It was a privilege for me to be part of an international team that spent five days in Afghanistan to pray for the nation (March 25-30) and its historic electionthat was about to take place on April 5. We arrived to the sound of big bomb explosions as the Taliban were trying to destabilize the election process by attacking polling centers and international observers.
On Friday afternoon, March 28th, when the international Christian community normally would have met for worship, five suicidal Taliban attackers blew up a massive car bomb outside the venue and attempted to rush in and kill as many of the believers as possible. Our team would have undoubtedly been there as well, but, by God's mercy, the meeting had been called off for that day. However, nineteen adults and children were there for a tea party to welcome the new pastor. As the weapons fire began, when armed guards next door fired upon the Taliban, those at the tea party hid in a bathroom until the Afghan special forces rescued them. A woman and five children across the street were also protected during the attack and escaped without harm. All five Taliban extremists were killed or blew themselves up in the process and unfortunately two other Afghans were also killed.
This incident gave extra impetus to our prayer and we stayed up till midnight interceding that day with an encouraging sense of the Lord's presence and guidance in prayer. We also prayed with NGO workers and local believers and had other strong times of prayer within our team as the Lord led us to focus on various issues- the growth of the church, the election, the development of women and their rising status, the new generation and children in prayer, and of course the overthrow of the Taliban and their violent extremism. It was an anointed and encouraging time!
Subsequently, one prayer initiative participant wrote about the election on April 5 : "There were no problems at all. I think only on the Pakistan and Afghanistan border. So to sum this up, the election went very well. I understand there are a few reports of ballot stuffing, but very few. The Afghans I know are excited about the election. In the 2009 election, I was here and there were 2000 explosions in Kandahar City, this election there were no explosions...
Yesterday morning, as I was walking in the city, I felt like the Lord said it is a new day and that he was going to come and move mightily in this nation. I looked around and it was very clean air all day, no dust. I felt like this was a sign from the Lord for what he was bringing to this land. Interestingly, throughout the day, Afghans said that today was the beginning.
About 40 years ago there was a Christian church in Afghanistan, and it was destroyed by the government. Within 24 hours the government of Afghanistan was destroyed and has been in war ever since. We believe that since the (former) Islamic government or Taliban attacked the church here, it will be destroyed as well."
Another expat worker wrote to say: "The elections yesterday went fine.  Huge turnouts, in spite of the threats by the Taliban, and in spite of the rain and cold.  And no report of any terrorist attack on election polls!  Some places ran out of ballots and had to look for more.  You and your team were here at exactly the right time!!!"
What an awesome privilege and responsibility the Lord has put before us in praying for the nations! He stands ready to answer even a few intercessors banding together to listen and pray out His heart for their nation (Matthew 18:18-20). He will use their prayers in the Spirit to bring new hope and change where things look desolate and discouraging.
John Robb
IPC Chairman 
This coming Sunday and Monday will be an exciting opportunity to pray and worship with the children and youth of our world!
The heat of the battle is intensifying in our families, churches, and nations. In this critical time of history, we believe a united call to release our children, youth, and families is a key to changing nations. Therefore, we are asking pastors, leaders, educators, and parents to unite, empower, and release the voices of the children and youth in prayer and worship. 
Psalm 8:2 Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies to silence the foe and the avenger.
Global Prayer and Praise is a collaborative worldwide initiative asking leaders to empower the children, youth, and families of nations to raise their voices together for the release of God's justice. With the participation of various organizations including The International Prayer Council, Children in Prayer, YWAM, IHOPKC, 4/14 Window Movement, Global Day of Worship, Transform World, TheCall, Arise International, and numerous others, we believe this is a God movement. 
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them" 
(Matthew 19:14). Will you let them come?
For 24 hours, on the weekend of April 13 - 14, 2014, there is a worldwide call for all children, youth, and families to unite in prayer and worship of Jesus our Lord. We invite local communities to gather together to pray, knowing that they are joining countless others around the world. 
1.Visit the Global Prayer & Praise website for more information: 
2. Get the word out to believers, organizations, denominations and networks, especially those who focus on children and youth. (please feel free to forward the link on this article)
Ask those with current ministries to children and youth to gather and host prayer & praise events however big or small.
Include an announcement in your bulletin and newsletter.
Announce on Palm Sunday and invite families to participate.
