(by Bekele Shanko)


The New Testament church was born in the second chapter of the book of Acts, a day that can be considered as the birthday of the global church. It was a special day and a part of God’s eternal plan. The disciples of Jesus who received the power of the Holy Spirit, as well as the God-fearing Jews who had come to Jerusalem from all over the world to celebrate the day of Pentecost, had witnessed the birth of the church on that day. However, two significant things had happened prior to the church’s birthday, during the 50 days between the Resurrection and Pentecost.

First, during the period of 40 days between his resurrection and ascension, Jesus presented himself to his disciples with many convincing proofs that he was alive. That means the death and resurrection of Jesus and repentance for the forgiveness of sins was proclaimed with clarity and conviction. Jesus also preached about the kingdom of God, turning the attention of his disciples to what was more important, unifying and eternal. Second, during the ten days after Jesus’ ascension, the disciples prayed in unity and anticipation for the coming of the promised Holy Spirit.

As part of our commitment to celebrate the birth, the life and the ministry of the church on earth, what if the body of Christ were to intentionally use a day like the one in Acts 2 as a Global Day of Church Planting? This doesn’t mean that we should only plant churches on that day. But if we were to set aside a day in which the body of Christ could prioritize and strategically think about church planting, it would give us a sense of unified vision, purpose and priority, as well as opportunities to collaborate with one another.

Therefore, the Global Church Planting Day is a vision to celebrate the birth of the Bride of Jesus by inspiring and equipping churches to start churches and groups in places and among peoples who do not have one. The 50 days between Resurrection and Pentecost could be used in the same way Jesus used to birth his church – 40 days of focusing on God’s kingdom, preaching the Good News and training church planters, followed by 10 days of concerted global prayer. Then on the Global Church Planting Day, each church plants at least one church.

Circumstances may hinder some churches from starting new churches or missional communities on that day or week, but we pray and hope that many churches could. You can imagine how many churches could be planted around the world even if 10 percent of local churches were able to implement this vision. Moreover, to ensure growth, sustainability and multiplication of the newly started churches and groups, continuous evangelism, discipleship and coaching of church planters would need to continue beyond that special day.


The Global Church Planting Day of 2022 is on May 29, 2022. We know that the day of Pentecost for this year falls on June 5, 2022, and this day is variable from year to year. With strategic input from the World Evangelical Alliance, a decision was made to make the last Sunday of May each year a Global Church Planting Day.

This also perfectly coincides with the vision and activities of the GO Movement and the GO Decade to mobilize believers globally to share the Good News with people around us. In a sense, the Global Church Planting Day will be a culmination of all the evangelistic activities done in the month of May, and it will enable us to integrate evangelism, discipleship, and church planting.


As we pray, plan, and prepare to implement the vision of the Global Church Planting Day, we must recognize the many significant existing factors that can help accelerate the work we are going to do. These factors include:

  • The examples of unity, prayer, and expectation the disciples modeled for us in Acts 1: 12-26.
  • The importance of focusing on the kingdom of God, the teaching and the training that Jesus demonstrated during the 40 days after his resurrection (Acts 1: 1-3).
  • The growing unity and spirit of collaboration already taking place in the body of Christ.
  • Easter weekend, during which many congregations see increased church attendance that can be maximized toward starting new churches and groups.
  • The activities and results of the GO Movement and the body of Christ that mobilizes believers for evangelism during the month of May.
  • Global prayer movements that inspire, unite and connect millions of believers around the world to pray for world evangelization from Passover to Pentecost.


Prior to April 10, 2022 – Every local church can develop plans to start at least one church. The plan may include identifying priority places and peoples in which new churches are needed; recruiting, training and supporting church planters, and mobilizing believers to pray and support the work of church planting.

April 10, 2022 –Launch the journey of 50 days and train church planters.

40 days after April 10 – Small groups and congregations study together a 40-day purpose-driven curriculum designed to unite our hearts and focus our attention.

Modeling and mobilizing prayer – Prayer Movement Networks, prayer groups and church congregations pray and mobilize prayer.

May 29, 2022 – Global Church Planting Day. This day can be used to celebrate the birth of the New Testament Church in Acts 2, to praise God for what he has done through the month of evangelism through the efforts of the GO Movement, and to launch new churches and groups.

Beyond May 29, 2022 – Church-planting-movement networks, local churches, and church denominations continue to train and coach church planters for sustainable church planting and multiplication.


