presence of The Lord was awesome and powerful."
The leaders in Erbil who arranged the initiative ask us to pray for the following:
1)  To start a small prayer group (the nucleus) in Erbil, and connect with leaders in other cities such as in Baghdad and one couple from Duhok who attended the prayer training.
2)  A strategy for local and outside prayer networking.
3) For two bishops who are hindering the Lord's work in their churches. Pray for open doors and favor.
4) Above all, let's pray for a strong and well-connected prayer movement to arise in Iraq so that full deliverance and transformation can come.
5) Let's also continue to pray for the overthrow of terrorists and their attempts to destabilize the nation and that His shalom/ salaam will be upon this battle-scarred, bloodied country.
Our small team drove the breadth and length of this small, but captivatingly lovely nation, celebrating communion along with our intercession a number of times for the healing of the land and spiritual breakthrough. We went out to visit the Syrian refugees in the Bekaa Valley and prayed at the border with Syria. We also met with local intercessors in various places and had strong times of agreement in prayer at massacre sites and places of ancient idolatry. We believe such places still empower the principalities and powers to bring war, violence and division to nations today since they give the devil a legal right to be present.
As we were praying in Tripoli, a northern city that has been increasingly infected by the war in Syria through the same factions who also live there, a grenade went off not far from where we were praying. We continued to pray with His authority against the violence and the attempts by terrorists to cause confusion and harm in the country. The next day it was reported that four terrorists were captured with over 200 lbs. of explosives before they could detonate it, praise the Lord!
As we drove across the rest of the land, we sang His praises, claimed His promises and interceded with all our hearts joined by the local people. We felt like spiritual commandos on a mission and had the shared sense that the Lord was listening and answering throughout. One of the things we all prayed for was rain since the country was in a dry spell for more than a month. The last day of the initiative, clouds gathered and cool breezes began to blow in from the Mediterranean. Raindrops appeared on the windshield followed by a gully-washer of a downpour a couple hours later. What a cause for joy!
We also prayed with our Lebanese friends about the lack of a working government and the political intrigue that has paralyzed the nation for more than a year. On Saturday, the day we departed, our wonderful hostess, Nuna, sent this message: "This is no less than a miracle after 10 months of no being able to form a government, this Saturday after a very hard and long night the prime minister finally announced the new government. Now we're praying that the parliament will approve it. God is on the move!"
Let us continue to pray for the prayer movement to be strengthened and connected. Recently, eight churches in Beirut met to pray together, but this needs to continue and to expand to include the traditional churches as well as the evangelical and charismatic ones and go right across the country.
Pray for an honest, good, effective  government to be agreed to by parliament and established.
Let's pray also for heart unity among the churches and their leaders.
For Syria, pray that a cease-fire will be agreed on that enables those in many besieged cities to evacuate and for relief shipments to get to desperate people needing help all across the nation. May the government and the opposition also come together to negotiate what form a transitional government will take.
Thanks so much for praying for these troubled nations and their people that the Lord loves so much.
Yours in Christ,
John Robb
Use this link to find excellent articles with pictures to use in your prayers for the healing of the conflict in Syria which has now claimed well over 100,000 lives, men, women and children. Please continue to pray for His peace to cover this land and for negotiations to end it.
Click here for more details!
We thank God for his assistance; we have succeeded in organizing our second session with children, church leaders and Sunday school teacher, 15th February 2014. In total 275 participants (255 children, 5 church leaders and 15 Sunday school teachers). We have succeeded this meeting, with our small grant. For now, we have 500 children and Youth who already know what is the CIP.
Désiré Kajabika
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.                                                                     
(They have a need for funding to get an LCD projector if anyone would like to help. If so, please write to Desire at the email address above.)