Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room

NECF Malaysia: 40 Days Fast & Prayer
7 Aug - 15 Sept 2021

Pray for Afghanistan: 23 Aug – 21 Sept

10 Days 2021 | September 6 -16

Trumpets to Tabernacles Broadcast – 7 & 11 Sept

Watchmen: The Sound of Victory - 7 Sept

Africa Returns Sep 10-11th

9/11 The Romans Project (A Holy Convocation)
Reconnecting Ministries / THE RETURN

The Return Sept 10-11 2021  

Re-digging the Wells of Revival 2021 - Sep 11th

Watchmen: Perfume of Nations - 11 Sept

IHOPKC Return Conference - Sep 16-18

Your Voice Matters - Sep 23rd-25th 

1st Friday GO PRAY – October 6th 2021

Global Day of Prayer for Church Planting 9 Oct 9am

Fire on the Altar 2022 (Herrnhut)
April 18 – Oct 15 2022

Romans 911: Time to Sound the Alarm Kindle Edition

by Grant Berry


There is a transformation and reconnection coming in the family of God between believing Jews and Gentiles in The One New Man.

This comprehensive study unpacks the reconnection message to awaken and inspire you to embrace this vital key to God’s plans in the last days.

This book will help you:

  • Receive clear understanding of the role you can play
  • Learn the issues that have kept us apart and held back this unity
  • Move into strategic intercession inspired by the Holy Spirit

Will you be part of this end-time revelation?

Romans 911 is available from:  

And on Amazon Kindle

David's Tabernacle: How God's Presence Changes Everything

An ancient pattern of worship is re-emerging on the earth.

In Acts 15, the apostle James quotes the book of Amos, declaring that the “tabernacle of David” will be restored, and the people of the earth will respond to God’s gracious invitation into fellowship with Him.

David’s tabernacle is being restored in our day by the enthronement of God upon the praises of His people through worship!

The Lord is birthing a global day-and-night worship and prayer movement that will lead to a historic harvest of souls entering His Kingdom.

Worship creates encounter with the living God and His presence, bringing heaven to earth: wholeness and transformation to individuals, to cities, and to nations.

IPC Sept 2021 20bYou will discover your original purpose and eternal destiny as you step into David’s Tabernacle.

Matthew Lilley (pictured right) is an author, worship leader, intercessor and Bible teacher with a passion for God’s presence, extravagant worship & prayer and a desire to see cities transformed by Jesus. He has helped launch two houses of prayer in North Carolina and has also served in national leadership roles in worship & prayer movements such as Burn 24-7 and Awaken the Dawn.

'God described David as a 'man after his own heart.' David's Tabernacle helps you and me discover what was IN David's heart that moved the heart of God!  This is one of the best books written on the subject!  I highly recommend it!'  Dr Jason Hubbard - Director, International Prayer Council

This book is available paperback and for download. Buy it online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble AND Apple Books

Dear International Prayer Connect Pray for ZERO warriors,

Thank you for fulfilling the Great Commission through prayer so all people can have God’s Word in their language. Your role is critical to getting to ZERO! 

If we are to meet the God-sized goal of starting Bible translation in every language by 2025 in the remaining 1,903 Bibleless people groups, we need the power of the Holy Spirit and a global team who will go the distance together. 

We want to invite you to a new initiative that will create and unite advocates as voices for the Bibleless in communities near and far. Click below to hear about your role in this:

Become a Voice for the Bibleless...

Visit The Seed Company Advocacy Webpage for further guidance and resources on your journey.

IPC Sept 2021 21b

Solomon Lujan - Global Director of Prayer
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rehman Chishti, former PM’s special envoy for freedom of belief, heard of Action for the Church in Need when it brought Asia Bibi’s husband and daughter to see him. He became more familiar with how ACN aims to make the lives of persecuted people better, and decided to run the London marathon in October on its behalf. However, he slipped a disk, causing serious injury that initially left him barely able to stand. Now he will do the 26 miles walking five kilometres every other day. It is the most he can do due to pain. He said, ‘I will do the walk in segments as I can’t risk injuring myself any more. To me, politics is about fulfilling your commitments. On that basis I am adamant I will do that by walking the duration of the marathon.’

Agatha Christie’s detective Hercule Poirot was played by David Suchet who, in 13 series, made the part very much his own. Coming from a Jewish/Christian background he was agnostic until he was in the bath thinking about the afterlife and resurrection. His thoughts puzzled him, so he decided to investigate further by purchasing a New Testament. He was fascinated by the Roman Empire and started reading the book of Romans. Much was not understood until a passage spoke of a way of life he’d been searching for through most of his adult life - a coherent philosophy he could relate to. He said, ‘The Christian worldview is love.’ He added that his Christianity has stood him in good stead in his profession and private life: ‘I wouldn’t claim for a moment I’ve always succeeded in following the way of love. But I know what’s right and wrong. God is in control and knows what’s going on.’

Online betting rose significantly during the pandemic, the Gambling Commission has confirmed. Figures from the industry watchdog show a 12% rise in the number of adults gambling on the web between 2019 and 2020. Half of those did so using a mobile device, such as a smartphone. Matt Zarb-Cousin of Clean Up Gambling said, ‘Online gambling exploded in lockdown, with firms posting record profits. At least 60% come from those experiencing gambling problems, and online slots provide most of the revenue.’ He added, ‘Consumer protections, such as limits to stakes on slots, as on fixed-odds betting terminals, are badly needed in the gambling review.’ Researchers discovered that 21% of the 10,000 gambling premises in Britain are in the most deprived areas of the country, with only 2% in the least deprived areas.

A Brighton doctor helping recently-arrived Afghan refugees in the UK said it was ‘very emotional’ witnessing children beginning to play and smile again. ‘Many arrived dehydrated, malnourished and exhausted after days waiting outside the airport in Kabul,’ said 27-year-old Dr Luke Tester. ‘I can't imagine the suffering they must have gone through.’ He praised the resilience of the refugees, with many arriving unwell and without any possessions. ‘People are exhausted and ill, having gone through the unimaginable, but are still comforting each other. Children who are realising they're safe are beginning to play and smile again. There's been such amazing support for these people from the public; I just hope it continues.’ he said. The British Red Cross said that over £1m had been raised so far to help provide the refugees with essentials such as food, warm clothing, blankets and wash stuff.