10 Days is a prayer meeting for your entire city!

The goal is a season where Jesus Christ is the focus of every heart in your geographical area for 10 complete days.

10 Days 2021 will be from September 6-16 beginning the evening of September 6th. It’s celebrated simultaneously in cities and towns around the world on an annual basis. Over 150 locations from all six continents participated in 10 Days 2020.

10 Days began in 2004 with a visionary experience.  It was born out of a time of seeking God with prayer and fasting, motivated by Jesus’ prayer in John 17, “Let [my followers] be one just as we [the Father and the Son] are one.”

IPC Sept 2021 11bHave you ever done something difficult, something that you doubted that you’d be able to do that later became one of the best moments of your life?

This Sept. 6-16, we challenge you to do something difficult that has the potential to change everything, impacting your relationship with God and your city!

More than 200 locations have already confirmed to be taking part during 2021.  Do join us individually or as an organisation! 

10 Days happens in many places at the same time.  Honestly, while we try to keep up, we’ve lost track a bit.  The bottom line is it’s better to worship and pray together.  This year for the first time we have more locations internationally than in the USA.

Find out what’s happening in a city near you. Check out 10 Days 2021 Locations

We would encourage anyone wanting to be involved individually, to also consider the Consecration Challenge.

Pray Online 24/7: We also have a number of online prayer rooms in a number of languages where prayer is happening around the clock.

Not all locations are listed on the map for security purposes 

Prayer and Fasting Resources

10 Days 2021 Prayer Guides
10 Days Prayer Themes
How to do 10 Days of Fasting
Consecration Challenge
Promotional Materials

Individuals can sign the Consecration Challenge: https://www.10days.net/consecration-challenge

Part of #trumpetstotabernacles | www.trumpetstotabernacles.org

In the midst of the current shakings, a number of Prayer and Missions networks are issuing a global call to prayer, fasting, and gospel proclamation based on the Biblical festivals of Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles. These Biblical seasons portray both a time of mourning, Return, and reverence of God, along with a time of rejoicing and harvest!

These feasts ultimately point to Christ and his Supremacy in our lives! They help us to remember and to renew hope! We set aside these days to remember and give thanks our deliverance and provision found in Christ, in the gospel, and in the coming of the Spirit. Based on these gospel promises we then renew our hope in Him alone!

When we humble ourselves and pray in repentance and in unity, we can only expect great things from our glorious God. While all of us have been impacted by the global pandemic and other shakings, we are more aware than ever of our need to have deep foundations in God, the kind we can only gain through prayer, fasting, and devotion to the Word. At the same time, these global shakings have a silver lining - many of us have a fresh sense of our need for one another as fellow believers.

Join the movement during this special season of humbling ourselves as we cry out with one voice, "Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven." As we see the day approaching, we are stirred even more with the corporate cry, "Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus!"

The Trumpets to Tabernacles Global Broadcast highlights significant events happening globally during the month of September. But at its heart, this video is a prayer meeting. With Bible based prayers from around the world, you will hear and experience the presence of God through the cry of His people from many nations who are longing for His Kingdom to come, His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Watch the Trumpets to Tabernacles Broadcast Online Premiere at 2.30PM EST / 7.30PM BST / 9.30PM Jerusalem time on Tuesday September 7th

Also on www.GOD.TV  at 9.30PM in each region on 11 September.

More info at www.trumpetstotabernacles.org

Africa Returns Is Coming - The Global Prayer Convergence

The Return is now sweeping across Africa. The Lord gave birth to the Vision of Africa Returns in the heart of Dr. Oluwasayo (‘Sayo) Ajiboye while at The Return Sept 26, 2020 in Washington DC. The Lord quickly touched young and older people in Chinese House Churches in the USA, raised groups of seasoned ministers in East Africa, stirred up Millennials in the nation of Nigeria to do marvelous deeds. Africa Returns was in progress without the strength of man.

Africa Returns is a continent-wide Prayer and Transformational Movement which will take place on September 10-11! Africa Belongs to the Lord!

Africa Returns prayer and repentance movement is quickly approaching. Starting at 4 am EDT on Friday, September 10th, join Rev. Kevin Jessip, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, Dr. Oluwasayo (‘Sayo”) Ajiboye and many others via simulcast as the continent of Africa will cry out to God in repentance, prayer and worship from a stadium near Lagos, Nigeria, and prays through their night until around midnight EDT.

Africa Returns Schedule summary: Ministry Conference: 4 AM to 7 AM EDT, Youth Concert: 11 AM to 2 PM EDT and All-Night Prayer: 4 PM to Midnight EDT.

We are asking for intercession and prayer for the broadcast base Nigeria and the entire continent of Africa!

To stream this event live for FREE, please add Africa Returns to your calendar and save this link thereturn.org/s-africa

It’s time for the scriptures’ promised Great Harvest of souls, and it begins with prayer and repentance.

We need your PRAYERS:  We pray that the Lord would embolden the church, to come and repent in front of the nations to the Lord and return to Him!

So please pray with us:

"Heavenly Father, we pray for the continent of Africa. We know that the harvest of souls is ripe and revival is upon the continent. We ask that you would protect and cover the persecuted church with your hand and make them invisible to the tactics of the enemy. Prepare the fields so you may receive what belongs to you!"

We need your INFLUENCE:

Forward this to friends to encourage them to join the simulcast, host a watch party, go to the website, and sign up for The Return International mailing list at:


Africa shall be SAVED! Partnering with us for Africa Returns brings a great wave of Christ’s salvation that is sweeping across African continent. This global simulcast will be viewed around the world!

Thank you for praying with us and partnering with www.thereturn.org and Africa Returns.

Romans 911 "Sound The Alarm!"  Simulcast With Grant Barry

Project broadcast on Saturday, 9/11 starting at 11:59 AM (Noon) until 2 PM EDT.

The Romans 911 Project is about a “911” urgent message that the time is now to unite the body of Messiah/Christ to spiritually reconnect between believing Jews and Gentiles, and between Israel and the Church. It puts legs and a face to this restoration in The One New Man and the family of God. It helps lead us and the church into John 17’s Love and Unity.

The Romans 911 study and video guide teachings fully unpack this reconnection message, which will be launched during this very special dedication to the Lord.

Tune in on September 11th (also Shabbat Shuvah or the Shabbat of the Return) from 11:59 am to 2 pm USA Eastern Time with Grant Barry, a prophetic intercessor and founder/president of Reconnecting Ministries, when he leads the portion of the overall simulcast on 9/11 Reconnection message of creating the Biblical analogy of One New Man, Jew and Christian believers in unity. He will outline a necessary Holy Spirit-led strategy and prayer initiative to spark End Times revival.

Rev. Kevin Jessip of The Return International is co-hosting with Grant Barry and will be speaking for the opening and closing remarks. Join us! To livestream this event, please save the below link and add this prayer and repentance event to your calendar. thereturn.org/s-romans

For more information on the Romans 911 Project, please visit Grant’s new website at:


Part of #trumpetstotabernacles | www.trumpetstotabernacles.org

Redigging the Wells of Revival – Global

The Return International is collaborating with Redigging the Wells of Revival - Global, which has called for all of us to gather by simulcast at the California site of Azusa Street Revival and to then “travel” by livestream to multiple other sites of revival breakouts in the USA and abroad while praying, fasting, and crying out on Saturday, 9/11 in expectation of “re-digging the wells” for another revival.

This powerful Redigging the Wells event will be live from 12 PM to 9 PM EDT.

Please save this link and mark your calendars to join with us in repentance, restoration, covenanting and revival at thereturn.org/s-wells

Genesis 26:18 “And Isaac dug again the wells of water which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father, for the Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham. He called them by the names which his father had called them.”

Part of #trumpetstotabernacles | www.trumpetstotabernacles.org


"From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised! The Lord is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens!" Psalm 113:3-4 (ESV)

On Tuesday, September 7th, 2021, at 5:00AM PDT (Vancouver) / 3:00PM IDT (Jerusalem) we will gather together as a global family to take our place of authority, in oneness of spirit, to speak life and peace into a world that is shaken by fear.

In the posture of being seated in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus, there is the authority to declare Life, Mercy, Supernatural Protection, and Provision for our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan.  We have faith to declare together that those who are persecuting the church today will also experience an encounter with Jesus that brings about their conversion— and the scales will come off their eyes as He encountered Saul on the way to Damascus. With the sound of victory, we will blow the trumpet!

More info and video invitation from David Demian: https://watchmen.org/sovpon


“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 (ESV)

Joining in the same spirit, we pour out our intercession and perfume from the nations at the feet of Jesus. Please join us as we gather on September 11th for “Perfume of Nations” from 5:00AM - 11:00PM (PDT) for 18 hours of worship from many nations, colors, tribes, and tongues. We fix our eyes on His Kingship and align with Heaven, declaring His rule and reign above all principalities and powers. We invite you to stand with us in God's promises and proclaim His blessings, faithfulness, and purposes over this region.

We will begin this time as a Global body, spending the first hour declaring light in the darkness. Join us at 5:00AM PDT (Vancouver) / 3:00PM IDT (Jerusalem) for a time of proclamation.