The GO Movement

  • World Evangelical Alliance
  • Finishing The Task (FTT)
  • GACX
  • GCM
  • JesusFilm
  • Church denominations, mission agencies and local congregations

April 10, 2022: training of church planters begins
May 29, 2022: Next Global Church Planting Day

Download PDF

Join many people from across the nations for a one hour program kicking off a Global Day of Prayer for Go Month!  On Sunday May 1st, we will join in united prayers for the launch of this month of evangelism led by many respected world leaders.


Throughout May 2022, many millions of people will be evangelizing - one to one, both in public and through social media and we want to cover them in prayer! 

We expect tens of millions of people to be engaged during May just from the nations of Philippines, Brazil, Nigeria, East Africa, Bangladesh and India! The global total is expected to be much higher.
At the heart of our vision is the calling for every believer to be a witness! (Luke 10:2)

Our prayer focus during the 1-hour program will be:

> Pray for Christ to be exalted as King over the nations! (Col. 1:18) 
> Praying for every believer to be a witness (Acts 1:8)
> Praying for laborers to be sent to the harvest fields of the nations (Luke 10:2)
> Praying for gospel-centered churches to be planted (Psalm 110)

The GO PRAY programme will include inspiring testimonies to answered prayers along with prayers for the people of Ukraine.

'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'   Luke 10:2

Inspirational Leaders…

The online program will be led by many inspirational prayer-leaders and teachers including (in running order):

Werner Nachtiga – GO Movementl, Dr. Jason Hubbard – International Prayer Connect, Rev. Roy Funo - Solomon Islands/Australia, Rev. Gideon Chiu – China, Rev. D Mohan – India, Dr. Suzette Hattingh – Indonesia, Bishop Noel A. Pantoja – Philippines, Eric Watt – RUN, Bishop Dr. Stephen Mutua,  Graham Power and Anja Letsatsi – Global Voice of Prayer South Africa, David Hathaway - Europe Founder of Eurovision Mission, Ricardo Luna - Latin America, Dave Gibson –GO  USA, Candy Marballi - Founder of Global Children's Task Force, Janice - Child Intercessor India, Greg Stier - Founder Dare2Share, Dick Eastman and Jesse Engle - Every Home for Christ 

GO MONTH encourages all believers to:

- Pray for 5 people by name in your circle of influence to come to Christ (1 Tim. 2:1)
- One a Day! – share Jesus with someone each day during May!
- GO DAY – take part in this day of global evangelism on 28th May!
- Pray for 15 minutes a day for gospel movements in key cities around the world (Psalm 110). To sign up click here 24 Cities (pray4movement.org)

The GO PRAY Global Day of Prayer is being convened by International Prayer Connect and GO Movement in association with GOD.TV and numerous ministries around the world.  

Everyone can reach someone and together we can reach the world! 

How to Join us on May 1st!

We will be hosting this global prayer and worship service on the GOPRAY.WORLD website with broadcasts on GODTV and other networks.


View on YouTube anytime from 11.30am (UTC) May 1st

Sunday May 1st at 9.30pm in your region: 

ASIA                    CLICK HERE        9.30PM DELHI
EUROPE             CLICK HERE        9.30PM LONDON
AFRICA               CLICK HERE        9.30PM JHB
USA                    CLICK HERE        9.30PM NEW YORK

Click your nearest city link above to Watch for free online. Also watch on Digital TV + GODTV APP

The programme on Sunday May 1st will be English language with multiple language sub-titles including Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Mandarin, Bahasa-Indonesian, German, French, Russian, Arabic and many more.

Full details, timings and links to the video-streams and GOD TV regional programmes are at www.gopray.world

The downloads below include a Prayer for the World that Dr Jason Hubbard compiled and is distributing jointly with the World Evangelical Alliance.  It is being used by millions of churches across the world each Sunday!

DOWNLOAD FLYER  |  SOW IN with a GIFT  |  Prayer for the World  |  WATCH GO PRAY

CTT1.png  Part of #cometothetable | www.cometothetable.world

One Miracle Night is an annual, one-day event that unites believers around the world to pray for Muslims to encounter Jesus Christ in 24 key cities. It is a live, 24-hour prayer event, and takes place on Thursday, April 28, 2022, starting at 8am EST

One evening during Ramadan, the month of holy fasting, as many as 1 billion devout seekers pray for a fresh revelation from God. Tradition holds that on this one night - the Night of Power - God reveals himself to the faithful through miracles, signs and wonders.

One Miracle Night draws together many from the global Christian Church to pray for these seekers. In this third year of the event, we invite you to gather virtually for 24 hours of dedicated prayer with believers around the world, joining for at least one hour or as you can.

Pray with us that God reveals Himself in truth, love and power to each seeking heart.

