Ayder Referral Hospital, Tigray’s main hospital, is now turning away sick people they can no longer treat. They have run out of supplies, casting doubt on the government’s claim to have opened the war-torn Ethiopian region to humanitarian aid. 200 patients, including babies with meningitis and tuberculosis and a 14-year-old boy with HIV, have been turned away. Two cancer patients waiting for operations were turned away due to no cancer drugs. These needy people are suffering from widespread famine and the ravages of a brutal 17-month war. Officials said they could only accommodate patients with food or money. A paediatric ward nurse said ten patients left when there was no more food: they said, ‘Pray for us; instead of dying here let’s go home and die there.’ 

On 23 April WHO reported an outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). A patient aged 31 began experiencing symptoms on 5 April. He was sick for over a week before going to a local health facility. On 21 April he was admitted to an Ebola treatment centre but died that day. Recognising the symptoms, health workers submitted samples to test for Ebola. Now there are investigations to determine the source of the outbreak. The disease has had a two-week head start and medics are playing catch-up. The positive news is that the health authorities have more experience than anyone else in the world at controlling Ebola outbreaks quickly. By 27 April everyone had been inoculated in the province’s capital city, and over 230 Ebola contacts had been identified and monitored. Three vaccination teams will soon reach those at highest risk. See

A study by Tel Aviv University found anti-Semitic incidents dramatically increased across the world last year. The USA, Canada, Germany, Australia and the UK experienced the sharpest rise fuelled by radical left- and right-wing political movements and incitement on social media. The report's release coincides with Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day, 28 April, commemorating the six million Jews murdered by Nazi Germany across Europe during World War Two. It is based on the analysis of dozens of studies from around the world, as well as information from law enforcement bodies, media, and Jewish organisations. Anti-Jewish hate crimes in New York and Los Angeles were almost twice that of the previous year. In France, anti-Semitic incidents increased by almost 75%. The gravest concern is the dark web, which shelters extremists. Anti-Semitic content is freely and openly spread, but is only accessible through special illegal browsing software.

On 25 April Turkish philanthropist and human rights activist Osman Kavala was found guilty of attempting to overthrow the government and sentenced to life without possibility of parole. He had spent the last 4½ years in prison without being convicted. The sentence is the most severe to be given. He will be in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. He said, ‘The aggravated life sentence demanded against me is an assassination that cannot be explained through legal reasons.’ Human Rights Watch said the sentence was ‘the worst possible outcome to this show trial’. Amnesty International said, ‘We have witnessed a travesty of justice of spectacular proportions. This verdict deals a devastating blow not only to Osman Kavala but to everyone who believes in justice and human rights activism in Turkey and beyond. The decision defies all logic. Prosecuting authorities have repeatedly failed to provide any evidence that substantiates the baseless charges. We call for his immediate release as he appeals these draconian verdicts.’ See

Last week a Christian pastor was arrested on false charges of conversion activities in Uttar Pradesh and tortured for 24 hours. ‘I could not walk out of the police station. My two legs were swollen badly. There was so much pain. I could not move from one place to the other. Whenever there was a phone call about my arrest, the police increased the intensity of lashes with the belt and sticks. They beat me on three occasions while demanding I say “Jai Sriram” (Glory to Lord Rama).’ Local sources said the pastor and his family were visiting relatives and worshipping with them when a police van arrived after a neighbour complained. The police abused the family and arrested the pastor and his uncle. They took turns physically torturing them at the police station. At midnight his uncle was released when officers learned he was not a Christian.

In March the anti-Taliban group NRF started preparing a 2022 spring offensive against the Taliban government. Meanwhile tensions with Pakistan are high due to Pakistan security forces being targeted from Afghanistan. Islamabad has accused Kabul of doing little to stop this. Taliban-affiliated fighters (TTP and ISIL) have for years been operating along the porous border between the two countries, carrying out numerous attacks inside Pakistan. Now Pakistan’s air raids inside Afghanistan in response to the killing of its soldiers have raised tensions even higher. On 27 April the Taliban warned Islamabad of ‘consequences’ after nearly 50 people had been killed by Pakistani air raids in the border provinces. Pakistan has not confirmed being responsible for the raids, but Afghan residents have protested in the streets saying those killed were civilians. IS affiliates have also carried out attacks inside Afghanistan, posing a major security threat to Taliban rule.