The event will be broadcasted on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

More info and video at: https://watchmen.org/sovpon

Joining some of our partner networks for a Global Day of Prayer for Church Planting Movements on October 9th 2021

John 10:9-10   Jesus said, “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.  He will come in and go out and find pasture.  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”

What: A focused time of prayer for the coming of God’s Kingdom in our world and your nation or region

When: Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 9AM your local time

Where: Your zoom room or together with others where possible in small groups

Who: Christians with a heart to pray for spiritual breakthrough and church planting

Why: To join Christians around the world in prayer for the glory of God!

We will pray for God to be glorified globally:

  1. COVID 19 Relief — for the healing of the nations
  2. Churches to be planted and disciples raised up — Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:19-20
  3. Political/Governments — for the Kingdom of God to come to earth and justice to prevail.

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

We will pray for God to be glorified locally in your region:
Please use additional prayer resources HERE
More info at www.ipcprayer.org/october9at9   

Australia Prays - The Biggest & Broadest Call to Prayer in Australia’s History

By Warwick Marsh

Australia Prays held on the 22 August 2021 was an historic milestone in Australia’s spiritual history. What is even more miraculous is that this unprecedented prayer event came together within 18 days.  It was the biggest and broadest call to prayer for the Church in Australia ever! The day itself proved to be astonishing display of Christian unity and humility that was “exceedingly above all we could ask or think?”

Watch the full day here. Starts at 7:20 Seconds:

God always meets our heart and hears our humility more than our perfect prayers.  As the Scriptures say, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”  Our theme prayer was “Lord have mercy, Jesus have mercy.”

We recorded over 30 videos from Christian Leaders to support & promote the day. Including leading Archbishops & Bishops and key Christian leaders.  These videos on their own are a beautiful testament to the “astonishing display of Christian unity and humility.”  Watch the 30 Videos here.

We ended up with support & involvement from 3 Catholic Archbishops and 4 Catholic Bishops plus 1 Anglican Archbishop and 3 Anglican Bishops.  

Several Denominational heads like the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church, Rev Peter Barnes, Ps Phil Pringle head of the C3 and Ps Wayne Alcorn President of Australian Christian Churches gave their support. Many more could be listed including different ethnic churches and multiple prayer networks. Soli Deo Gloria!

Not only that but there was wonderful representation from Civic leaders where Labor Parliamentarians outnumbered Coalition Members for a change. These included the Leader & the Deputy Leader of the Labor Party.

One could cynically say that the Labor Party are trying to curry favour with their much-neglected Christian constituency. Another explanation is that this once strongly Christian Party is coming back to its Christian roots which is a welcome sign for one and all.

Truly the Australia Prays Day of Prayer for the Pandemic was astounding and a very historic event but in the most wonderful way! Soli Deo Gloria.  I have never seen anything quite like it in my 5 decades of following God. The closest thing to it was the “National Gathering” around new Parliament House to open it in prayer in 1988 with 50,000 Christians.  While yesterday’s event did not exceed that in physical numbers. (We could be wrong?) The sweet spirit of humility that pervaded the interactive Zoom part of event, the leaders and those attending was extraordinary. It could only be Gods doing. Soli Deo Gloria!

Sundays live zoom numbers peaked at about 850 on Sunday night. (We believe somewhere between 2,000 – 4,000 viewers throughout the day.)

We believe that up to a million people could have taken part across Australia in one way or another in Australia Prays on Sunday 22 August 2021. This in itself is a momentous achievement. Soli Deo Gloria!

On Sunday, our indigenous brothers and sisters stood out like bright shining stars radiating the goodness and the grace of the lord Jesus Christ amongst us all.

We are always the result of someone else’s prayer. We are always standing on someone else’s shoulders! We will never know who prayed for us to get us to the point we are today. This is true for us all.

Prayer warrior Annie Cathcart had this to say about the Australia Prays event. “I was so touched by the prayers and unity in the Australia Prays Prayer Zoom, and I thank God for that; but as we all know there has been many years of prayers behind yesterday’s success. God is faithful and His power is unleashed - when God’s people pray.”

Alfred Lord Tennyson was right to say, “More things are wrought by prayer, than this world dreams of.”

I believe we are going to see amazing answers to prayer from this day of prayer. At this stage we do not know what they are, but the answer is already on the way.

As Matthew Henry said, “When God intends great mercy for his people, he first of all sets them praying.”

Suffice to say God has moved and is moving.


Warwick Marsh

National Day of Prayer & Fasting
PO Box 378
Unanderra, NSW 2526