Brexit is having both expected and unexpected impacts on trade in agricultural and food products, and is blamed even when other factors may be at play (current fisheries dispute, lorry drivers shortage, increased red tape and costs in trading with the EU). Trade thrives on trust. Honesty and fairness in buying and selling are pleasing to God and make for a good society (Leviticus 19:36). Pray for all seeking to resolve trade disputes and for all affected by them, for peace, truth and equity to prevail in trade negotiations, and for Christians in trade to shine as lights of integrity and reconciliation. The UK's net zero strategy will profoundly impact farming and the countryside. The Lord has promised ‘seed time and harvest while the earth remains’ but holds us responsible for our stewardship of the earth (Genesis 1:28, 2:15; Revelation 11:18). Unlike some of today’s environmentalists, we have a message of hope. Large numbers of Christians are praying and present at COP26.

Richard Webber from the College of Paramedics said that members with thirty years’ service have never experienced anything like this. Lives are at risk because patients face unacceptably long waits for 999 emergency callouts for heart attacks and strokes, with some seriously ill patients waiting up to nine hours for an ambulance. Numerous investigations are going on into deaths linked to delays. The problems have forced all ambulance services to be put on their highest levels of alert - meaning that patients who can make their own way to hospital are told to do so. A number of services have brought in the military to support crews, and patients are taken to hospital in the back of police cars. Cases involve waits for crews to reach patients and delays when they arrive at overcrowded A&E‘s and spend hours queuing outside. Also hospitals cannot discharge patients fit to leave because of a lack of community support.

Education secretary Nadhim Zahawi said Oxford University should explain to Jewish students why it took a total of £12.3 million from the Mosley family, as anti-Semitism is not simply a historic debate. The Mosley charitable trust houses the fortune of Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists. The university is now facing a donor backlash. One benefactor vowed not to give St Peter’s College another penny, and four British Nobel laureates have urged the university to reconsider giving a professorship in the name of Mosley’s grandson, saying that doing so ‘dishonours’ their subject. On 9 November police were called to the London School of Economics, where activists carrying Palestinian flags demonstrated against Israel’s ambassador, who was addressing the university's debating society. They chanted that Israel is a ‘terrorist state’. Next week the debating society is hosting Husam Zomlot, head of the Palestinian mission to the UK.

A new project is planning to regenerate 15 percent of the UK's church land in a bid to cut carbon emissions. According to a Christian conservation charity, A Rocha, approximately 500,000 acres of land across the UK is owned by churches in the form of churchyards, conference centre grounds, urban community farms, and agricultural estates. A Rocha’s initiative aims to transform 75,000 acres of this land into wildflower meadows, native woodlands and food forests over five years. Regenerating certain types of ecosystems can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and lock it up safely in soil and vegetation. The scheme will also involve the restoration of peatlands to help to soak up carbon emissions with native mix forests, protecting soils from drought and floods. These nature-based solutions can make a significant contribution to lowering the amount of carbon dioxide that is being stored, held, and taken up across the country.

After speaking on climate change Boris Johnson told the media he ‘genuinely believes the UK is not a corrupt country’. But sleaze accusations continue. MPs' second jobs are under scrutiny after Owen Paterson was found to have broken lobbying rules. Questions are raised about the Conservative MP and former attorney general Sir Geoffrey Cox who earned around £900,000 last year through his work as a lawyer, while International trade secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan said it would be ‘wise’ to review the rules around second jobs. Although MPs are allowed second jobs, they are not allowed to use taxpayer-funded resources, or premises, to do so; this rule is being broken consistently. Meanwhile MP Andrew Bowie has decided to take a step back from his role of Tory vice-chair and focus on his constituency where he holds a narrow majority of 843 votes. A friend was quoted saying, ‘He doesn’t want to make a fuss but he’s unable to support the Government after the sleaze events of recent days.’

British scientists have identified a gene that doubles the risk of dying from Covid-19, opening up possibilities for targeted medicine and providing new insights into why some people are more susceptible to the disease than others. Researchers at Oxford University found that 60% of people with South Asian ancestry carry the high-risk gene. The discovery partly explains the high number of deaths seen in some British communities, and the effect of Covid in the Indian subcontinent. The scientists found that the increased risk is not because of a difference in genetic coding of the proteins, but because of differences in the DNA that makes a kind of ‘switch’ to turn a gene on. That genetic signal is likely to affect cells in the lung. The study shows that the way in which the lung responds to the infection is critical. This is important because most treatments have focused on changing the way in which the immune system reacts to the virus.

Kasia Wappa lives by Poland’s national park where a humanitarian crisis is unfolding on a scale not seen since World War 2. She is part of a network trying to save emaciated Middle Eastern immigrants who have been emerging from the wilderness since September. Most had spent days without food or water and were suffering from hypothermia and exhaustion. Some were sick from drinking swamp water. Kasia began by donating warm clothes, and now helps rescue parties retrieve lost and starving people from the woods. But the flow of migrants has increased, and she warns that many probably never make it. Ten deaths have been confirmed, and they have rescued many on the verge of dying. The Polish government has built a three-kilometre deep security cordon the length of its Belarus border to curb illegal immigration. All reporters are banned, creating a media blackout to hide the scale of the crisis. Rescuers now behave like insurgents, operating at night and evading police patrols.

FELM, a Finnish Christian missionary group, has cut ties with Palestinian children's rights NGO Defence for Children International-Palestine. Mr Stefansson, the charity's executive director, said they had concerns about possible banking sanctions of DCIP who are one of six Palestinian groups accused by Israel of channelling donor aid to militants and labelled as a terrorist organisation. The six accused groups have close ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which carries out deadly attacks on Israelis and is on US and EU terrorism blacklists. DCIP rejects the charge and says it has asked FELM to reconsider cutting funds. Steffansson said it is impossible to maintain ties with the group as, ‘It could have impacted the work we do in 30 countries through banking services.’ DCIP relies on European aid to fund its advocacy and rights monitoring work in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza.