Friends and intercessors, the following initiative is a week-long focused 24/7 week of prayer for revival in Africa. It is an initiative of Jericho Walls International Prayer Network in Cape Town.

If you would like to receive more info, or to participate please contact Daniel by whatsapp on +27 (83) 321-6909

Global call to...

? 24/7 PRAYER for REVIVAL ?

... among the African nations.

8- 14 NOVEMBER 2021

THEME:  Survival to Revival


To establish a 24/7 Prayer Watch in every nation around the world, praying for nation-wide revival and transformation of communities.


The "7 Days on the Wall" prayer initiative was birthed at the World Prayer Assembly, Indonesia, in 2012, calling local congregations to take one week per year to pray night and day for revival among the nations of the world. Since January 2013, this move of prayer has developed across South Africa, as well as in other African countries and in South Asia.


To find out more about the upcoming "Week of Prayer for Revival", 8-14 November 2021, and how to establish your own 24/7 Prayer Watch through WhatsApp/Telegram, please visit our website at (Daily prayer material, various resources, etc.)


by following this link

An Initiative of...

Jericho Walls International Prayer Network

Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room

24/7 PRAYER for REVIVAL: Africa – NOVEMBER 8-14

1st Friday GO PRAY – December 3rd 2021, 6AM Pacific

Harvest Prayer Broadcast Website

Watch Harvest Prayer on GOD TV

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Prayers for COP26
Climate Intercessors

15 Days of Prayer for Hindu Friends - Oct 24th – Nov 27th

Queens Prayer Baton Relay - Oct 21-July 22
World Prayer Centre, Birmingham, UK

Last Quarter Evangelism - Oct 1 to Dec 31

Fire on the Altar 2022 (Herrnhut)
April 18 – Oct 15 2022

Join many thousands of followers of Jesus around the world in praying for global Church Planting and Disciple Making movements using Disciple Keys!

Across 2022, we will take you on an inspiring and challenging worldwide journey of discovery as you are introduced to many of the people groups who have not yet heard the Gospel message. They represent billions of people.

Disciple Keys is available online, as a PDF download, e-book and hard/soft cover printed copy

Be equipped, with the keys to becoming a disciple maker!

Disciple Keys is ideal for use at home, in church, school, college or within a prayer or mission organization.  It has been written and published by 24:14 Coalition and Finishing the Task along with several other partner organizations.

'I commend Disciple Keys to you and trust that your faith will increase as you unlock a deeper understanding of the power of prayer in these times!' - Dr Jason Hubbard - IPC

Download, browse online or order Disciple Keys HERE

Awesome!: Exploring the Nature and Names of Jesus
by Dick Eastman  (Author), Mark Batterson (Foreword)

Prompted by a friend to describe Jesus as he is -- not as he was or will be in the coming days -- Dick Eastman found himself stammering. What followed over many months was a desire to get to know the Jesus who had changed his life, but in a much fuller and richer way -- now!

From then on, on scraps of folded paper in his pockets, Eastman found himself recording adjectives describing the nature and character of Jesus Christ, expanding them later into a personal devotional journal.

Reflecting Eastman's spiritual journey, this book of insights will challenge you to see Jesus as you may never have seen him before. Eastman's approach to studying the nature and names of Jesus will bring you closer to your Savior.

Each day of this enriching 31-day resource consists of Scripture, a short exposition, insights from Christian leaders, a prayer, and a practical application

Order Awesome! from Amazon:

Dear International Prayer Connect Pray for ZERO warriors,

Thank you for fulfilling the Great Commission through prayer so all people can have God’s Word in their language. Your role is critical to getting to ZERO! 

If we are to meet the God-sized goal of starting Bible translation in every language by 2025 in the remaining 1,903 Bibleless people groups, we need the power of the Holy Spirit and a global team who will go the distance together. 

We want to invite you to a new initiative that will create and unite advocates as voices for the Bibleless in communities near and far. Click below to hear about your role in this:

Become a Voice for the Bibleless...

Visit The Seed Company Advocacy Webpage for further guidance and resources on your journey.

ipc nove 2021 18bSolomon Lujan - Global Director of Prayer
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

On 16 October four-year-old Cleo Smith disappeared in the middle of the night while camping with her family in a harsh remote area of Australia. On 21 October we joined with many across Australia to pray for her to be found. Now, after 18 days, she has been rescued from a locked house in Carnarvon. The police have arrested a 36-year-old man and are questioning him. The authorities say they have so far not found any connection between the man and the Smith family. She has now been reunited with her parents. ‘Our family is whole again,’ was the message Cleo’s mother wrote on Instagram. Prime minister Scott Morrison said, ‘It is a huge relief that the nightmare has come to an end and our worst fears were not realised.’

Recently you prayed for eighty women on a spiritual retreat. Today we received this message: ‘The Lord answered your prayers abundantly! Thank you for praying for the many ladies suffering persecution from their families for their faith in Christ. This retreat gave them hope and allowed them to worship freely. One woman, overwhelmed with thankfulness, said her faith is growing and she looks forward to sharing Christ with others. Another woman, in tears, said, “The retreat taught me what it is like to be loved and valued by God and others”. Time and time again we see broken, weary, fearful attendees who have experienced suffering, trauma, and loss. But through God’s grace and power, after just a few days, a distinct, palpable transformation occurs. Hope-filled smiles and laughter, healing of past wounds, restoration of soul and spirit.’

COP26 - prayers

04 Nov 2021

Hundreds of ‘climate pilgrims’ have trekked miles from across the UK and Europe to Glasgow’s COP26. Some waved flags, others played musical instruments; many carried religious banners. Numerous intercessors prayed as they journeyed and will continue praying in Glasgow streets throughout the two weeks of COP26. We can pray along with them. Pray for world leaders to agree to act swiftly and justly transitioning the global economy from fossil fuels toward renewables. Pray for communities already affected by climate change to be fairly compensated. Pray for delegates to have the wisdom, compassion, humility and courage necessary to work in unity to safeguard the future of all life on this fragile planet. Pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire political leaders to embrace every single change needed to cultivate a more sustainable society, and may we all acknowledge the responsibilities God has placed upon us as stewards of His creation.