Would you extend a personal invitation to those in your network to participate?
Eunice Barruel, Founder and Executive Director 
We have heard that Egypt, Nepal, Indonesia, Democratic Republic of Congo, the USA and many other nations are participating by holding special events for children and youth. Pray that these many events will be used by the Lord to catalyze children in prayer and tri-generational praying in the nations of the world.
Donetsk, Ukraine (CNN)
Masked men with metal rods and Molotov cocktails prowl the Russian flag-draped balcony, surveying the crowds below. Stacks of tires topped with ribbons of razor wire line a makeshift barricade around the main entrance.
Two days after smashing their way in, hundreds of protesters have transformed this government building in the industrial city of Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, into the self-declared "People's Republic of Donetsk."
From the clumsily erected bulwarks to the lack of a leader or concrete plan, the scenes are similar to the pro-European rallies in Kiev's Maidan Square in recent months, with one major difference: Many of these protesters say they want to join Russia and have called for a referendum on secession from Ukraine to be held by May 11. 
Nobody knows for sure what role, if any, Russia is playing in this latest bout of unrest in Ukraine. Acting Ukrainian President Oleksandr Turchynov blames "separatist groups coordinated by Russian special services" for the revolts in eastern Ukraine, which he said echoed events leading to the Russian annexation of Crimea three weeks ago.
Since then, Russia has amassed thousands of troops on its border with eastern Ukraine. And Russia's Foreign Ministry said reports that protesters are facing a crackdown by Ukrainian authorities are of particular concern.
"We are calling for the immediate cessation of any military preparations, which could lead to civil war," it said in a statement on its official website.
Please join us in praying for Ukraine during its national crisis.
1. Pray that Ukrainian and Western governments will have wisdom, resolve and unity to deal with this crisis strongly and that civil war and possible annexation by Russia can be prevented.
2. Pray also that the Russians will back down in the face of Western sanctions and remove their troops that are still massed at the border.
3. Let's also include prayer for His Body in Ukraine, that the churches and prayer movement will be united to pray and work together harmoniously. "As goes the Church, so goes the world."
The 63rd annual National Day of Prayer, May 1, 2014, will have profound significance for our country.  It is an unprecedented opportunity to see the Lord'susa for Feb. 2012 healing and renewing power made manifest as we call o  n citizens to humbly come before His throne.
Our theme for 2014 is One Voice, United in Prayer, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over allgovernments, authorities, and men. To further highlight our theme, we've chosen Romans 15:6 as our Scripture for this year:  "So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."
For the May 1st observances, Anne Graham Lotz, the 2014 Honorary Chairman, wrote a special prayer to be simultaneously read throughout the nation at noon (EDT).  This recitation will create a huge wave of prayer, flowing from one coast to the other, illustrating the unity of God's people and acknowledging His dominion over the circumstances facing us.  Millions of people will gather to pray at thousands of events facilitated by our volunteer coordinators and people just like you!  We hope you'll join with our staff again as we seek to bring more communities than ever before together in prayer.  As a way of assisting you, we have assembled a variety of resources that describe how to organize and publicize citywide prayer breakfasts, worship services, and rallies.  These materials also present creative ideas geared toward helping individuals and families to establish meaningful devotional times.  If you have any questions after reviewing these items, please don't hesitate to contact our NDP staff at (800) 444-8828.  We would count it a privilege to lend a hand in whatever manner we are able.
At this crucial time for our nation, we can do nothing more important than pray.  Thank you in advance for making this spiritual discipline a personal priority and for standing with us as we encourage others to incorporate prayer in their lives.  The Lord has graciously anointed our efforts, empowering them to touch and change many hearts and lives.  We look forward to seeing His hand move across our land in exciting ways each May in response to our petitions!  In closing, we ask that you prayerfully consider becoming a volunteer in your church or community to lead a National Day of Prayer gathering. May the Lord's peace fill your heart as you rest in Him throughout the days ahead.
Quick Links:
National Prayer by Anne Graham Lotz 
Theme Resources 
Pray for America Website 
Event Ideas 
30 April - 1 May 2014 
The team behind Australia's National Day of Prayer and Fasting  is calling the nations of the world to 48 hours of prayer and fasting for the USA. This period of prayer will take place from 30 April - 1 May 2014.  April 30 is America's National Day of Repentance (NDOR) while May 1st is the 63rd annual National Day of Prayer (NDP) celebrated throughout the USA. 