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people." - 1 Tim 2:1 NIV

One Miracle Night is a partnership between RUN Ministries, International Prayer Connect, Jesus Film, the Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room and many other international groups.

What God did during One Miracle Night 2021:

Approximately 8,400 people participated.
Believers from 54 different countries came together to pray.
More than 50 partner ministries lent their support and took part.

Together, we prayed a total of 1,601 hours!


This year's event is hosted by Global Family Prayer Room.

Save the Date!

April 28 at 8am EST

Watch on the Global Family Prayer Room YouTube Channel

Spread the word!

Do you know someone who might want to join us in prayer on One Miracle Night?

Send them to this webpage - or better still - download the media kit that includes pre-designed social media posts and printable “save the date” cards that make it easy to spread the word in your small group, church or across your organization.

Download the media kit
(38.8MB zip file)  |  Sign Up for updates   |  More info  |  Watch the Event

Some of our partner / participating organisations:


In Creteil, a communist, socialist, and conservative suburb of Paris, a song of reconciliation and unity is rising - and a message that is attracting people from diverse backgrounds. ‘I don't have to build a church; I have to build a place where people will be loved. Not trying to make them look like me, just love them, introduce them to God, and they will be changed by the Holy Spirit’, says French pastor Ivan Carluer, founder of Martin Luther King Church. He drew his inspiration from the civil rights leader's message of unconditional love. Carluer also had a dream to create a space where blacks, whites, and people of other racial backgrounds could come together and reflect the diversity of Paris. Carluer's dream is now a reality. ``We have 20% all black, 10% all white, 10% Asian, and 60% cannot be defined,’ he laughs. ‘Jesus' colour!’ MLK is now one of the country's largest evangelical churches, and Ivan is a rising figure in France's Protestant movement.

Antioch churches

21 Apr 2022

Antioch churches are planted in the most deprived 20% of parishes. They are called Antioch because the New Testament church in Antioch was planted accidentally and immediately crossed cultural boundaries, reaching a big, diverse city with the Good News. Their leadership team was also diverse. They fasted, they prayed, they were guided by the Spirit, and they sent people out to plant other churches and supported them when they went. Today Antioch churches usually meet in community centres, libraries, coffee shops, restaurants, and homes. People in Manchester can attend church at the Mosely Arms pub in Bolton for an informal alternative to traditional weekly worship. ‘We just want local people who are often completely off church to encounter Jesus. We want the church to grow with those people, and for local leadership to be grown,'' says Rev Ben Woodfield, the vicar of New Life Church.

Addressing MPs after Easter and for the first time since being fined for breaking Covid laws, Boris Johnson apologised for his ‘mistake’ 35 times. He said he had not realised he was breaking the rules but he accepted the police's decisions. MPs want to vote on a Labour plan for a Commons committee to investigate his past comments about Whitehall gatherings, but ministers now want the vote to wait until probes by the police and Sue Gray have finished. A delay in this decision will not remove the threat of a censure motion - which allows MPs to criticise government policy, an individual minister, or the government as a whole. Any MP can table one, and it only takes a simple majority to pass. If it passes, it would not force Johnson to do anything but would put him under far greater political pressure. See also

Ministers have been ordered to send their civil servants back to the office after it emerged that up to three-quarters of staff are still working from home. Jacob Rees-Mogg, the minister for government efficiency, has written to all secretaries of state saying they must send a ‘clear message’ to officials to end the work from home culture and ensure that taxpayer-funded offices are at ‘full capacity’. He wrote, ‘Now that we are learning to live with Covid and have lifted legal restrictions in England, we must continue to accelerate the return of civil servants to office buildings to realise the benefits of face-to face, collaborative working and the wider benefits for the economy. Whitehall sources accused civil servants who refuse to return to the office of failing to ‘pull their weight’. Efforts to get civil servants back to the office have been hampered by unions pushing for further concessions on flexible working.

The Queen

21 Apr 2022

We pray for our Queen on her 96th Birthday. Lord, You bless us that we might bless others and so in the Name of Jesus, we speak blessing over the Queen’s life. We pray for health, strength and long life, and for You to surround her with honour as with a shield. We pray for boldness and increased wisdom. In her 1978 Christmas message she said, ‘Christians have the compelling example of the life and teaching of Christ and, for myself, I would like nothing better that my grandchildren should hold dear his ideals which have helped and inspired so many previous generations.’ So we pray, in the name of Jesus, over her wishes for her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, including Prince William and Prince Harry. May they not only hold to Christ’s ideals but know the God from whom they come and for faith in Jesus to lead and guide them. May they understand the gift of reconciliation and the power of forgiveness.