Australia, for almost a decade, has called the nations of the world to join in 6 days of prayer and fasting for the United States of America. This year will be from 30 April – 5 May 2021.

May 5 is America’s National Day of Prayer http://www.nationaldayofprayer.org
The theme is “EXALT THE LORD WHO HAS ESTABLISHED US.” Colossians 2:6-7

April 30 is America’s National Day of Repentance  http://www.dayofrepentance1.org
Promo YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/tToauKY3FdQ

The National Day of Prayer is a vital part of America’s heritage, as is the USA Day of Repentance. The first national call to prayer was in 1775 when the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation.

Kym Farnik the Prayer Coordinator said, ““Both America and Australia desperately need to experience an Awakening to Christ. It is significant that this call to have communion Daily is in the month of May.  This month also celebrates Go20, a call for the Christians of the world to pray and share the Gospel with 5 people in the month of May. The simple goal is to reach a billion people with God’s love. Let us pray for the release of the gospel.”

Kurt Mahlburg features editor with the Canberra Declaration said, “We believe it is critical for us to continue to pray for America. All our respective nations including Australia and America, are at the point of moral and economic collapse despite the fact that our Western world as such was built on Judea-Christian Foundations.  America with all its faults is still a bastion of hope for the Gospel and a strong tower for the free world.”

Warwick Marsh an Australia Faith & Family advocate said, “Pray & Fast between the 30 April – 5 May as you feel led, but our main call is to ask individual believers all over the world to have communion each day of May 2022 and pray for revival, repentance & transformation for America. The celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ through communion as a prayer of intercession exerts great power in the realm of the spirit. Now is the time to celebrate Jesus for America.” 

Kym Farnik: 61 438 014 007
Kurt Mahlburg now in USA: +1 (310) 985-4763.
Warwick Marsh: 61 418 225 212


You alone are holy and righteous.
We gather with believers all over the world,
to humble ourselves before You,
to pray, to seek your Face and to turn from our wicked ways,
to intercede for the lost, the hopeless, the helpless and the world.

Lord, have mercy on us.


Thank You for loving the world so much
that You gave Your only Son, Jesus Christ,
to die on the cross for our sins
so that we could be reconciled to You
and adopted into your Family.

Lord, have mercy on us.

Let your Kingdom be established in every nation of the world,
Your will be done through the transformation
among peoples of all tribes and languages,
so that righteousness and justice will prevail.
We call on You for the salvation of the unsaved, for the unreached
and for those who have never heard about Jesus Christ, our Lord.

May Your Name be great, from the rising of the sun to its setting.


We have sinned.
Our world is gripped by the power of sin.
Our hearts are grieved by injustice, hatred and violence.
We are shamed by oppression, racism, corruption,
rape, theft and bloodshed in our land.
We mourn all loss of life in murder, abortion, war and terrorism.

Lord, have mercy on us, forgive our sins and heal our land.


You destroyed sin, conquered death and defeated Satan.
Deliver us from demonic oppression and from the scourge
of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Deliver us from demonically-inspired financial,
religious and ideological systems,
from poverty, slavery and tyranny.
Remove the veil of darkness that covers the peoples.
Restrain the evil that promotes violence and death.

Lord, have mercy on us and deliver us from evil.


Anoint us to bring healing to the sick, deliverance
to the oppressed and to comfort those who mourn.
Strengthen those who care for the sick and grant
wisdom for a cure for the COVID-19 virus.
Fill us with love and compassion
for the homeless, the hungry, the orphans,
the elderly and the marginalized.

Lord, have mercy on us and heal our diseases.


Head of the Church,
we confess that our homes are broken and our churches divided.
Our lives are polluted by selfishness, greed, idolatry
and sexual perversions.
We draw near to You for forgiveness, healing and restoration.
We need wisdom and insight for the global financial crisis
and how to use the resources of the Earth for the well-being of all.


Come and finish Your work in our cities,
our peoples and our nations.
Lord of the Harvest send forth laborers to
every unreached people group on the
earth. Father would you give your Son the
nations as his inheritance.

From all continents and islands, we cry:

Lift up your heads, O you gates!
Be lifted up ancient doors
so that the King of glory may come in!
Come fill the earth with the knowledge of Your glory
as the waters cover the sea.
The Spirit and the Bride say:

Amen! Come Lord Jesus!

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