Ps Matt Prater said, "April 30 is the 225th anniversary of George Washington's inauguration as a devout Christian president and the 151st anniversary of Lincoln's day of 'humiliation, prayer and fasting' held during the devastating times of the Civil War. The theme for the USA National Day of Prayer on May 1st, 2014 'One Voice, United in Prayer', is taken from Romans 15:6:  'So that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.' The 2014 theme is all about the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men." 
Dr Graham McLennan from Australia said, "We in Australia believe it is our turn to bless the nation of America through prayer and fasting according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. We join together to pray that God will raise up united prayer as one voice for the USA. We in Australia are grateful for the protection that America gave Australia and the nations of the free world during World War II. The Battle of the Coral Sea led by the USA was the turning point in the Second World War for Australia."
Warwick Marsh from Australia said, "Today we are calling the nations of the world to join in prayer and fasting with our brothers and sisters in Christ in the USA.  Last year we had people from 28 nations join with us. This year we are believing for 100 nations to join us in prayer and fasting for the USA." 
David Rowsome from Australia said, "The Motto 'In God We Trust' is the foundation for America's success. We thank God for America and pray for the healing of your land and the restoration of your foundations. We are asking God to answer our prayers for transformation in the USA and to inspire the nations of the world to join with us in prayer and fasting for America for 48 hours from April 30th to May 1st 2014."
For more information:
Ps Matt Prater - 61 433 192 267
Dr Graham McLennan - 61 427 003 549
Warwick Marsh - 61 418 225 212   
David Rowsome: 61 7 3422 0969
June 18-22, Skopje, Macedonia
Here are some prayer concerns from Pastor Venco Nakov who with a team of others is organizing this important event that will focus especially on the Balkan countries:
1. Pray that right people from the the Balkans would come. 
2. Pray that the effect of this European Trumpet Call will have impact on whole of Europe.
3. Pray that the Lord will help us to meet all the expenses.
4 May the Lord give us wisdom how to do this.
For more information, please contact
Venko Nakov <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
A Korean advocate for the people of North Korea writes: "We do request the prayers of the International Prayer Council for the liberation and healing of North Korea's prison camp population, for the innumerable homeless and starving North Korean orphans and children, and for all of the people of North Korea."
  1. Pray for the reform or overthrow of the evil, totalitarian regime of Kim Jong Un. Constant propaganda tries to give him, his departed father and grandfather as having god-like status.
  2. Pray that the North Korean people will come to know the truth and be able to rise up against this brutal dictatorship.  
  3. Pray for the estimated three-quarters of the population who don't get enough to eat, especially the children. There are many street orphans that no one cares for that also need help.
  4. For the liberation of the 200,000 estimated prison camp inmates, many of them who are Christians or just suspected for being disloyal to the government. They are normally worked to death or used for medical and other experiments just like the Nazis did.
  5. Thousands upon thousands of Christians have been martyred by this communist regime since it took over decades ago. Most of them have died without the outside world knowing or caring. They are heroes of the faith. Please pray for the persecuted church in North Korea that it will be protected, strengthened and grow massively in spite of great hardship.
To all the Saints around the world. It is with mixed feelings I am writing to you all, the joy of the birth of the newest country of the South of Sudan, and with sadness of what is happening right now in this new country.
I feel very strongly that God is calling us, leaders of the faith to take practical steps to bring the true peace of the prince of peace to the situation in the south of Sudan.
1.  First we will start with 3 days of prayer and fasting.
2.  Secondly a peace conference.
Our prayer theme:  2 Chronicles 7:14: "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land".
1.  Repentance.
Pray that all the Sudanese will come to acknowledge that they have sinned against God.
2.  Forgiveness.
Pray that every family that has lost someone will find grace from above to forgive.
3.  Reconciliation
Pray that a true reconciliation with God and one another takes place during these times of prayer and fasting.
4.  Unity
Pray for a true spirit of unity, that the wall of tribes will come down and a true unity based in Christ Church will take place across the nation of the south of Sudan.
5.  Rebuilding a broken nation
Pray that every Sudanese in the south will receive from the Lord a spirit of ownership to build the nation in every aspect of life.
Rev. Jeremiah Dawood (Armeia)
East Ham Baptist Church  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.